Rehabilitation after ACL plastic surgery of the knee joint: means and methods of restorative medicine

Rehabilitation after ACL plastic surgery of the knee joint: means and methods of restorative medicine
Rehabilitation after ACL plastic surgery of the knee joint: means and methods of restorative medicine

In the article, we will consider what rehabilitation after ACL plastic surgery is. Most often, people leading an active lifestyle injure their legs. Tears and cracks in the ligaments of the knee joint do not allow a full life. Therapy in most cases consists of a surgical intervention, during which the torn ligament is replaced with a graft.

After anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery, you will spend several days in the hospital, where treatment will be provided to ensure favorable wound healing.

PCS of the knee joint
PCS of the knee joint

Duration of the rehabilitation period

The rehabilitation period after ACL plastic surgery is 6-12 months. The recovery time is conditionally divided into the following main stages:

  1. Inpatient rehabilitation. Takes an average of 15 days.
  2. Home rehabilitation. Takes approximately 6-12 months.

Rehabilitation after ACL plastic surgery

Rehabilitation in stationary conditions is aimed atfirst of all, for the successful regeneration of damaged tissues. Most attention is paid to anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory therapy.

In the first 12 hours after surgery, the operated knee is covered with ice. In the next 1-2 days, the patient is completely prohibited from any activity of the limb. The knee joint is fixed with a plaster cast or orthosis. After ACL repair, the leg should be kept elevated.

From the third day, the patient is allowed to get out of bed, move around with crutches, excluding support on the operated limb. This should be done with extreme caution to avoid re-injury to the knee. If it is possible to rent crutches, then it is better to do so. There is no need to buy them, they are unlikely to be needed for a long time.

Removal of sutures after ACL of the knee joint occurs as a standard - on the 10-12th day of hospital stay. It is worth noting that the doctor, with daily treatment of sutures with antiseptic medications and examination, may recommend additional drug treatment. The main goal of such actions is to reduce the likelihood of complications.

Rehabilitation at home

Rehabilitation after ACL plastic surgery at home takes an average of six months. This time is divided into stages, each of which has its own characteristics and recommendations.

anterior cruciate ligament plasty
anterior cruciate ligament plasty

First stage of rehabilitation

This stage after knee ACL plastic surgery takes 3-4 weeks. Main recommendations forrecovery remain the same. At this time, therapy aimed at eliminating edema and inflammation should be maintained. Physical education is added to it. They are essential for developing joints and toning muscles.

At this stage of rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament repair, the following exercises should be performed:

  1. Sequential tension of the muscle structures of the lower limb from top to bottom from a lying or sitting position. At the end of such an exercise, you should hold the state of tension for several seconds. It is necessary to perform 5-10 repetitions during the day.
  2. Raising the leg to different heights from a sitting position with fixation at the lifting point for 8 seconds. Perform 10 repetitions in 3-4 sets. It is recommended to change the height for each approach.
  3. Walking with axillary crutches for adults. It is allowed to lean slightly on the leg. You need to exercise at least three times a day for 15 minutes.

Rehabilitologists recommend loading both limbs during exercise. According to studies, the effectiveness of alternating training increases significantly.

Second stage

What else does the ACL recovery program involve? This stage takes about one month. The main feature is the gradual abandonment of the use of crutches, the addition of strength training for all muscle groups to existing workouts.

You can do exercises in the gym with an instructor or at home on your own.

exercises after plastic surgery
exercises after plastic surgery

The following exercises are optional:

  1. Adult crutches are no longer needed. Walking with a cane. The exercise should be performed several times a day, for about 25 minutes.
  2. Bending the knee with force while lying on the stomach. This and subsequent exercises with power loads must be performed using a special rubber expander.
  3. Lifting a limb from a position lying on its side. The expander should be positioned slightly above the knee joint.
  4. Abduction of the limb forward from a prone position. In this case, the expander should be located in the ankle area.

It should be noted that the main goal of this recovery phase is the development of the knee joint. By its end, the range of motion of the injured leg should reach its maximum.

Third stage

Takes the next two months. This stage of recovery after ACL plastic surgery involves regular exercise in the gym. Positive dynamics in the recovery process is ensured by a systematic increase in load. The greatest benefit will be from training on a variety of power simulators that give a load on all muscle groups, an exercise bike, balancing installations.

It is also important to remember the exercises described earlier. You need to do 1 hour at least three times a week. Rehabilitologists recommend combining strength and cardio loads so that the study of the muscle mass of both lower extremities is more effective.

Fourth stage

The last stage of the rehabilitation course after surgery for plastic surgery of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee lasts up to 6 months inclusive.

The main emphasis is on exercises that must be performed in a vertical plane (walking in a semi-squat, walking backwards, abducting legs using weights). Before and after a workout, be sure to warm up.

rehabilitation after plastic surgery
rehabilitation after plastic surgery

Methods for fast and high-quality muscle growth of the operated leg

Due to the ban on flexion of the operated limb and its low activity, there is a reduction in muscle mass by about 20-30% compared to a he althy one. In this regard, it is necessary to pay special attention and sufficient time for strength exercises. Only an integrated approach allows you to quickly build up the missing muscle mass.

Rehabilitologists, in addition to visiting the gym, also recommend exercising in the pool. Water resistance exercises (kicking over the board, walking) have a positive effect on the process of muscle recovery.

In addition, it is recommended to take a course of physiotherapy. Doctors believe that myostimulation and shock wave therapy after ACL plastic surgery are the most effective. Reviews confirm this.

Exposure to electrical current of a certain frequency on nerve and muscle tissue can reduce spasms and pain in the operated leg. In addition, the release rate is increasedtoxic substances, increases lymph flow.

Important physical activities in the rehabilitation period

There is quite a bit of exercise after ACL repair. The most common, popular and frequently recommended exercise therapy instructors are:

  1. Quadriceps workout. The exercise must be done while sitting. The operated leg must be held straight and pressed down in such a way that the quadriceps muscle is tense.
  2. Ankle resistance. You should take a reclining position, lean on your elbows, straighten your legs, lower your fingers down, and then pull towards you.
  3. Raising the operated limb from various positions. It is necessary to take a reclining position on your side or back, lean on your elbows and raise your leg to a height of 15-35 cm, holding at the top point and slowly returning back.
  4. Exercise against the wall with a fitball. The sports equipment must be fixed between the wall and the back. In this position, squats should be done with both legs at about 30 degrees. After a few weeks, the exercise must be made more difficult by performing it alternately on one leg (first on a he althy one, then on the operated one).
  5. Heel pull on a flat surface. It is necessary to place the operated limb on a hard and even surface, and then slowly bend, without tearing off the heel from the surface. The angle at which the leg should be bent is strictly negotiated with the instructor and depends on the rehabilitation period.
  6. Balance exercises. The operated limb shouldput on a brace, stand on the platform with both legs, slightly lift the he althy one up. This position must be held for about 20 seconds or more. A prerequisite is to maintain a slightly bent position of the supporting leg and, at the same time, balance. If balance is difficult, you should immediately stand up on two legs, which will prevent the onset of re-injury.
  7. Light alternating trampolining. The exercise involves alternately jumping from one leg to another. It should be done with your hands on the wall.
recovery program after plastic surgery
recovery program after plastic surgery

Speed up rehabilitation with pool exercises, hydromassage, massage, exercise therapy

How to speed up recovery after ACL plastic surgery? In the rehabilitation period, one of the most important components is the following procedures:

  1. Visit the pool.
  2. Physiotherapy.
  3. exercise.

All these actions together greatly facilitate the recovery process.

With therapeutic massage, tissue nutrition improves (bruises resolve, swelling is eliminated), muscle atrophy, if any, disappears.

Through hydromassage you can calm the nervous system, help the muscles relax. Such procedures are especially effective after physical exertion in the gym.

recovery after plastic surgery
recovery after plastic surgery

Importance of following a diet during the rehabilitation period

Of particular importance in the decision of the knee during the rehabilitation period belongs to the correct regimenutrition. It is important to monitor your own weight, as excess weight is an additional burden on the body in general and the operated knee in particular.

Nutritionists in a similar situation recommend reviewing your own diet and reducing the amount of carbohydrates consumed. You can compensate for their lack by consuming an increased amount of protein. In addition, it is important to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

It is worth noting that an important aspect of nutrition is the limited use of s alt in cooking. Its excessive use leads to the fact that the volume of s alt deposits increases in the bone tissue. As a result, the likelihood of re-injury increases significantly.

Actions that are prohibited during the rehabilitation period

Among the main prohibitions during the entire rehabilitation period after surgery for ACL plastics are the following:

  1. Any kind of sport, snowboarding, skiing, cycling, dancing and any other similar activity.
  2. Any active flexion and extension of an injured knee joint greater than 40 degrees.
crutch rental
crutch rental

Tips and recommendations from traumatologists

In the rehabilitation period, if any questions arise, you should not self-medicate, but immediately contact a qualified traumatologist. Doctor's recommendations are quite subjective for a particular patient and recovery stage.

But, nevertheless, there are several general recommendations that a traumatologistgives any patient with a knee injury:

  1. Sleep for at least 8 hours.
  2. Sunbathing for the purpose of additional synthesis of vitamin D, in the absence of which calcium absorption in the bones is impossible.
  3. Long outdoor walks.
  4. Balanced nutrition, sport.

Thus, the success of rehabilitation largely depends on the correct implementation of the procedures and exercises recommended by the doctor. Particular attention should be paid not only to the initial stages of recovery (after surgery), but also to later ones. Only an integrated approach that includes exercise therapy, exercise, swimming pool visits, adequate sleep and proper nutrition allow the patient to recover after surgery as quickly and efficiently as possible.
