Rhinoplasty in Kazan: an overview of specialists, a description of the procedure and features

Rhinoplasty in Kazan: an overview of specialists, a description of the procedure and features
Rhinoplasty in Kazan: an overview of specialists, a description of the procedure and features

Rhinoplasty is a special type of plastic surgery in which a person's nose is changed. There are no major changes in the body. But aesthetic beauty always requires a special attitude towards itself. And giving harmony and gaining new facial features in the process of rhinoplasty occurs by itself. That is, the client simply changes the shape, size or volume, and the overall impression becomes something irreversible.

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rhinoplasty kazan reviews

Indications for the procedure

To go to any plastic surgery clinic with such a problem, the following reasons are needed:

  1. The shape of the nose has a pronounced length, which can reach several centimeters.
  2. The volume of the nostrils is too large, which indicates the presence of discomfort in the patient.
  3. There is a slight hump or severe deformation. This means any alteration from a sports injury, car accident, and simple contusion.
  4. The end of the nose is very thick, making the overall shape unacceptable.
  5. The usual desire of the client, required to create an image or a desired image.

In any case, there may be other indications. All of them are carefully checked by doctors at the first consultation. Moreover, if the patient is under 18 years old, then the operation is considered not possible. And at this age, only when absolutely necessary. And so only from the age of 20 is allowed to carry out the procedure. Especially if almost the entire shape of the nose will change.

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nose rhinoplasty kazan prices


The first item will be the age of majority. This is not required for exoneration. The thing is that the facial skeleton will be formed up to twenty years. The operation is impossible, because the result will be unexpected.

Another obvious contraindication is a clotting disorder. Such a disease does not stop bleeding normally, which indicates a direct ban on the operation. And if you also add various diseases inside the human body, then the refusal is more than obvious.

The third most important item will be the presence of diabetes. Patients with infectious diseases and oncological diseases are also not allowed. Such ailments must be cured first. After all, getting into the blood of even a small infection with suppressed immunity will be fatal for a person.

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rhinoplasty Kazansurgeons

Aesthetic Medicine Clinic

For this operation, you can go to an institution called "Clinic of Aesthetic Medicine". There, experienced professionals perform real miracles. From an ugly nose, ideal standards of beauty will be created, which will also comply with all generally accepted canons. And new facial features will give a certain style. All specialists have the necessary experience, knowledge and are fully versed in the technical side of the process. To sign up for a consultation, just call and the registrar will set a suitable time.

Pricing policy

Prices for rhinoplasty in Kazan vary quite a lot. It all depends on the complexity of the surgery. The cost of services will vary from 20 to 50 thousand rubles.

Each operation will take place under proper supervision by specialists. The patient will be given general anesthesia or local anesthesia. The next day, you can leave the institution and calmly go home. Postoperative pain is almost not felt after two days. And the plaster bandage itself will be removed after 10 days. Also, do not worry about the fact that there are bruises under the eyes. They will completely disappear in 15 days.

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kazan rhinoplasty best surgeon

As a result, clients of the "Clinic of Aesthetic Medicine" for rhinoplasty in Kazan receive an improved shape of the nose right after the plaster is removed. And the final result will generally appear after 6 months. After all, the nose, due to the characteristics of its tissues, will be a little swollen. The face profile itself becomes proportionately beautifulimmediately, but the growth of new cartilage on the bone requires duration and persistence.

It is impossible to say which is the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Kazan. All doctors have considerable practice and a large portfolio. Don't be afraid to ask them for help. Reviews about rhinoplasty in Kazan in this clinic are only positive.

The Plantinental

The Plantinental clinic also offers rhinoplasty in Kazan. Just like in the previous center, there is no need to be afraid of this operation. And all because this institution has some of the best specialists in this city. And their laser cosmetology is famous throughout Eastern Europe. Remarkably, the chief doctor himself performed rhinoplasty. His review with photos is in one of the sections of the site. There are also many other patients in the clinic. You can see firsthand what happens to a person before and after the operation. Moreover, the final result is shown after the removal of the tissue tumor, which allows you to understand what the outcome will be.

In 15 years of work, the institution has received only positive feedback and recommendations. Moreover, they were given by patients who are stars of the second and first magnitude. Some even come from Moscow for consultations with the head physician. By the way, he accepts strictly on Mondays from 14:00 to 16:00. And this will require pre-registration.

rhinoplasty Kazan
rhinoplasty Kazan

In general, The Plantinental clinic is located on the basis of the department of the Russian National Medical University. Its founder N. I. Pirogov. The department itself belongs to cosmetology oncellular level, plastic surgery and the introduction of new methods and innovations in this field of medicine. This is confirmed by the recognition of the world communities ASPS, ISAPS, ROPREKH.

Work is done not only with Russian patients. This allows you to gain extraordinary experience in operations on the faces of the most incredible races, peoples and nationalities. African Americans, Arabs, Europeans, Chinese and Slavs are constantly becoming clients of the clinic. All of them receive high-quality services, which, ultimately, provides global recognition for the institution and doctors.


The cost of services varies from 90 thousand rubles to 380 thousand. It is possible to perform rhinoplasty, surgery with osteotomy, conchotomy, reconstructive rhinoplasty of a high category of complexity and correct the tip of the nose. To get detailed information, you will have to sign up for a paid consultation.
