Inflamed hemorrhoids: what to do, how to treat?

Inflamed hemorrhoids: what to do, how to treat?
Inflamed hemorrhoids: what to do, how to treat?

Many people know firsthand what hemorrhoids are. This pathology causes a lot of trouble and pain and can sometimes be accompanied by inflammation. Since this disease is very delicate, many people are simply afraid to go to a medical institution and thereby cause even more harm to themselves. In this article, we will talk about what hemorrhoids are, and also find out what to do if they become inflamed. Read the information provided carefully to arm yourself as much as possible.

Description of the disease

Hemorrhoids inflamed - what to do? Before you find out, you need to understand what this disease is. This disease is characterized by the presence of inflammatory processes, as well as varicose veins of a hemorrhoidal nature. Such a pathology can begin to progress, and this will lead to the fact that hemorrhoids become inflamed. What to do in this case, many are interestedof people. However, everything is in order.

If the hemorrhoids become inflamed, this indicates the presence of serious chronic processes. In this case, the disease then begins to actively progress, then gradually subsides. Even without timely treatment, inflammatory processes can subside, but the bump itself will remain in its original place. It is very important to consult a doctor even if the pathology is at a very early stage. This way you can avoid all sorts of he alth complications.

Why inflammation occurs

Many patients are interested in the question of why hemorrhoids become inflamed. In fact, there are several factors that provoke the occurrence of this phenomenon. The main cause is anal varicose veins. This phenomenon occurs when they lose their tone and become not so elastic. When the intra-abdominal pressure begins to actively increase, inflammation occurs in the hemorrhoids, and they simply fall out.

Hemorrhoids inflamed during pregnancy? This happens quite often. Since the uterus begins to rapidly increase in size, there is strong pressure on the vessels of the small pelvis. And the process of natural childbirth itself can provoke the occurrence of inflammatory processes. Very long and intense contractions contribute to the fact that the anal veins begin to stretch and expand very much.

going to the toilet
going to the toilet

Doctors often tell patients that they may develop hemorrhoids. What to do in thiscase? Proceed to immediate treatment, which can stop the cause of such an unpleasant phenomenon. It's no secret that the rectum is a wonderful place in which a large number of various pathogenic microorganisms can accumulate. At the same time, inflammatory processes occur when a person is in no hurry to seek help from a specialist, thinking that the disease will resolve itself. However, unfortunately, this does not happen, so the symptoms begin to actively progress. The sooner a person seeks help, the easier it will be to eliminate the disease.

Improper diet and poor personal hygiene are two more reasons why hemorrhoids have become inflamed. What to do if a person is used to leading an unhe althy lifestyle and does not follow his hygiene? It is time to change your attitude towards your own body. The sooner you realize this, the better it will be for you.

How to understand that hemorrhoids are inflamed

What to do? How to calm down? With such questions, people turn to doctors or try to cope with the problem on their own, looking for the necessary information on the Internet. Consider the main symptoms that inflammatory processes have occurred in the hemorrhoids:

  • There was a prolapse of the intestine. Sometimes you can even see it with the naked eye.
  • In the anus, strong pain is constantly felt, as well as itching and burning.
  • Occurrence of puffiness and hyperemia.
  • When going to the toilet "in a big way" in the feces, you can see small particles of blood.

If your hemorrhoids become very inflamed, you do not need to postpone going to a specialist and start treatment yourself. So you can only worsen your disease, because it can lead to such dangerous complications as the occurrence of thrombosis, abscess or paraproctitis. This is not the whole list of complications that inflammatory processes can lead to. A severely advanced form of pathology can cause death. Therefore, doctors do not get tired of repeating that the condition is very dangerous when hemorrhoids become very inflamed. What can be done to improve the condition? Definitely going to the hospital. Only an experienced and qualified doctor will be able to choose the most optimal treatment for you, taking into account the individual characteristics of your body.

Basic home treatments

Many patients are interested in information about what to do at home if hemorrhoids have become inflamed. To do this, you can use both medicines and folk remedies. Experts recommend combining both methods of treatment, because in this case the effect can be achieved much faster.

vegetable oil
vegetable oil

Drug therapy includes the use of various tablets, suppositories and ointments. Various suppositories and ointments will help eliminate the pain syndrome, and will also begin to quickly heal the cracks in the rectum. But with the use of oral tablets, you can normalize blood circulation and strengthen the walls of the anus.

It is also very effective to carry out treatment and through the use of varioustraditional medicine methods. This treatment is also quite effective. However, many people simply find a couple of recipes online and start testing them out for themselves. Before doing this, check with your doctor. Perhaps, for a number of reasons, some of the traditional methods simply do not suit you.

How to give yourself first aid at home

You need to start acting right away. If you notice that hemorrhoids are inflamed, what to do at home, we will now consider.

The first thing you need to do is lie down in bed and give yourself as much peace of mind as possible. For a while, you will have to forget about leading an active life. Never lift heavy objects or do heavy physical exercise. A very important step is to establish proper nutrition. Try to completely eliminate fried and fatty foods, as well as flour and sweets. Introduce foods that contain the maximum amount of fiber into your diet. This includes various plant-based oils, fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts.

You will have to change your lifestyle for a while if you have hemorrhoids. What to do at home? Take special care during the act of emptying the intestines. In no case should you push, as this can lead to the loss of knots, as well as to the occurrence of severe bleeding. The use of enemas can alleviate your situation. Try to wash yourself after every trip to the toilet. Use as soft toilet paper as possible, pre-dipped in warm water.

Inflamedhemorrhoids: what to do at home

There are several methods of giving yourself first aid. After all, if you notice the occurrence of inflammatory processes, it is not a fact that you can go to the hospital on the same day. That is why it is worth considering a few actions that you can easily do at home and that will provide you with an invaluable first aid.

good he alth
good he alth

In order to reduce pain attacks, as well as eliminate the exacerbation of inflammatory processes, you can use an enema. Add one tablespoon of freshly squeezed potato juice to it. Within a few minutes after the procedure, you will realize that your condition is really starting to improve.

Also, various douches have a good therapeutic effect. Take four tablespoons of dried wormwood and fill it with one liter of purified water. Bring the mixture to a boil, then keep it on fire for another five minutes. The prepared remedy should be infused for a couple of hours, after which you can start douching.

Conservative treatments

Once again it is worth saying that the treatment should be prescribed by an experienced doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of your body. Most often, doctors prescribe drugs that have a local effect on their patients. This includes the use of various candles and ointments. This is how you can achieve the fastest possible impact on inflamed hemorrhoids. On the pharmaceutical market, you can find a huge number of drugs thatnot only perfectly eliminate inflammatory processes, but also relieve the victim of pain in a short time.

But ointments are usually prescribed by doctors in cases where external hemorrhoids have become inflamed (an experienced he alth worker will tell you what to do in the presence of such a phenomenon). Preparations in the form of ointments can have different effects. Some of them have a quick effect. Others, on the contrary, are slow. There are also drugs that have a cumulative property. Of course, every patient dreams of how to eliminate pain much faster. But in addition to this, you need to choose a medicine that can cope well with the inflammatory processes that have arisen.

toilet paper
toilet paper

However, most often, doctors prescribe drugs to their patients in the form of suppositories. It should be borne in mind that they can have different effects on the body, so before using them, be sure to read the instructions and strictly follow the doctor's recommendations. Most often, doctors prescribe medications such as Relief and Anestezol to their patients. These suppositories are time-tested medicines. They give a really wonderful healing effect, which is why they are so popular.

If hemorrhoids are inflamed, the treatment is selected on an individual basis. Medications in the form of tablets for oral administration are not often prescribed by doctors. Only in cases where the disease has already begun to actively progress, and there is a possibility that it can lead todangerous complications. With the help of tablets, you can also relieve pain and eliminate inflammation. The doctor may prescribe oral antibiotics to his patient to minimize the risk of possible complications. Such drugs as Detralex and Phlebodia have proven themselves well.

However, sometimes the condition is extremely critical when hemorrhoids become inflamed. How to treat pathology in this case? If there are severe complications, the doctor may prescribe you a course of treatment with injectable medicines. The method of such treatment is called blockade.

Application of traditional medicine

If hemorrhoids are inflamed, folk remedies can come to the rescue. There are a large number of medicinal herbs that can give a good therapeutic effect. The main thing is not to self-medicate. After all, doctors usually support the desire of patients to resort to traditional medicine in this case, and therefore they themselves prescribe some methods. The main thing is to make sure that you do not suffer from allergic reactions and do not have other contraindications to the use of this or that method.

use of candles
use of candles

Let's consider some very effective methods of how to get rid of this pathology:

  • You can make rectal suppositories at home. Candied honey is perfect for this. Blind from it a figurine in the form of a suppository. If it does not get the shape you want, freeze it slightly. Insert a candle into the anus and keep it there all night.
  • You can also use wild strawberries. Take one tablespoon of the plant and pour it with a glass of boiled water. Let the product brew for half an hour, then filter it and make lotions. This method perfectly relieves inflammation and also stops bleeding.
  • There is also a very useful plant called knotweed. This remedy has long been used to treat hemorrhoids. Take two tablespoons of a dry plant and fill them with a glass of boiled water. Let the product brew overnight, then drink it in the morning, divided into three doses.
  • Also, homemade carrot candles have a good effect. Take a piece of carrot, grease it with honey and insert it into the anus. Such a home remedy is able to perfectly regenerate cracks, while having the effect of disinfection.
  • You can try making ice candles. This method of treatment is very simple and at the same time quite effective. In order to carry it out, you need to use a sterile medical glove. Pour some purified water into one of her fingers and put it in the freezer until completely frozen. Now dip the glove in hot water. This will help you remove the cooked candle. Insert it into the anal passage for two seconds. For the first time, this will be enough. Gradually increase the time to one minute. Carrying out this procedure can have an excellent analgesic and hemostatic effect.

If hemorrhoids are inflamed- how to relieve pain? Every person thinks about it. As you can see, there are indeed a large number of traditional medicine methods.

Don't forget your diet

Inflamed external hemorrhoids? What to do? If the resulting hemorrhoids began to be accompanied by inflammatory processes, then you cannot do without adjusting the diet. You will have to give up bad habits, such as drinking alcohol and smoking, as well as adjust your diet. Try to forget about spicy, fatty and starchy foods for a while. Give preference to cereals cooked in milk, as well as fruit purees. Increase your intake of dried apricots, prunes, and boiled beets.

pregnant woman
pregnant woman

It is very important to consume fermented milk products regularly. They will normalize the condition of the intestines and greatly facilitate your trips to the toilet. It is also recommended to use natural laxatives. Before going to bed, you can use one tablespoon of vegetable oil. This will help you rule out stool problems.

Inflammation of hemorrhoids after childbirth

Often there is a situation when hemorrhoids become inflamed after childbirth. What to do in order to improve your situation, your doctor will tell you. After all, at this stage of life, a woman is responsible not only for her he alth, but also for the he alth of her unborn baby.

As you know, during pregnancy, the likelihood of developing such an unpleasant disease as hemorrhoids increases many times over. If you do not begin to treat it, then it will be fraught with the occurrencecomplications. During pregnancy, as well as immediately after childbirth, it is not recommended to use medications to treat this disease. Therefore, traditional medicine can come to the rescue.

In order to eliminate inflammation, you can use celandine juice. To do this, you need to moisten a cotton swab with it, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, and insert it into the anus.

If you notice that the knot began to swell and become inflamed, then try making a bath based on chamomile, St. John's wort, and also onion peel. To do this, you need to sit in a warm bath for several minutes until the rectum warms up well. This procedure is recommended to be carried out for about seven days in a row.


Many people know firsthand how terrible it is when hemorrhoids begin to inflame. This causes discomfort and leads to very severe pain. That is why it is necessary to start treating the disease at its very initial stage. In this article, we talked about how to give yourself an ambulance at home and relieve pain. However, with a trip to the doctor still do not delay. An experienced specialist will prescribe you the use of special suppositories and ointments that will not only eliminate pain, but also relieve inflammation.

visit doctor
visit doctor

Take care of your he alth daily. Start taking care of yourself and you will notice how your body takes care of you. Take care of yourself and be he althy, and then you will not know what hemorrhoids are at all.
