Each person sooner or later faces a headache and tries to get rid of it as quickly as possible by taking medication. At the same time, few people think about why it appeared, but this is an indicator that there are certain problems in the body. But if you see a doctor in time, you can avoid the development of a complex pathology.
Headache types
Today, doctors distinguish four types of headaches:
- sinus - manifested in the presence of a history of sinusitis and is accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms;
- tension headache, which, one might say, is already the scourge of modern man, as it is often the result of overexertion and stress;
- cluster type - a fairly rare occurrence, characterized by unilateral pain that appears several times a day;
- migraine - often accompanied by feelings of nausea, numbness and weakness.

Tension - tension headache
Notthe secret is that although the life of a modern person is easier when compared, for example, with the Middle Ages, nevertheless it is inextricably linked with stress, physical and emotional overstrain. Inadequate rest and sleep lead to a deterioration in well-being. And what does a person often feel at such moments? Headache, which is called tension.
The pain appears suddenly, gradually increases and can last from 30 minutes to several days. This type is typical for adults.
Headache can be rare, up to 15 days a month, or it can be chronic and make itself felt every day. As a rule, a person feels the approach of pain. As the day progresses, it fades and then gets stronger.

Risk group
American scientists are sure that from 30 to 80 percent of the total population of the country suffer from tension headache from time to time. And about 3% have a chronic pathology. Almost all people over 22 are at risk.
A number of studies have shown that such a headache is more typical for the female half of humanity, and women suffer from pathology 50% more often than men. For some women, the duration of pain can be from 60 to 90 days in a row.

Why is this happening?
It is clearly established that this pathology is not inherited, although its clear causes, which are characteristic of most patients, have not been identified. But still, doctors identify a number of factors that can lead to thisproblem.
The most common causes of tension headaches are:
- lack of proper sleep;
- fasting, following a strict diet;
- constant fatigue;
- strong and stable surge;
- feeling uneasy;
- depression and stress;
- bad posture.
Causes that also provoke the appearance of headaches include severe and prolonged overexertion of the visual system, arterial hypertension, severe cold or heat, hormonal imbalance and premenstrual syndrome. In some cases, pain may occur while taking a number of medications, for example, psychostimulants.
Its main differences from other types - tension headache is not accompanied by a feeling of nausea or vomiting, there is no increased sensitivity to bright light or noise.
There are no symptoms that accompany a migraine - decreased visual acuity and muscle weakness. In addition, with migraine, pain is localized in one area of the head, and with overexertion pain, discomfort is localized in the temples, in the back of the head, and sometimes on the neck.

On average, there are a number of symptoms of tension headaches that are inherent in almost every attack:
- mild to moderate pain;
- may appear anywhere on the head, even on the neck;
- appears most often in the evening;
- absent-mindedness during an attack;
- irritability;
- chronic fatigue.
If the pain appeared during the day, then their intensity may vary - become stronger and weaken.
Methods of struggle
The main goal of therapeutic measures is to relieve muscle tension and prevent seizures.
Treatment of tension headache involves the following activities:
- use of painkillers;
- when depressed, use antidepressants;
- relaxation and good rest;
- the use of sedatives, in particular even those prepared according to folk recipes;
- help from a psychologist who will help you cope with stressful situations;
- finding and eliminating the source of stress.
First steps
First of all, when a tension-type headache appears, you should not panic, but you need to calm down and look into your home first aid kit. You can use the ordinary and long-known "Citramon", "Tempalgin" or "Ibuprofen", "Paracetamol", other similar pharmaceuticals.

In extreme cases, if you can't manage the pain with ordinary painkillers, you can take antidepressants prescribed by your doctor to relieve tension and relax your muscles as quickly as possible.
For prolonged headaches, it is recommended to knead the cervical region, naturally, relax, go for a walk or do some light exercise.
If with a problem yourselfcan't do it, you'll have to see a doctor. In addition to prescribing medication, the doctor may recommend a visit to a psychologist or psychotherapist to help the patient cope with their internal problems and experiences, which are the cause of this condition. The psychotherapist will help to form a line of daily behavior. Autogenic training gives good results. In some cases, a positive result can be achieved with the help of physiotherapy, electrosleep and reflexology, a warm bath. This type of pain is well relieved by massage. It can be a self-massage in the neck area, a professional course or just a massage shower.

Folk ways
Tension headache is well-resolved with recipes that were known to our ancestors.
Lavender is a plant that allows you to quickly relieve stress and cope with overstrain, and therefore eliminate headaches. The simplest recipe: steam a few sprigs of the plant and drink it as tea in the morning and evening. You can drop lavender essential oil into the water and breathe in vapors, or add a couple of drops to your bath.
The most affordable remedy is mint tea. You can buy it at a pharmacy or store and drink it instead of tea several times a day.

Prevention measures
Like most diseases, it is better to prevent tension headache than to treat later and deal with severe manifestations.
First of all, we should reconsider the regimenutrition. The diet should contain foods high in vitamin B, which allows the body to cope with excessive stress. Eggs, pig liver and oily fish are ideal foods.
Magnesium, like vitamin B, can reduce anxiety and cope with stress. Magnesium is abundant in walnuts, brown rice, pumpkin and cocoa powder.
Stick to the right routine of the day. Sleep should last about eight hours, at least seven. If the work is sedentary, then light physical exercises are necessary. Be sure to maintain proper posture. In fact, it is not so difficult, you just need to take care of yourself for a while, then correct posture will become a habit.
You should learn not to worry about trifles, avoid conflicts and stressful situations.

What not to do
There are a number of rules that every person should know in the presence of tension headaches, especially in chronic manifestations of the pathology. First of all, if you have a headache, you should not immediately drink all the pills from the vial. One is enough, it just takes time for the medicine to work. At such times, do not apply a heating pad or make a cooling compress. This pain did not arise against the background of elevated body temperature, but for completely different reasons.
In no case, when the attack began, you can not smoke, nicotine will only worsen the condition. Naturally, alcohol will not help either. It's better to drink a cup of soothing teaventilate the room, and if possible, it is better to lie down and relax.
Possible complications and when to see a doctor
Tension pains primarily reduce the ability to work, especially if they are long-term. Some people have to give up their plans, even take time off or go on vacation not when they want to, but when their head hurts. Therefore, the rest regimen is so important in the fight against pathology.
If the pain is sharp and severe, then you should consult a doctor, perhaps this is no longer a tension headache. The same should be done if, against the background of pain, confusion appears, fever begins and the muscles are constrained. Watch your he alth and no headache will disturb your plans.