Functional diarrhea often appears due to the appearance of disorders associated with the functioning of the intestines. Because of this, there is a frequent desire to empty. The stool becomes liquid, and the urge to defecate becomes much more frequent (about 4 times a day).
This type of diarrhea is not a separate disease, but nevertheless unpleasant symptoms interfere with a he althy and fulfilling lifestyle. This indicates a malfunction in the digestive organ.
Signs of disease

Diagnosis of the disease is not entirely easy, since the signs tend to change depending on the form of diarrhea. For example, a functional type may manifest itself as diarrhea or a combination with constipation. As medical practice shows, most often the first symptoms of diarrhea are:
- liquid and richchair;
- have bowel movements more than 6 times a day;
- no pain in the abdomen;
- bone ache;
- drawing pain in the lower back;
- migraine and headaches;
- after going to the toilet there is a feeling of incomplete emptying.
Prolonged functional diarrhea may develop without apparent improvement or deterioration within a year. During this period, a person becomes restless, as this affects his emotional background. Depression and irritability may appear.
Often the cause of the disease is stress or anxiety. Experts believe that this disorder appears mainly in women who are over 30 years old.
Even though this is one of the most common problems, doctors are not always able to determine the cause of functional diarrhea.
Main cause of occurrence

Among the most common causes of diarrhea, there is an increased sensitivity of the nerve ending in the anus, as a result of which the pressure of the feces provokes a rapid release of the latter from the body. Violation of the psyche and disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system can cause prolonged diarrhea. The reason can be both the defense of a diploma and an important interview. Everything in the human body interacts. Therefore, experiences have a bad effect on the work of the entire digestive system.
Doctors believe that this disorder can be inherited. If a mother or father experiences this during times of stressfeeling, children are more likely to develop functional diarrhea. Symptoms may not appear at an early stage of development, so it is impossible to know the diagnosis without consulting a doctor.
Provoking factors

There are several factors that can cause functional diarrhea. These include:
- Irregularities in the intestinal microflora. When there is a shortage of essential substances and living organisms, while there are a large number of harmful bacteria, food cannot be digested normally and is immediately excreted from the body in the form of feces.
- Poor quality or spoiled food.
- Serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Pill overdose or drug side effects.
The use of antibiotics or other strong drugs most often adversely affects beneficial microorganisms. For this reason, while taking an antibiotic, doctors recommend eating a balanced diet and taking vitamins, as well as prebiotics.
In frequent cases, functional diarrhea in children appears for the following reasons:
- Eating disorders. When there is a lot of fiber in the diet, it can cause acute diarrhea. It is important to adhere to the basic rules for the introduction of complementary foods, otherwise the child may experience stomach problems. During breastfeeding, it is important that the mother follows the diet. If certain foods cause an allergic reaction, then you need to exclude them in order to normalize digestion.
- One ofThe first symptom of teething is diarrhea.
- Drugs. Some antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs can cause diarrhea.
Acute intestinal infection is one of the most common causes of diarrhea. The causative agent can be a virus, bacterium, fungus or parasites. Therefore, it is necessary to thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables before eating, to monitor the cleanliness of the child's hands.
Varieties of diarrhea

There are several main varieties due to various diseases. Among them are:
- secretory (intestinal infections, short bowel syndrome, Whipple's disease);
- exudative (celiac disease, disaccharidase deficiency, chronic pancreatitis);
- osmolar (inflammatory bowel disease);
- hyperkinetic (irritable bowel syndrome).
When functional diarrhea is running, the medications are prescribed by the attending physician in a hospital setting.

If functional diarrhea lasts more than a day, you should see a doctor. This is necessary in order to prevent dehydration and exhaustion of the body. Among the main varieties of diagnostic methods are:
- colonoscopy;
- gastroscopy;
- irrigoscopy;
- sigmoidoscopy.
By laboratory research, it is possible to confirm or exclude the presence of cancer or tumor diseases. Given the physiologicalcharacteristics of the patient the doctor prescribes a specific type of examination.
Acute diarrhea
A doctor diagnoses acute diarrhea based on 5 factors. Among which:
- patient complaints;
- results of the study by the physical method;
- assessment of indicators of anamnesis;
- proctological examination;
- Backseeding results.
The basis of diagnosis is the analysis of bacterial culture of stool. Faeces should be carefully examined in order to determine the presence of harmful microorganisms. In addition, bloody admixture indicates the presence of severe inflammation. In the event that there is a suspicion of the presence of a focus of inflammation, an additional examination is carried out using a sigmoidoscope. The general condition of the intestinal mucosa is assessed.
Treatment process

Multifunctional diarrhea can be a sign of many diseases. It is for this reason that the doctor should identify and treat the main pathology as soon as possible. The treatment of functional diarrhea includes several main steps, including:
- Proper and balanced nutrition.
- Elimination of pathology by medication.
- Taking antibiotics.
- Therapy with drugs that normalize bowel function.
In the case of an acute form of functional diarrhea (according to ICD-10 code - K59.1), the diet should contain foods that do not cause bloating and fermentation, while preventing the release of fluid intointestinal space.
Best drugs
If functional diarrhea is due to an infectious disease, then you should take antibiotic drugs that eliminate harmful microorganisms. These drugs include:
- sulfonamides;
- quinolones;
- nitrofurans.
Among the most effective eubiotics prescribed by a doctor in case of diarrhea:
- "Linex";
- "Bifiform";
- "Lactobacterin".
These medicines eliminate dysbacteriosis. During treatment, experts recommend taking an enveloping drug. Namely:
- "Smektu";
- "Tannacomp";
- "Polifepan".
"Imodium" well supports intestinal motility. The duration of the course and the dose are determined strictly by the doctor.
Preventive measures
The best prevention for diarrhea will be the observance of elementary rules of hygiene and nutrition. To prevent the development of bacterial infection of the intestines, it is imperative to wash fruits and vegetables before eating. With the help of heat treatment, you can get rid of many harmful microorganisms. Do not consume poor-quality raw water and suspicious food that can cause diarrhea.
In the event that an allergy becomes the cause of an upset stomach, contact with allergens should be excluded. With neurogenic diarrhea, you need to rest more and walk in the fresh air. If possible, do not be nervous andavoid stressful situations. A calm environment should be created. If you have to worry or be nervous a lot because of work, you need to reconsider your activities.
Most viruses and bacteria that enter the stomach die due to contact with acid, but some varieties can survive and enter the intestine, thereby causing the problem.
Intestinal disorders in children

Under 2 years of age, children have loose stools. If the child is bottle-fed, then the feces are more liquid than those of infants. Among the first signs of functional diarrhea in children:
- Severe bloating and gas.
- Watery stools.
- Presence of foam in feces.
- Increased body temperature.
- Feeling of incomplete emptying.
- Admixture of mucus or blood in feces.
Functional diarrhea is less common in young children than in adults. But the appearance of at least one of these signs should be cause for concern. This problem is not as harmless as it seems. If diarrhea lasts more than two weeks, then this indicates a chronic form of diarrhea. A green tint of the stool can also be a bad sign. You can’t self-medicate, because in this way you can only aggravate the situation.
First Aid
Both adults and children should be given a warm drink to replenish lost fluids. Against the background of diarrhea, general fatigue and weakness may occur. Soit is better to reduce any physical activity and just lie down on the sofa. It is forbidden to drink carbonated and sweet drinks, it will only hurt. It is desirable to exclude dairy and sour-milk products from your diet for a while. Be sure to take antidiarrheal and coating medicines.
If during the day the general condition has not improved and the number of trips to the toilet has not decreased, you should consult a doctor. At home, it is impossible to determine functional diarrhea, the symptoms may indicate the presence of another disease. Doctors do not recommend the use of alternative methods of treatment, since a variety of herbs and infusions have such a strong effect as antibiotics. If there are serious diseases associated with the digestive organs, it is not recommended to take even the safest drugs, the consequences may be irreversible.