Golden threads for the face: reviews, description of the procedure, contraindications

Golden threads for the face: reviews, description of the procedure, contraindications
Golden threads for the face: reviews, description of the procedure, contraindications

In the article, we will consider reviews of gold threads for the face.

The first symptoms of aging that appear on the face can be removed in many ways, from the use of certain cosmetics to plastic surgery techniques. But what can be done when the experienced is no longer able to help, and it is too early to go for an operation? In this case, modern methods of facelift come to the rescue, one of which is lifting with gold threads. Reinforcement is now a reliable and proven technique for achieving skin tightening.

Reviews of gold threads for the face will be presented at the end of the article.

face reinforcement with gold threads
face reinforcement with gold threads

Face reinforcement: what is it?

This procedure resembles in its design the strengthening of a building object with steel reinforcement. This idea appeared quite a long time ago, back in the sixties of the last century. Gold is that rare, and at the same time noble metal, which is not rejected by the body and does not lead toallergies.

The thickness of the threads is less than 0.1 millimeter in diameter (twenty-four carats, 999 grade). When injected under the skin, a small capsule of new collagen fibers is formed near them. In addition, gold ions can help oxygenate the tissue, improving blood circulation and speeding up the removal of waste products.

Many people wonder how much 1 gram of gold costs. More on that later.

Often, reinforcement with such gold threads is used not during the formation of wrinkles, but for prevention in youth, when there is still no hint of age-related change. Following the formation of a new collagen fiber and chains of hyaluronic acid, the face becomes much younger, and the skin, in turn, acquires lost elasticity.

How do you put gold threads in your face? They are introduced in such a way as to form the so-called intradermal mesh, where the cell size is 1.5 x 1.5 centimeters. In one such procedure, you can enter threads that have a length of one and a half to three meters.

lifting with golden threads
lifting with golden threads

In order to strengthen and increase strength, biofilaments can be used together with them, for example, APTOS, which, in essence, are also a frame, but at the same time a soluble material. It can safely dissolve within a few months, directly gold remains forever under the skin. The scope of these threads involves not only the face, but also the décolleté, neck, chest, buttocks and thighs, as well as arms and stomach.

Procedure description

Before the considered manipulation with gold threads for the oval of the face, the skin is pre-treated with an antiseptic solution, and lines for the introduction of the threads are outlined. Next, local anesthesia is performed and the material itself is implanted into the skin to a depth of only three millimeters. At the request of the patient, general anesthesia can be done with an intravenous anesthetic.

Lifting with gold threads is not a traumatic and painful operation, on the contrary, this procedure is referred to as a minimally invasive method of lifting and rejuvenation. A session lasts an average of forty minutes to one hour. Punctures are made using a triangular needle that does not injure the skin. The injection site is protected with a plaster, which is removed the next day. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, and patients can return to their usual work schedule after a few days.

The effect after the intervention is not immediately noticeable, since the process of formation of new collagen and elastin fibers takes some time. On average, patients notice results after a few weeks and with the passage of time (up to one and a half years) it gradually increases.

how much is 1 gram of gold
how much is 1 gram of gold

Reviews of gold threads for the face confirm this.


Before deciding on the described operation, you should carefully read the indications for its implementation. So, a facelift with the help of such threads is carried out:

  • If a woman needs to keep her youth for a long time (as part of prevention back inyoung age).
  • When wrinkles and ptosis need to be addressed.
  • If you need to smooth the forehead area by eliminating wrinkles on the bridge of the nose.
  • For the purpose of elimination of blew and nasolabial defects.
  • To eliminate wrinkles and folds in the neck and décolleté area.
  • To restore elasticity and youthfulness to the arms and inner thighs.
  • To keep your tummy tight.


This operation is not performed in the following cases:

  • A woman with acute and chronic infectious diseases.
  • Infection of the skin.
  • Violation of blood coagulation processes.
  • Presence of benign and malignant tumors.
  • Endocrine ailments with hormonal imbalance.

So, how much does 1 gram of gold cost?

thread facelift pros and cons
thread facelift pros and cons


The cost of the procedure in question depends on the area of its implementation. For example:

  • Rejuvenation in the cheek area will cost one thousand dollars.
  • In the chin area from six hundred and fifty to a thousand dollars.
  • In the area of the nose, the operation will cost about three hundred and twenty dollars.

How much does a facelift with gold threads cost in each specific clinic, you need to specify.

Special Recommendations

Before it is necessary to consult a doctor without fail. The effect of reinforcing with gold threads will last long enough. Along with this, it is not worthforget about the correct, and at the same time he althy lifestyle, and, in addition, about attentive and timely skin care.

golden threads for face oval
golden threads for face oval

If a surgical intervention in the subcutaneous layer is planned later (for example, the use of a circular plasty), then it is necessary to inform the doctor that the gold frame insertion procedure was previously performed.


Filamentlifting is an outpatient buttock lifting procedure to give them an attractive volume. Also, this manipulation is known under the general name of Brazilian thread lifts. Most clinics that offer this service to their clients position the Brazilian facelift as an analogue of a full-fledged operation.

Benefits of Filament Lifting

Compared to plastic surgery, this one has the following advantages:

  • Performing without anesthesia. Accordingly, there are no restrictions associated with contraindications for its use. And there is no risk of complications.
  • No scarring.
  • There is no need to make a large incision to enter the threads, because there will definitely be no scars.
  • Having a short recovery period.
  • During the introduction of the material, tissue damage is minimal, in connection with this, recovery after manipulation is usually quite fast.
  • Tissue stimulating effect.

Filamentlifting of the face is also carried out. In the area where the threads are inserted, metabolism and blood flow increase. In the event that threads are used frompolylactic acid or mesothread, then the process of tissue rejuvenation in the puncture area is additionally stimulated.

how much does a facelift with gold threads cost
how much does a facelift with gold threads cost

Probable Complications

Improvement will be noticeable about six months after the procedure for reinforcing the face with gold threads. After that, the skin is tightened, mimic wrinkles are smoothed out, and bags under the eyes with sagging cheeks disappear. But, unfortunately, as a result, in some situations, there may be such complications:

  • The end of the thread may be exposed, which will stick out of the skin. Then the patient will definitely need a correction by a doctor.
  • After the operation is completed, a slight swelling may be observed, which disappears completely within two or three days.
  • The appearance of pain.
  • Infection or development of an inflammatory process in the puncture area.

Before a woman decides on such a procedure, it is worth paying particular attention to the issue of choosing a clinic and a surgeon. Only a highly qualified specialist can perform this surgical procedure without any complications in the future. Find out what people say in their comments.

Reviews of gold threads for the face

This procedure, judging by the reviews, has pros and cons. A huge advantage, according to patients, is that the operation is completely safe for he alth, and the effect of the gold thread implantation factor can last from five to fifteen years. In that case,if reinforcement is carried out along the line of wrinkles, then for a long time they do not appear at all, and the woman's face remains toned and youthful. Moreover, it will be alive and moving, not reminiscent of a mask.

The downside, according to patients, is that the threads remain in the skin for the rest of their lives, acting as an obstacle to a number of cosmetic procedures (for example, the use of direct current). Another significant disadvantage is that gold is a brittle material that can break. During the entire period of application of the threads, they can break along the line of natural wrinkles, but this does not affect the appearance of patients as a whole.

filament facelift
filament facelift

People also write that after this procedure, a small bruise and bruise may appear, which quickly pass. With excessive sensitivity and normal immunity, patients sometimes complain of an increase in temperature, which does not last long, only one or two days.

For five days, according to the stories of patients, after implantation, it is recommended to sleep exclusively on the back, and for four weeks to refrain from sharp chewing or facial movements. Despite the fact that face reinforcement with gold threads is a non-traumatic procedure, nevertheless, experts write that one should refrain from visiting baths, solariums or saunas, and also not use some cosmetic products aimed at skin care (liposomal cream) within one to two months.


Soafter thirty-five years, the skin frame in people begins to quickly collapse. This phenomenon is called gravitational ptosis in cosmetology. The reason for this destruction is the cessation of the production of collagen and elastin in a natural way.

As a result, the skin begins to slide down. This is due to the force of gravity. Then there are unattractive sagging cheeks along with bags under the eyes and pronounced nasolabial folds. In this case, the youthful oval of the face will be restored by reinforcing with gold threads.

We looked at the pros and cons of a thread facelift.
