Plastic surgery

Fat removal surgery (liposuction): indications, stages, contraindications

Fat removal surgery (liposuction): indications, stages, contraindications

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Operation to remove fat: the development of liposuction in surgery, its main types and their description. Preparation for surgery and stages of implementation. Indications and contraindications. The period of rehabilitation. Possible complications and side effects. Cost of the procedure

Blepharoplasty - before and after. Description of the procedure, types, consequences and reviews

Blepharoplasty - before and after. Description of the procedure, types, consequences and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Blepharoplasty is a modern solution to aesthetic eye problems. It allows you to forget about hanging eyelids, deep wrinkles, unsightly eyes or bags under them. The procedure has minimal risk and a short recovery period

Rhinoplasty in Krasnodar: the best surgeon, photos, reviews

Rhinoplasty in Krasnodar: the best surgeon, photos, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Rhinoplasty in Krasnodar is a plastic surgery that surgically corrects the shape or size of the nose

Circular lift: indications, operation technique, photos before and after

Circular lift: indications, operation technique, photos before and after

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

As you know, the biological process of skin aging begins at the age of 25 years. By the age of 30, the regeneration of the upper layers of the skin occurs 2 times less often than in adolescents at the age of 15. Dead cells accumulate on the surface, causing the skin to become rough, dull, and wrinkles appear. A facelift (rhytidectomy, or facelift) is a correction method designed to correct age-related changes

Botox lips: before and after photos. Botox for lips: contraindications, effect and reviews

Botox lips: before and after photos. Botox for lips: contraindications, effect and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Women are ready for almost anything in an effort to stay young and charming all the time. And age is not an obstacle on the way to perfection - modern cosmetology and medicine have reached such heights that now anyone can make themselves the body of their dreams. And if most people are more or less loyal to breast augmentation operations, then lip botox is currently a rather dubious procedure that raises many controversial issues

Columella of the nose. The shape and structure of the nose

Columella of the nose. The shape and structure of the nose

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Nasal columella is a small area of skin and cartilage that separates the nostrils. It can significantly affect the beauty of the nose, and hence the face. Therefore, every person who is not indifferent to their appearance should know about the methods of columella correction

Correction of the tip of the nose: reviews. Rhinoplasty in Moscow

Correction of the tip of the nose: reviews. Rhinoplasty in Moscow

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Nose tip correction is a type of surgical intervention aimed at eliminating various defects associated with its shape. Defects can be acquired or congenital. Often the partition is corrected. Any rhinoplasty surgery is performed without visible incisions. To change the shape of the nose, and, in addition, to build up the missing areas, surgeons can use advanced techniques for working with the bone and cartilage framework

Plasty of the labia: technique

Plasty of the labia: technique

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Unfortunately, with age, the skin loses elasticity, so the pudendal lips begin to sag a little. Labiaplasty is a fairly popular surgical procedure that allows you to change the shape and size of the labia. Labiaplasty will increase self-esteem, relieve stress and anxiety

Rehabilitation after rhinoplasty: features by day, photos before and after

Rehabilitation after rhinoplasty: features by day, photos before and after

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

What complications can occur after rhinoplasty? How long is the rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty, and what stages does it consist of? What is prescribed during the rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty?

How to set the nose: preparation and procedure, photos, reviews

How to set the nose: preparation and procedure, photos, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Among the numerous facial injuries, a nose fracture is considered the most common. Such an injury provokes a violation of the olfactory and respiratory systems. Most often, this condition occurs in everyday life: when falling on slippery ice, the floor, during a fight. But there are also people who are at risk because of their professional activities - athletes and motorists. To restore the state of the organ and set the bones, the reposition procedure is used

Plastic surgery on the nose: photos, reviews

Plastic surgery on the nose: photos, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

In the modern world, plastic surgery is of great importance. If at the time of its inception this field of medicine was designed to correct significant defects on the human face and body that interfere with a full life, today it is mostly used for aesthetic purposes

Is it possible to remove the ribs for the sake of a small waist?

Is it possible to remove the ribs for the sake of a small waist?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

What can you not do for the sake of the beauty of the figure. If you want too much to have a thin waist, you can even remove the ribs. Does such a plastic surgery really exist, and how is it performed?

Ekaterinburg, plastic surgery clinic - just be beautiful

Ekaterinburg, plastic surgery clinic - just be beautiful

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Plastic surgery today is not just a practical area of medicine that benefits human he alth, but also an art that gives people happiness and a chance for a new life

How to get rid of belly fat at home?

How to get rid of belly fat at home?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

How to get rid of belly fat at home is what worries almost every adult woman on the eve of the summer season. After all, household chores combined with work, travel, shopping for groceries takes almost all the time

About what is laser lipolysis?

About what is laser lipolysis?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Not every person is satisfied with his figure. But often even strict diets and intense physical exercises do not give the desired result, because it is extremely difficult to get rid of body fat in problem areas. That is why laser lipolysis is becoming so popular

Rating of plastic surgery clinics in Moscow: what to choose?

Rating of plastic surgery clinics in Moscow: what to choose?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Today there is a debate about what beauty should be: artificial or natural? Many women and even men visit plastic surgeons to become younger and more beautiful

How much does breast augmentation cost, and what are the features of mammoplasty

How much does breast augmentation cost, and what are the features of mammoplasty

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Not everyone has been rewarded by nature with beautiful breasts. Fortunately, modern medicine is able to correct the defects of the body. How is mammoplasty performed and how much does breast augmentation cost? You will find answers to these other questions in this article

Lips - contour plastic. Reviews and photos

Lips - contour plastic. Reviews and photos

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Do you want plump and spectacular lips? Contour plastic can help you with this! Without surgery, quickly and efficiently, with a minimum recovery period. Hyaluronic acid injections are now offered in many beauty salons. How exactly are such injections made and are they dangerous?

Blepharoplasty of the eyes: pros and cons

Blepharoplasty of the eyes: pros and cons

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Age-related changes in appearance are an inevitable reality for every person. The eyes are no exception and undergo strong metamorphoses over the years. The once attractive, youthful and open look ceases to be as attractive and expressive as in youth. Eyelids tend to become heavier and droop, bags and dark circles appear in the area under the eyes, and a network of facial wrinkles permeates the skin around the eyes

Blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids: rehabilitation, complications, photos

Blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids: rehabilitation, complications, photos

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The appearance of a person largely depends on the well-groomed face. Clean and even skin, regular features and a smile on the face immediately win you over. Nevertheless, the hanging upper eyelid can darken the overall picture, making the facial expression gloomy and the look dull. To correct this problem, there is a special operation in plastic surgery - blepharoplasty of the upper eyelid

Dr. Pukhov Alexander Grigorievich - plastic surgeon

Dr. Pukhov Alexander Grigorievich - plastic surgeon

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

No matter how long female beauty exists, the debate about plastic and aesthetic surgery is unlikely to ever subside. A well-known plastic surgeon in Russia, Dr. Pukhov, claims that a well-groomed face and figure are, first of all, an indicator of a person’s respectful attitude towards himself

How to get rid of scars? Salon methods of getting rid of scars after acne

How to get rid of scars? Salon methods of getting rid of scars after acne

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

How to get rid of scars on the face after acne? Spots from pimples that have remained since adolescence are very ugly and spoil the appearance

Chin: plastic, before and after photos

Chin: plastic, before and after photos

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

What can be more unpleasant than a too large or, on the contrary, completely invisible chin? Plastic surgery of the lower part of the face is becoming more and more popular. How is such an operation performed, what results should be expected after it is carried out?

Lip augmentation: contraindications, possible complications, before and after photos

Lip augmentation: contraindications, possible complications, before and after photos

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Lip augmentation has become quite popular in the last few years among women of all ages. Contraindications to its implementation and side effects. What not to do before the procedure. How is the rehabilitation period

Rehabilitation after ACL plastic surgery of the knee joint: means and methods of restorative medicine

Rehabilitation after ACL plastic surgery of the knee joint: means and methods of restorative medicine

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Most often, people leading an active lifestyle injure their legs. Tears and cracks in the ligaments of the knee joint do not allow a full life. Therapy in most cases consists in a surgical intervention, during which the torn ligament is replaced with a graft

The best plastic surgeons in St. Petersburg: rating and reviews

The best plastic surgeons in St. Petersburg: rating and reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

How to choose a good plastic surgeon in St. Petersburg? Despite the huge number of outstanding specialists in this field who live and work in the northern capital (including those who practice at an international level), you should trust your beauty exclusively in the hands of a trusted doctor, who not only has good qualifications, but also has more than enough positive feedback from patients. . The following top plastic surgeons in St. Petersburg will help you avoid a mistake

Morozov S.V., plastic surgeon: services provided, hours of operation, photos before and after surgery, reviews

Morozov S.V., plastic surgeon: services provided, hours of operation, photos before and after surgery, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Sergei Viktorovich Morozov is a plastic surgeon who really knows his stuff. It is no coincidence that you can hear a lot of reviews about it. Most often, the specialist responds well. And negative statements are associated, for the most part, with non-compliance by patients with the recommendations of the surgeon

Abdominoplasty of the abdomen: before and after photos, patient reviews, features of the procedure

Abdominoplasty of the abdomen: before and after photos, patient reviews, features of the procedure

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Abdominoplasty is a surgery during which excess fat and skin are removed from the abdomen. The need for such an intervention may arise for various reasons. Abdominoplasty accounts for 7% of all plastic surgeries. Before deciding to take this step, you need to consider the indications and contraindications for the procedure, as well as the possible consequences. Features and reviews about abdominoplasty of the abdomen, photos before and after the operation will be discussed in the article

Chin augmentation with fillers: technique, contraindications, reviews

Chin augmentation with fillers: technique, contraindications, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Chin augmentation with fillers is a popular procedure. Such a correction allows you to change the shape of the face, making it more expressive. Consider the features of the preparation and conduct of this procedure. What you should pay attention to

Plastic surgery in Tyumen: leading specialists, clinic reviews, patient reviews

Plastic surgery in Tyumen: leading specialists, clinic reviews, patient reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Plastic surgery services in Tyumen are of interest to quite a large number of people. However, sometimes the desire to bring one's appearance to the desired ideal collides with the fear of finding an incompetent doctor and, instead of improvements, getting disappointed in oneself, or - even worse - he alth problems. All these fears will seem in vain after reading the following list of the best plastic surgeons in the city, as well as reviews of their work

Plastic surgery in Tver: top ten specialists with qualifications, addresses and photos

Plastic surgery in Tver: top ten specialists with qualifications, addresses and photos

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

If you are going to resort to the services of plastic surgery in Tver, you should choose a specialist very carefully. We must not forget that future beauty, reputation and he alth are trusted in the hands of a doctor. However, there is no great difficulty in choosing a surgeon - most plastic correction masters in Tver are outstanding doctors not only within the region, but throughout Russia. Getting to know the list of top ten surgeons will help you make the right choice

Dimple on the chin - how to remove? Plastic surgery on the chin

Dimple on the chin - how to remove? Plastic surgery on the chin

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The dimple, which is noticeable on the chin, in men is a sign of masculinity. Women often do not like him, and they consider this a feature of masculinity. There is such an opinion among the people, but it does not correspond to reality at all. What should be done if a person does not like the hole that is on the chin, or destroys his general appearance?

Golden threads for the face: reviews, description of the procedure, contraindications

Golden threads for the face: reviews, description of the procedure, contraindications

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The first symptoms of aging that appear on the face can be removed in many ways, from the use of certain cosmetics to plastic surgery techniques. But what can be done when the experienced is no longer able to help, and it is too early to go for an operation?

Plastic surgery in Omsk: clinics and doctors

Plastic surgery in Omsk: clinics and doctors

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Those who decide to resort to the services of plastic surgery in Omsk may have a variety of goals: someone wants to hide age-related changes in appearance, someone simply believes that there is no limit to perfection, and someone wants to hide unpleasant consequences of injury or illness. Whatever the goal, the requirements for a specialist remain the same - he must be qualified, precise and experienced. The article below will help you choose a good specialist in this field

Cruroplasty: patient reviews, rehabilitation

Cruroplasty: patient reviews, rehabilitation

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Every second woman can find flaws in herself and tries to correct them. In this regard, modern plastic surgery clinics create ideal slender legs for their clients that can conquer the opposite sex. True, we should not forget that evenness in medicine is not literally perceived

Swelling after lip augmentation: how long does it last, description of symptoms, treatment and recommendations of doctors

Swelling after lip augmentation: how long does it last, description of symptoms, treatment and recommendations of doctors

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

How long does swelling last after lip augmentation - this question is of interest to so many girls who resort to this procedure. Normally, swelling should go away in 3-5 days. If the swelling remains for more than a week, then you need to urgently consult a doctor, as this may be a sign of complications

Implants "Mentor": reviews, types, shapes, sizes, pros and cons

Implants "Mentor": reviews, types, shapes, sizes, pros and cons

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Fashion and beauty today dictate their terms to many women. The parameters of the body, accepted throughout the world as a standard of attractiveness and grace, have become the dream of many of the fair sex. Some of them increase the breast not only so that it acquires the required size, but also for the sake of a beautiful shape. Today, plastic surgery is quite a development in the medical field, and during breast augmentation surgery, special endoprostheses are used

Hyaluronic acid in the nasolabial folds: photos, pros and cons of the procedure, reviews

Hyaluronic acid in the nasolabial folds: photos, pros and cons of the procedure, reviews

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

The introduction of hyaluronic acid into the nasolabial folds to eliminate wrinkles is very popular, as this tool has the desired result. For this, various gel fillers are used. It should be noted that such methods have certain advantages and disadvantages that must be taken into account

Rhinoplasty in Kazan: an overview of specialists, a description of the procedure and features

Rhinoplasty in Kazan: an overview of specialists, a description of the procedure and features

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Rhinoplasty is a special type of plastic surgery in which a person's nose is changed. There are no major changes in the body. But aesthetic beauty always requires a special attitude towards itself. And giving harmony and gaining new facial features in the process of rhinoplasty occurs by itself. That is, the client simply changes the shape, size or volume, and the overall impression becomes something irreversible

Shikhirman Eduard Vadimovich: date and place of birth, short biography, education, personal life, work, quality of plastic surgery and patient feedback on his work

Shikhirman Eduard Vadimovich: date and place of birth, short biography, education, personal life, work, quality of plastic surgery and patient feedback on his work

Last modified: 2025-01-23 17:01

Plastic surgery is becoming more and more popular every year. Not only stars and public figures resort to it, but also those who are far from camera flashes and spotlights. After all, everyone wants to be one step closer to perfection. One of the leading experts in this field is Shikhirman Eduard Vadimovich, it is about him that we will talk today. Our article will tell you all about the successes, as well as the opening of your own clinic