"Nutricomp Diabetes" - composition, instructions for use

"Nutricomp Diabetes" - composition, instructions for use
"Nutricomp Diabetes" - composition, instructions for use

"Nutricomp Diabetes" is a modern drug of the latest generation. This is due to the fact that in the process of its production a special innovative formula is used. In its composition, the presence of a minimum amount of carbohydrates is declared, which are enriched with fibers with medium chain triglycerides. The main purpose is the treatment of diabetes.

Pharmacological properties of the drug

"Nutricomp Diabetes Liquid" in its appearance resembles a dry, powdery mixture that does not require any pre-treatment, that is, ready to receive. Since the composition contains specific components, the drug is well and quickly absorbed by the body, and the likelihood of adverse reactions is minimized.

nutricomp diabetes instructions
nutricomp diabetes instructions

It is recommended to take Nutricomp Diabetes orally. The instruction does not contraindicate the use by means of a probe in the form of food. The medicine acts comprehensively and safely. Almost all representatives of the line do not have any pronounced smell, but the presence of aromatic additives is not considered a deviation.from production norms.

Active ingredients

The drug "Nutricomp Diabetes" has a multicomponent composition. It contains the following items:

  1. M altodextrin.
  2. Dietary fibers.
  3. Glucose (does not exceed 26%).
  4. Calcium and sodium caseinate.
  5. Hydrogenated coconut oil.
  6. Soybean oils.
  7. Vitamins and minerals.
  8. Micronutrients.
  9. Natural flavor.
  10. Monoglyceride.

If you calculate the energy value in 100 grams of powder, then it corresponds to 486 kcal. The main part, namely 50%, is polyunsaturated fats, glucose is only 17% and various carbohydrates 33%. Nutricomp Diabetes is distinguished by the absence of gluten compounds, sucrose, and cholesterol.

Mechanism of drug action

The medication in question is recommended for admission in order to avoid the development of complications against the background of diabetes mellitus and other pathologies. Since it contains vital prebiotics, the gastrointestinal tract normalizes, the composition of the microflora and the structure of the epithelium are restored.

nutricomp diabetes instructions
nutricomp diabetes instructions

Taking Nutricomp Diabetes allows you to control the glycemic index. Since the body begins to receive the necessary nutrients, even in the presence of a disease, it works stably. But you need to understand that even such specific drugs should be prescribed by the attending physician.

Instructions for use

Purchase a medicine online or in retailpharmacy chains without providing a prescription from a leading specialist. However, only he determines the appropriate daily dose and treatment regimen. This avoids adverse reactions, including the development of severe allergies in case of individual intolerance to the constituent components.

nutricomp diabetes liquid
nutricomp diabetes liquid

"Nutricomp Diabetes" instruction suggests taking according to the standard scheme:

  • dosage per day cannot exceed 150–155 ml, of which only 32–33 grams of powder, and the rest is water;
  • the course lasts one and a half weeks;
  • drink the medicine every day;
  • prepare the mixture only on the basis of warm water (37 degrees Celsius);
  • in this form, the medicine is stored for no more than a day;
  • if tube feeding is given, the dose is not increased.

Preparing the emulsion is very simple. It is necessary to pour the right amount of powder into a glass, add the recommended amount of warm water there. Then everything is mixed until a homogeneous mass. You can dilute not immediately with all the water, but little by little to avoid the appearance of lumps.

Indications and contraindications

The main indication for taking the drug is diagnosed type 1 diabetes mellitus. The powder can be used in patients who suffer from glucose intolerance.

Additionally, Nutricomp Diabetes is prescribed in such cases:

  1. Undernutrition causing emaciation.
  2. nutricomp diabetes composition
    nutricomp diabetes composition
  3. Injuries of various types (cranialbrain damage, burns, etc.).
  4. The period before and after surgery.
  5. Hyperglycemia in stress form.
  6. Peritonitis, gastrointestinal fistula, sepsis.
  7. Failed state of anastomotic sutures.
  8. Infection of the central nervous system.
  9. Stroke.
  10. Multiple sclerosis.
  11. Oncological neoplasms.
  12. Before and after chemotherapy.
  13. Depressive states.
  14. Small bowel syndrome.
  15. Violation of the defecation process.
  16. Obstruction of the esophagus.
  17. Pathologies of the liver and pancreas.
  18. Dysbacteriosis.
  19. Violation of chewing and swallowing ability.
  20. Anorexia.
  21. Intestinal volvulus or intestinal atony.

It is also noted that the medicine is recommended for people who are actively involved in sports, or who are overweight and want to get rid of it. But it is worth remembering the presence of contraindications, including: ischemia or intestinal obstruction, perforation of the gastrointestinal tract, individual intolerance to the constituent components, renal or liver failure.

Nutricomp Diabetes is positioned as an innovative drug, harmless, but it is better to consult a specialist before taking it.
