The tonsil is inflamed on the one hand: what to do, how to treat at home

The tonsil is inflamed on the one hand: what to do, how to treat at home
The tonsil is inflamed on the one hand: what to do, how to treat at home

Today, there are quite a few viral illnesses that need to be de alt with when the first symptoms appear. Tonsillitis is a common disease of bacterial etiology that requires complex treatment. Most often, bilateral inflammation of the tonsils occurs, but in rare cases, the abscess appears only on one of them. But despite this, the pathology is accompanied by intense and pronounced symptoms. A person experiences a sore throat and it hurts to swallow. If the tonsil is inflamed on one side (what to do will be discussed in detail in this article), then therapy should be started immediately, since the disease is fraught with many serious consequences.

Main reasons

swollen tonsils on the right side
swollen tonsils on the right side

Let's take a closer look at this aspect. Inflammation of the tonsils can indicate the presence of a variety of diseases. It can be associated with a variety of viruses, fungi, staphylococci and streptococci. Wherein,as a rule, a person's immune system fails, as a result of which the body is not able to independently suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. According to doctors, if the tonsil is inflamed on one side, the reasons may be as follows:

  • tonsillitis;
  • adenoviruses;
  • laryngitis;
  • hemophilic infection;
  • flu;
  • pharyngitis;
  • mycosis;
  • herpes virus;
  • ARVI.

The diseases listed above develop not only due to pathogens entering the body, but also as a result of hypothermia, contact with sick people or getting wet in the rain. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to establish why the tonsil is inflamed on one side. Many people think that there is nothing wrong with that. One has only to gargle, and everything will be removed as if by hand, but this is far from the case. The therapy program should be comprehensive, and in order to choose it correctly, you need to make an accurate diagnosis. This can only be done by a qualified specialist after examining the patient and conducting certain tests.


the tonsil is inflamed on one side than to treat
the tonsil is inflamed on one side than to treat

Many people regularly encounter the fact that they have an inflamed tonsil on one side. What to do to quickly recover, and how to understand the presence of the disease in general?

Among the characteristic clinical manifestations are the following:

  • high temperature;
  • swelling and redness of the throat and larynx;
  • general weakness;
  • pain and sore throat;
  • difficulty chewing and swallowing food;
  • white coating on tonsils;
  • heavy breathing;
  • sometimes cough.

Clinical manifestations can manifest both simultaneously and in certain groups, and also have different intensity and severity. If it hurts to swallow and the tonsil is inflamed on one side, then you should visually inspect the throat. In the presence of redness, swelling and abscess, you should immediately go to the hospital.


severely inflamed tonsil on one side
severely inflamed tonsil on one side

So, the tonsil is inflamed on one side - what should I do? Let's dwell on this in more detail. The first step is to see a doctor, since therapy involves taking medications that are selected individually depending on the infectious agent.

The treatment regimen should include:

  • general requirements;
  • systemic drugs;
  • means for local use.

When a patient has an abscess, as a rule, classical treatment is ineffective, so surgery may be required.

General Requirements

If the tonsil is inflamed on one side, then throughout the course of treatment, several basic recommendations should be followed to speed up recovery.

They include:

  1. Special diet. Spicy and s alty foods, marinades, as well as dry foods that can scratch your throat should be excluded from the menu. Dishes should have softconsistency and easy to swallow.
  2. Strict bed rest. It is necessary to provide the patient with complete rest, excluding any physical and psychological stress.
  3. Isolation of the patient. In order not to infect others, it is necessary to minimize contact with others, as well as use separate dishes.
  4. Plentiful drink. The liquid not only moisturizes the mucous membrane and makes you feel better, but also helps to cleanse the body, which has a positive effect on the treatment.
  5. Temperature control of food, drink and medicines. Everything that the patient consumes should not be either hot or cold. The rooms in the apartment should be ventilated frequently. Regular wet cleaning is also recommended.

If the tonsil is severely inflamed on one side and a characteristic plaque has formed on it, then it is forbidden to try to eliminate it on your own. Doing so can damage an already inflamed mucosa, causing the tonsil to swell even more.

Systemic drugs

sore throat treatment
sore throat treatment

For angina and any other diseases of the throat, oral, intramuscular and intravenous drugs are prescribed. If the hospitalization of the patient was not carried out and he was left on home treatment, then the most optimal option is tablets, sprays and rinse solutions.

What to do if the tonsil is inflamed on one side - how to treat it? As mentioned earlier, complex therapy is needed, which includes taking the following medications:

  1. Antibacterial: selected individually depending on the diagnosis. Most often, Augmentin, Cedex or Roxithromycin are prescribed. In the presence of an abscess, "Penicillin" is considered the most effective.
  2. Antimycotics: used to treat diseases caused by the fungus Candida. One of the best systemic drugs in this group is Fluconazole.
  3. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: bring down the temperature, relieve inflammation and swelling, and also relieve pain. According to many experts, Paracetamol and Ibuprofen are the best.

All medications must be taken under strict adherence to the doctor's instructions. Exceeding the dosage can provoke the development of side effects and adversely affect the patient's well-being.

Means for local use

If the tonsil is inflamed on the left side, then, in addition to systemic, local preparations are necessary. They come in aerosols, lozenges, and gargles.

Their composition may contain either one or several active substances:

  1. Antiseptic: have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms. Preparations based on them are used to irrigate or lubricate inflamed tonsils.
  2. Anesthetic: relieves pain and makes swallowing easier. As a rule, they are part of drugs with a wide spectrum of action.
  3. Anti-inflammatory:are made in the form of solutions for gargling mainly from ingredients of natural origin.
  4. Antimikotik: has various forms of release and is used in conjunction with antiseptics.

If a person has an inflamed tonsil on one side, then when using local preparations, it is very important to extend their contact with the mucous membrane as much as possible. Therefore, after treating the tonsils, the patient should not eat, drink or smoke for at least one hour.


So what do you need to know about this? If the inflammation is localized on the tonsils on only one side, then this indicates the concentration of pathogenic microorganisms on it. To prevent their further spread, doctors advise gargling with special medicines that have an antiseptic effect.

Among the best are the following:

  • "Miramistin";
  • "Furacilin";
  • "Rivanol";
  • "Okie";
  • "Eludril";
  • "Chlorophyllipt";
  • "Dioxidine".

A good alternative to purchased drugs is a solution of s alt and baking soda. To improve the healing properties, doctors advise adding a couple of drops of iodine. To relieve pain, use a herbal decoction made from chamomile, marigold, St. John's wort and sage. You need to rinse at least 5-6 times a day until complete recovery.


If the tonsil is inflamed on one side, what to dofor a quick recovery? Mandatory activities are taking medications and gargling. As an auxiliary method of treatment, doctors advise putting warm compresses. However, the patient should not have too high body temperature and purulent process. They can be made based on:

  • alcohol or vodka;
  • potatoes;
  • honey;
  • sunflower oil;
  • vinegar;
  • cabbage leaf.

Most often put alcohol compresses. They take a plentiful piece of cotton wool, soak it in vodka, apply it to the throat, then wrap it in cellophane and a warm scarf, and take it off in the morning. The procedure is repeated until the main symptoms of the disease disappear.


inhalation for inflammation of the tonsils
inhalation for inflammation of the tonsils

This is another effective procedure that you can do yourself at home if the tonsil on the right side is inflamed. Evaporation of essential oils is very useful. They have a large number of useful properties, relieve pain and inflammation well. However, you need to be very serious about the choice of components for performing inhalations. When using inappropriate ones, a greater risk of developing allergies is created, which can aggravate the situation and complicate further treatment. The best option would be essential oils of fir, black cumin, lemon, peach, rosehip or eucalyptus. As in the case of compresses, inhalations are allowed in the absence of temperature. If during the procedure any deterioration in well-being is noticeable, then it should be interrupted immediately.

Prevention measures

swollen gland on one side
swollen gland on one side

Unfortunately, there are no really effective ways to avoid getting a sore throat. The only thing that can really help is strengthening the immune system. To do this, you need to eat he althy food, lead an active lifestyle, get enough sleep and try to walk more on the street. In addition, it is necessary to strive to avoid any negative factors that can provoke inflammation of the tonsils.

Among the main preventive measures are the following:

  1. Quit smoking.
  2. Stop drinking alcohol.
  3. Dress appropriate for the weather.
  4. Don't get cold.
  5. Try not to drink too cold drinks.
  6. Follow the basic rules of oral hygiene.

By adhering to these basic rules, you can reduce the risk of inflammation of the tonsils, and you will not have to spend a lot of time and money on treatment, which is very expensive these days.


the tonsil is inflamed on one side, it hurts to swallow
the tonsil is inflamed on one side, it hurts to swallow

Tonsillitis is a disease that can result in many serious complications. In the later stages of the course, drug therapy is not always effective and gives the expected result, so sometimes patients are prescribed a surgical operation to cut out the tonsils. Therefore, it is better not to run it and not self-medicate, and if the first suspicions of a sore throat arise, immediatelygo to the hospital.
