Why eggs sweat in men: causes, symptoms and treatment. The most effective ways to solve the problem

Why eggs sweat in men: causes, symptoms and treatment. The most effective ways to solve the problem
Why eggs sweat in men: causes, symptoms and treatment. The most effective ways to solve the problem

Many representatives of the strong half of humanity at least once in their lives, but had to face the problem and ask the question: "Why do men's eggs sweat?". In most cases, this symptom is not a big problem. To get rid of discomfort, you just need to observe personal hygiene and follow simple preventive measures. But it's not just the hot weather outside that causes sweaty scrotum.

About the problem

If a man's groin area is prone to profuse sweating, then this indicates the presence of hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). This phenomenon is associated with inconvenience, and it can also signal the development of a disease. Diaper rash appears, men's eggs constantly sweat and smell very unpleasant - all this makes a person nervous.

bad smell and sweat in the groin in men
bad smell and sweat in the groin in men

Main signs of sweating eggs

There are several stages of hyperhidrosis:

  1. The first stage. The patient may not even notice increased sweating, since it still does not provoke any discomfort. The skin remains the same, in some places small reddened areas are visible.
  2. The second stage is characterized by more pronounced symptoms of the course of the disease. In men, the balls sweat, excessive sweating between the legs causes some inconvenience. Redness intensifies, erosion begins to develop.
  3. The last stage is associated with an increase in diaper rash. Damaged areas can become a focus for the growth of infection. Areas with erosion are grouped - ulcerative processes may develop there.

Non-pathological causes

You need to take care of yourself and take care of yourself. If you do not follow the rules of personal hygiene, then the secretion products of the glands will accumulate on the skin. This will lead to a violation of the natural function of thermoregulation, and this will provoke excessive sweat in the groin. In this state, all conditions are created for the active reproduction of harmful bacteria.

Men sweat balls if they wear synthetic underwear, which is bad for the skin of the perineum. This entails a violation of normal ventilation and the appearance of a local increase in the temperature of the skin of the genital organs. The body, wanting to protect itself from the effects of excess heat, begins the process of increased sweating. Regular sweating in the groin area leads to changes in the acid-base balance of the skin. It contributesthe rapid entry of pathological bacteria into the body. This situation will occur if you wear tight pants or shorts.

One of the functions of the scrotum is that it maintains an optimal temperature for spermatogenesis. Excessive heat is unfavorable for a man's reproductive he alth, so there are many sweat glands on the scrotum. When a person is in a hot and stuffy place, a protective mechanism works in the scrotum, profuse sweating begins. Therefore, the question of why men sweat eggs in the heat should not disturb you much, since this is a natural process for the body.

sweating in the groin in men
sweating in the groin in men

Obese men often face the problem of excessive sweating of eggs. This is due to the fact that the voluminous folds between the legs and the groin area do not leave enough free space for the scrotum. As a result, the testicles are constantly warm, which is why they sweat. There is another reason why eggs sweat - this is directly overweight. Obesity contributes to the disruption of metabolic processes in the body, so there is sweating of the body, and especially the intimate zone.

Pathological causes

Do men sweat balls? The causes of increased sweating in the groin can signal the development of some kind of disease. Among them:

  1. If there is an overfunction of the thyroid gland, it is often accompanied by heavy sweating. Along with it, there is a feeling of heat and a rapid heartbeat. There are also other complaints: constant mood swings, diarrhea, sudden weight loss. People sweat a lotwho have diabetes. Periods of excessive sweating occur with hypoglycemia. This condition is characterized by: low blood sugar, dizziness, chills and tachycardia.
  2. Sweating testicles in men can be caused by urolithiasis, which is characterized by attacks of renal colic, low blood pressure and tachycardia.
  3. When a herniated disc, injury to the lower back or sacral spine, pinched nerves can occur. With such an ailment, pain occurs and sweating increases.
  4. Why do men's eggs sweat and smell? With a fungal infection of the skin of the scrotum, severe sweating with an extremely unpleasant odor is observed. Mycosis of the skin may develop.
  5. Eggs in men can sweat a lot from nervous strain or even minor excitement. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the person.
tight clothing harms potency and libido
tight clothing harms potency and libido

Possible Complications

If you notice profuse sweating of eggs, then you can not ignore such a symptom. This seemingly inconspicuous ailment can lead to serious consequences. The constant humidity and heat in which the scrotum is located provoke the reproduction of bacteria. They parasitize on organic compounds that are excreted with sweat, on living skin cells. Then diaper rash appears in considerable quantities.

In the future, all the described symptoms lead to testicular erythrasma. This disease causes a lot of worries for a man. The inguinal folds of the skin rub against each other, as a result of which theyred spots, abrasions and hematomas are formed. Without taking timely measures, purulent sores appear, which at the same time still hurt and itch.

How to deal with sweating

Men sweat their balls. What to do at home? Here are some easy ways to help you get rid of excessive egg sweating:

  1. For hygiene and water procedures, you must have an individual towel. In matters of choosing underwear and bed linen, give preference to natural, easily absorbent fabrics. By following these two rules, you can protect the genitals from various infections and harmful bacteria that can complicate the situation with increased sweating.
  2. Your wardrobe should not include uncomfortable underpants and tight pants. Replace them with cotton family briefs or boxers. Underwear should not interfere with normal ventilation and proper heat transfer. If your intimate area sweats a lot, then consider underpants that have special hygienic pads.
  3. Underwear change every day, and in the hot season - as soon as the fabric absorbs sweat. If possible, iron underpants after washing to kill pathogens that create odor.
  4. Shaving the groin helps to reduce the intensity of sweating and get rid of bad smell. Hairs, and especially in large quantities, interfere with the airing of the eggs. As a result, the scrotum will be the center of accumulation of bacteria, since sweaty hair is an ideal place for them to multiply.
groin shavingget rid of unpleasant odor
groin shavingget rid of unpleasant odor

Treatment with folk remedies

There are a lot of positive reviews for herbal decoctions and special baths that effectively deal with the problem of hyperhidrosis. As a remedy can be used: extracts of oak or willow, chamomile flowers, sage or yarrow.

Medicated treatment

If you do not trust folk remedies or they did not cope with the task, then try medication. The patient will be helped by antibacterial ointments: "Clotrimazole" or a simple and proven salicylic ointment.

The most effective ways

Now you know why eggs sweat in men, the causes and treatment of this disease. Let's look at the most effective methods for solving the problem:

  1. You can get rid of sweating eggs with a daily contrast shower. This method will help improve microcirculation and regulation of gland activity, as well as maintain the tone of the skin and muscles of the scrotum. Take such a shower at any time of the year.
  2. If you want to try natural antiperspirants, then talcum powder or baby hygienic powder will help you. In cases of a very deplorable condition, the problem can be solved with the help of salicylic alcohol or zinc-based ointment. These products will remove excess moisture from the scrotum and normalize sweating.
  3. You can not neglect the daily washing of the genitals - it is better to do this after waking up and in the evening. For the best effect, wash your groin with a special antibacterial agent or gel, household, children's or tarsoap. Regular washing will keep you from excessive sweating and bad breath, which is a product of the vital activity of bacteria.
it is important to maintain personal hygiene
it is important to maintain personal hygiene


Remember that only a specialist can determine the true cause of excessive sweating in the groin area. Do not neglect the comprehensive examination that your doctor will prescribe for you.

If you are concerned about why eggs sweat and itch in men, then initially it is better to see a dermatovenereologist in order to exclude skin pathologies and infections transmitted through sexual contact. If no pathologies are detected, then you need to go to another specialist.

Go see an endocrinologist who will check your thyroid and pancreas. The functions of these organs should not be impaired. To find out, you will need to do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and take a blood test for hormone and glucose levels.

If, along with severe sweating, you have skin sensitivity in the groin or impaired urination, the neurologist will say that you cannot do without an x-ray of the lumbar and sacral spine.

You may be surprised, but another reason why men sweat a lot of balls can be emotional overstrain. Therefore, you should see a therapist, because for some, heavy sweating is associated with stress.

Underwear &Men's He alth

Interested in why men's balls sweat? Think about what you are wearing. Underwear (exceptthat it should be beautiful and sexually attractive for a partner) must be safe from the point of view of medical indicators.

it is better to choose underpants made of moisture-absorbing fabric
it is better to choose underpants made of moisture-absorbing fabric

Tight underpants, like trousers, affect men's he alth, and in a negative way. The consequences are different: from infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, disturbances in the functioning of the bladder, and ending with serious diseases of the genital organs and weakening of potency. It is undesirable to wear tight underpants, which can emphasize your sexuality, but can worsen the quality of sperm and weaken your libido.

The main threat posed by tight clothing is blocking the access of blood to the genitals and overheating them. Most doctors and sexologists recommend well-known family briefs or loose boxers. "Families" provide the best ventilation of the intimate zone of men. When choosing underwear, you should pay attention to materials that absorb moisture well - cotton, chintz and linen. This is important because even on the hottest day, your briefs will absorb sweat.

The testicles need a comfortable environment so they can properly produce sperm and testosterone. The scrotum inside should be a few degrees cooler than the body itself. It is impossible to supercool and overheat the intimate area, as this adversely affects male reproductive he alth. Also, if you don't want libido problems, wear as loose underwear as possible.

wash daily
wash daily

Now you have becomethere are simple and affordable ways to solve the question: "Why do eggs sweat in men?". However, the most important rules are to maintain personal hygiene and monitor your he alth.