Plastic surgery is a field of medicine that is developing dynamically. Today, any person with an average level of income can afford to correct defects in appearance. Experts in this field compete with each other. Every plastic surgeon works for the result. After all, positive reviews are a good reputation and the ability to attract more patients. In demand in Moscow is the plastic surgeon Morozov Sergey Viktorovich.
Specialist Information
Morozov Sergey is a plastic surgeon with more than 20 years of experience. The specialist graduated from the St. Petersburg State Medical University named after academician I. P. Pavlov. In the same place, the future doctor also completed an internship at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology. Further, the specialist completed residency and postgraduate studies. From the moment of graduating from a higher educational institution to this day, Sergey Viktorovich Morozov has been doing what he loves - correcting defects in appearance, helping patients return to a full-fledged imagelife.

The doctor worked as a plastic surgeon in many prestigious medical institutions in St. Petersburg. The specialist managed to restore beauty to many patients at the St. Petersburg Institute of Beauty, the Center for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the Center for Aesthetic Surgery and Phlebology, the Atribeaute Clinique Academy of Plastic Surgery, Aesthetic Dentistry and Medical Cosmetology.
Professional development and scientific activity
The specialist does not stop there and constantly improves his skills, takes advanced training courses. Sergey Viktorovich received a specialization in surgery from the St. Petersburg Medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov. In addition, the doctor received a specialization in plastic and reconstructive surgery (facial rejuvenation, rhinoplasty) at the Russian Scientific Center for Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.
Morozov Sergey is a plastic surgeon who is also engaged in research activities. The specialist is the author of publications on the topic "Surgical treatment of traumatic nose deformity". The doctor regularly conducts research, makes rationalization proposals in the field of reconstructive surgery.
Has all the necessary certificates regarding the provision of medical services plastic surgeon Morozov. A photo of one of these documents can be seen below.

This is one of the mainareas of activity of the plastic surgeon Morozov. Reviews about rhinoplasty of this doctor can be heard different. But more often than not, patients are satisfied with the work of a specialist.
In this area of plastic surgery, the doctor managed to perform the largest number of successful operations. All interventions are aimed at improving the appearance of the nose and its functions. After all, a defect in appearance is not the only reason why patients make an appointment with a specialist. It often happens that after an injury there is a curvature of the septum, which leads to impaired nasal breathing. Along with this, it should be borne in mind that rhinoplasty is one of the most difficult operations. Therefore, the choice of a specialist must be treated with great responsibility.
Sergey Morozov, a plastic surgeon, will be able to perform such an operation at a high level. The doctor will help to change the shape of the nose, eliminate the curvature of the septum. In this case, all interventions will be performed as delicately as possible. The surgeon has to correct both congenital and acquired defects in appearance.
Before surgery, Sergei Viktorovich solves a whole range of problems. He studies the features of the structure of the face, the shape of the nose, takes the necessary tests from the patient. Reviews show that people over the age of 17 can make an appointment. Before this age, facial structures are not yet formed, they can be subject to serious changes.

On the Web you can find a lot of negative reviews about the doctor. They are left most often by patients who do not complydoctor's recommendations in the postoperative period. You need to be prepared for the fact that within a few days after surgery you will have to endure minor discomfort. Bruises and swelling on the face completely disappear within 10-14 days if the patient uses a special bandage, takes the drugs prescribed by the doctor.
"The final results of the operation can be observed only after 2-3 months," says plastic surgeon Sergei Morozov. Negative reviews are often left by patients a month after the intervention, without waiting for the end of the full rehabilitation period.
Change in breast size
Plastic breast augmentation surgery is a common surgical procedure involving the use of a silicone implant. You can turn to plastic surgeon Morozov for help. Reviews show that the specialist performs such interventions at a high level. As a result, patients get the opportunity to improve their appearance, gain self-confidence.
In his work, the doctor uses only high-quality materials, the risk of complications is minimized. Implants consist of a shell filled with silicone gel. Most often, textured materials are used, to which the female body easily adapts. Depending on the desired result, spherical or drop-shaped implants are selected. With a high-quality operation, it is almost impossible to determine that the mammary gland was amenable to any intervention.

Morozov SergeyViktorovich is a plastic surgeon who also performs breast reduction surgeries. The large size of the mammary glands can lead to serious problems in women. This is diaper rash on the skin, a change in posture, pain in the back and in the shoulder girdle. In addition, too large breasts are not always attractive.
Any operation in the field of mammoplasty requires careful preparation. A woman needs to be tested, undergo a full examination and receive a conclusion from a therapist. Already a month before the operation, it is necessary to start taking vitamins, give up alcohol and smoking. It is strictly forbidden to take medicines that help reduce blood clotting. The specialist gives all recommendations at the first appointment.
The correct recovery period is of great importance. The doctor helps to choose a special compression underwear that must be worn immediately after the intervention. Within a week after the operation, the woman is in a hospital. Sergey Viktorovich monitors the adaptation of the body to the implant or conducts corrective therapy if complications arise after breast reduction. Reviews show that the final result after the intervention can be observed no earlier than a year later.
Breast lift
Breast prolapse, or ptosis, is a problem that all women face without exception. In young girls, this can happen even before childbirth, if the mammary glands are large. But most often ptosis is observed after the appearance of the first child. The period of lactation contributes to even more drooping of the breast.
Breast lift surgery is called metopexy. An intervention of this kind can be performed by a plastic surgeon Morozov Sergey Viktorovich. Reviews show that contacting this specialist makes it possible to restore the attractiveness of the mammary glands. During the intervention, the nipple-areola complex is lifted, and excess skin is removed. As a result, the breast becomes tightened, the former shape returns. If the patient wishes, such an operation can be accompanied by the installation of implants. Thus, it is possible not only to restore the shape of the mammary glands, but also to increase them.
At the initial appointment, Sergey Viktorovich examines the patient's breasts, determines the degree of prolapse. This is necessary to determine the method of the operation. The patient should be aware that a breast lift is a rather complicated and traumatic operation. The specialist warns about possible complications in advance. Depending on the chosen method of intervention, long or small scars may appear on the mammary glands. When possible, the doctor chooses technology that allows fewer incisions.
The outcome directly depends on how clearly the woman follows the recommendations of the specialist after the operation. It often happens that the patient is not satisfied with the result. Further, it turns out that she did not follow the instructions of the surgeon. After a breast lift, you must wear a special compression bra for at least a month. At first, you will have to give up any physical activity, it is necessary to return to sports only on the recommendation of a doctor. Forming scars are treated with a special silicone cream. As with breast reshaping, final results can only be judged after 12 months.
If nature rewarded with protruding ears, you can turn to plastic surgeon Morozov for help. Such a problem does not pose a threat to he alth, however, it can cause serious psychological discomfort. Thanks to otoplasty, protruding ears can be quickly eliminated with a minimal risk of complications. The advantage is that Sergey Viktorovich takes up work even with small patients. It is possible to carry out otoplasty in children after 6 years, when the formation of auricles almost completely ends. The intervention can also be carried out if the ears are too large or unnatural.

Sergey Viktorovich performs the intervention on an outpatient basis. The operation is slightly traumatic. The patient can return home almost immediately. There is no need to stay in the hospital. For small patients or people who want to feel nothing during the intervention, general anesthesia may be offered. But in this case, you will have to stay in the clinic for a day. In addition, such an intervention requires a more thorough preliminary examination, and this increases the cost of the operation.
Although otoplasty procedures are not difficult, the procedure can take more than an hour. In fact, the specialist performs jewelry work, so that later the auricles acquirebeautiful shape. The rehabilitation period is short. In the first five days, minor pain may occur. The specialist prescribes an anesthetic appropriate for the age of the patient. Additionally, antibiotics are used to prevent the spread of infection. After a month, you can judge the results of otoplasty.
Surgery is performed to improve the skin around the eyes. Both the upper and lower eyelids can be affected. During the operation, excess skin and fat deposits are removed. As a result, the face looks younger and more attractive, and bags under the eyes are eliminated.

Sergey Viktorovich Morozov is a plastic surgeon who does not pursue big earnings. Reviews show that he gives consent to the operation only if there really are indications for this. First of all, these are age-related changes in the skin around the eyes - overhanging of the upper eyelid, deep wrinkles, folds. The intervention is also carried out in the formation of fatty hernias, which often cause bags under the eyes. In some cases, there may be changes in the contours of the eyes (omission of the corners).
Difficulty of intervention
Blepharoplasty operations are not easy. The final result can be difficult to predict. After all, it depends not only on the skill of the surgeon, but also on the physiological characteristics of the patient himself. To get a really high-quality result, Dr. Morozov (plastic surgeon)recommends a thorough examination before surgery. The patient will also have to visit an ophthalmologist. A few months before blepharoplasty, you can not perform laser vision correction, perform any cosmetic procedures in the area around the eyes (permanent makeup, Botox injections, etc.).
If you need to reduce the amount of body fat in Moscow, plastic surgeon Morozov will help solve the problem. Thanks to surgical intervention, the patient can eliminate local fat deposits, improve the figure, and normalize body weight. Liposuction can be aimed at eliminating fat deposits in any part of the body. Therefore, people who outwardly do not have extra pounds often turn for help. They aim to remove deposits from the inner thigh or forearm area.

The plastic surgeon Sergei Morozov really performs operations of this kind with high quality. Reviews are proof of this. The intervention is quite complex. As a rule, general anesthesia is used, so the patient must first undergo a full examination, visit a therapist and a cardiologist. The operation itself is performed without large incisions, access to body fat is carried out through punctures. Therefore, the rehabilitation period passes quickly enough.
You can get an appointment with this doctor in St. Petersburg and Moscow. In the capital, he takes at the Heartman Clinic (metro station "Chistye Prudy" or "Turgenevskaya",st. Myasnitskaya, 19, entrance to the clinic in the arch) daily from 9-00 to 21-00. Pre-registration is required by phone or on the website.
Sergei Viktorovich Morozov is a plastic surgeon who really knows his stuff. It is no coincidence that you can hear a lot of reviews about it. Most often, the specialist responds well. And negative statements are associated, for the most part, with non-compliance by patients with the recommendations of the surgeon.