Lip augmentation: contraindications, possible complications, before and after photos

Lip augmentation: contraindications, possible complications, before and after photos
Lip augmentation: contraindications, possible complications, before and after photos

Perfection, as you know, there is no limit. Therefore, every woman is looking for different ways and means to transform the body and face. You can take care of yourself at home, but it is easier to achieve dramatic changes with the help of cosmetologists. The procedure for lip augmentation has become quite popular in the past few years among women of all ages.

What is hyaluronic acid

This substance belongs to the class of polysaccharides produced by the human body. It serves as an integral component of the intercellular fluid, present in large quantities in cartilage, saliva and nerve cells. Hyaluronic acid absorbs and retains moisture, thereby maintaining water and electrolyte balance. However, its active production ends closer to 25 years. As a result, skin aging processes are triggered.

Preparations, in which the main component is hyaluronic acid, are actively used in cosmetology today. The composition fills voids, smoothes wrinkles well and fills the dermis with moisture. This substanceIt is used not only to rejuvenate the skin of the face. One of the popular areas of its use is contour plastic, including correction of the shape and size of the lips.

Who should not get lip augmentation
Who should not get lip augmentation

Lip augmentation

What is hyaluronic acid, described a little higher. Now you need to understand the question of how to use it.

It is possible to replenish the insufficient amount of this substance only from the outside. Lip augmentation with its use is carried out by several methods, but the most popular are biorevitalization and lipofilling. How are they different?

Biorevitalization gives a very quick effect and is suitable for all skin types. The dermis is saturated with liquid, restoring its properties. It activates metabolic processes. Injection and laser methods of introducing a substance are used. In the first case, a thin needle is used during the procedure. With its help, it is possible to compensate for the lack of hyaluronic acid in various layers of the skin, including the deepest.

Laser biorevitalization consists in the use of injections and violation of the integrity of the skin. The procedure takes place in a comfortable environment and is not accompanied by pain. However, it is quite difficult to provide the desired concentration of hyaluronic acid and saturate the deep layers of the skin through biorevitalization.

Lipofilling is an injection technique. During the procedure, fillers consisting of their own fatty elements and hyaluronic acid are used. The result lasts for a long time, but the likelihood of complicationsafter lip augmentation is quite high.

Photos before and after lip augmentation
Photos before and after lip augmentation

Indications for the procedure

Plump lips are beautiful, sexy and trendy. To get a positive result, you can not be guided solely by your own desires. It is important to consider indications and contraindications for lip augmentation.

This procedure is recommended in the following cases:

  • Little natural lip volume.
  • Blurred red edge.
  • Irregular mouth shape.
  • Disproportionate lips.
  • Lip skin fading.
  • deep wrinkles around the mouth.

You must first consult with a beautician. In almost every medical center, you can ask to see photos before and after lip augmentation. Only after talking with a specialist, each woman will be able to decide whether to start the procedure. Also, the specialist will definitely tell you about contraindications and side effects.

Complications after lip augmentation
Complications after lip augmentation

Preparatory stage

Special preparation before the procedure is not required if the woman is not included in the group of persons who should not have lip augmentation. It is enough to follow the rules listed below:

  • A few days before the date of the proposed manipulation, it is better to exclude s alty, spicy and smoked foods from the diet in order to avoid swelling.
  • At the same time, you can start taking vasoconstrictor drugs to reduce the risk of bruising at the injection sites.
  • With a tendency to herpeticdiseases should take a course of antiviral drugs as a preventive measure.

It is also not recommended to visit the solarium and sunbathe for a week before the procedure.

Execution technique

In the absence of contraindications for lip augmentation, you can safely go to the beautician's office. The procedure itself is carried out in several stages, and it lasts no more than an hour.

First, the specialist cleans the lips from decorative cosmetics and impurities, treats with an antiseptic solution. The next step is anesthesia with a special cream. If there is no effect, an additional injection of an analgesic is made.

Then the cosmetologist performs the direct injection of the filler using a special device or syringe. The voids are being filled. After that, the filler is distributed over the entire lip area. At the final stage, the antiseptic balm is reapplied to prevent infection and inflammation.

How long does swelling last after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid? With proper care, it lasts no more than 10 days. More details about the recovery phase will be discussed later in the article.

What is hyaluronic acid
What is hyaluronic acid

First results

Hyaluronic acid injections have instant results. Lips become expressive and quite voluminous. However, the duration of the effect depends on the variant of the drug used. Up to 5 years, it persists with the introduction of synthetic or semi-synthetic agents. Natural drugs temporaryactions will stay in the skin for up to 12 months.

The duration of the effect is due to the fact that hyaluronic acid is a biodegradable substance. Over time, it dissolves, and its functionality is redirected to moisturizing the skin. The action of preparations based on a natural substance is less preserved. However, in this case, the negative consequences of lip augmentation in the form of allergic reactions and edema are rare. The immune system does not consider the components of the drug as foreign bodies (when compared with synthetic analogues).

Recommendations for care during the recovery phase

After 2-4 weeks after the manipulation, you need to contact a beautician. At the consultation after the examination, the specialist will determine whether correction is required or not. A second procedure may be needed to enhance the effect, eliminate irregularities or asymmetries.

The first thing a woman may experience during the recovery phase is swelling after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid. How long it lasts depends on the characteristics of the body of each lady. It usually disappears on the second or third day. The preservation of puffiness up to 10 days is considered the norm. You can stop an unpleasant symptom by regularly applying a moisturizer or hygienic lipstick to the lip area.

Compresses from ice cubes help to reanimate damaged skin. Changing the temperature regime contributes to the activation of the circulatory system and the disappearance of puffiness. Before starting the procedure, it is better to wrap the ice cube with gauze so as not to damage the dermis.

In places of concentrationhyaluronic acid usually forms bruises and bumps. They are especially well seen in comparative photos before and after lip augmentation. It is necessary to deal with them through acupressure. Light circular movements are best combined with claps. Such manipulations contribute to increased blood outflow, leveling the surface of the epithelium. During the morning toilet, you can additionally massage the lesions with a toothbrush.

Lip augmentation during menstruation
Lip augmentation during menstruation

What not to do after injections

The recovery period is rarely difficult, but certain restrictions must be adhered to:

  • For two weeks it is better to refuse cosmetic procedures, including mechanical peeling.
  • Keep your lips out of direct sunlight.
  • You can not visit places with strong temperature changes (baths, saunas, steam rooms).
  • In the first two days after the manipulation, it is better to stop using decorative cosmetics.
  • Alcohol, spicy, sour and s alty foods should be minimized.
  • All food should be at room temperature.
  • At first, it is contraindicated to intensively touch the surface of the lips, it is advisable to restrain facial expressions (you cannot smile broadly and open your mouth).

Individual contraindications

Lip augmentation through lipofilling or biorevitalization is a medical manipulation. Its implementation requires special attention so as not to harm the patient of the cosmetology clinic.

Humanthe body is designed in such a way that it negatively perceives any unjustified interference. The immune system reacts to the injected substance as if it were a foreign agent, therefore it turns on the self-defense system.

The main contraindications for lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid are:

  • Failures in the immune system due to chronic diseases.
  • Endocrine pathologies.
  • Viral, infectious or inflammatory diseases during an exacerbation.
  • Taking certain types of medications (e.g. blood thinners - anticoagulants).
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Lip augmentation in the presence of an allergy to hyaluronic acid, other components of the drug for injection or food is also unacceptable. In some cases of intolerance to certain foods, a cosmetologist may recommend a prophylactic course using antihistamines. The doctor must definitely warn the woman about the possible risks.

Cosmetologist's consultation
Cosmetologist's consultation

Possible consequences

After the injection of the drug with hyaluronic acid, a kind of skeleton forms in the depths of the dermis. Especially densely the substance fills the areas of wrinkles and folds. After the breakdown of hyaluronic acid begins, the effect will persist for some time.

The negative effects of lip augmentation are extremely rare. They may be associated with low qualifications of the cosmetologist or inattention on the part of the patient, who did not follow the rules of care forrecovery stage. After the administration of the drug, some women experience increased heart rate, fainting, increased blood pressure and temperature.

Temporary complications include skin redness, tingling, bruising. If lips are swollen after augmentation with hyaluronic acid, you can massage or apply a nourishing cream. More details about the methods for eliminating edema were described a little higher. Temporary complications persist no more than 10 days. If during this time the side effects do not go away, you will need to re-contact a beautician.

In rare cases, women report a deterioration in general well-being and the development of the following he alth problems against this background:

  • Inflammatory infection.
  • Discharge of pus due to penetration of pathogenic flora into wounds.
  • Clogging of blood vessels and capillaries.

If a lady ignored contraindications for lip augmentation or did not provide reliable information about her he alth to a doctor, serious consequences could arise. We are talking about fibrotic processes, scarring of tissues and cell death at injection sites (necrosis). These situations require timely assistance and symptomatic treatment.

Lip augmentation while breastfeeding
Lip augmentation while breastfeeding

Reviews from women

All preparations containing hyaluronic acid are used not only to give lips a pronounced volume, but also to maintain their tone, natural moisture. The use of injections can solvemany problems associated with skin aging and the appearance of the first age-related changes. Hyaluronic acid is distinguished by the ability to restore the process of cell regeneration, while replacing the natural substance. The production of the latter is significantly reduced after 25 years.

Lip augmentation procedure has many benefits. According to reviews, it takes a little time, and the visual transformation is immediately visible. The rehabilitation period does not last long, it has few prohibitions. The procedure is allowed for women of all ages, but it is better not to do lip augmentation during menstruation. Hormonal changes in the body contribute to the accelerated breakdown of hyaluronic acid.

Negative feedback is usually associated with short-term results. Some women report that there is no effect from injections at all, others talk about cases of repeated visits to a beautician after 5-6 months. In addition, there are manifestations of allergies. This reaction is usually due to the use of painkillers.

Almost all women write in reviews that their lips swelled the next day after the increase with hyaluronic acid. This symptom is very unpleasant, but can be easily eliminated with special creams. Only some ladies have to stay at home until the puffiness disappears.

Separately, the cost of lip augmentation should be considered. The introduction of 1 ml of the drug with hyaluronic acid costs from 8 to 12 thousand rubles. To perform only one procedure, this amount is enough. A repeat procedure usually requires lessdrug.

Together with the re-correction, the price of the intervention will be from 15 to 20 thousand rubles. It is worth noting that the final cost may vary depending on the qualifications of the specialist and the prestige of the clinic. It is better to perform this kind of procedure with cosmetologists with medical education and confirmed certificates.
