About what is laser lipolysis?

About what is laser lipolysis?
About what is laser lipolysis?

Not every person is satisfied with his figure. But often even strict diets and intense physical exercises do not give the desired result, because it is extremely difficult to get rid of body fat in problem areas. That is why laser lipolysis is becoming so popular, which allows you to get rid of excess adipose tissue without surgical intervention. So how does the procedure work and what are its benefits?

What is laser lipolysis?

laser lipolysis
laser lipolysis

Although this technique was invented relatively recently, it is already gaining more and more fans, as it is an excellent alternative to traditional surgical liposuction.

Its essence is quite simple: fat tissue is affected by a laser pulse. Moreover, the rays are configured so that they affect only fat cells, which are simply destroyed due to high temperatures.

How is lipolysis performed?

laser lipolysis price
laser lipolysis price

Although laser lipolysis is relatively safe for he althprocedure, before carrying out the procedure, the patient still needs to undergo some research and take tests - this will help the doctor assess the state of he alth, detect contraindications, and also select the most appropriate parameters of the laser device.

The operation itself is performed under local anesthesia. Moreover, the cannulas are inserted through small incisions on the skin, the diameter of which is no more than 1.5 mm.

Immediately after the procedure, the patient must put on compression underwear, after a few hours you can go home. In the first weeks, regular massage sessions are recommended - this will facilitate the removal of the contents of destroyed fat cells from the body.

Laser lipolysis and its benefits

laser chin lipolysis
laser chin lipolysis

In fact, this procedure has many advantages. To begin with, it is worth noting that this technique does not provide for either general anesthesia or a long rehabilitation period.

In addition, after the operation, there are practically no traces left on the skin: there are no massive bruises or scars. On the other hand, this technique allows you to correct almost any area of the body. For example, laser lipolysis of the chin, armpits and arms, knees, legs, etc. is especially popular.

Laser beams also have a positive effect on the skin. They stimulate the synthesis of collagen fibers. After the operation, the skin does not sag, but remains tightened. In addition, laser lipolysis allows you to evenly break down adipose tissue, so there is no risk ofsubcutaneous tubercles, such as in traditional surgical liposuction.

As already mentioned, the destroyed fat cells are excreted from the body naturally. Therefore, you should not expect instant results - the maximum effect, as a rule, appears after 1-2 months.

In any case, many women and men like laser lipolysis. The price here is quite acceptable and affordable.

As for the side effects, they are very rare. Only a few patients experience problems such as post-operative infections (this requires antibiotics to be started before the procedure), as well as burns. And do not forget that in many respects the results of lipolysis depend on the skill of the surgeon, so the choice of a doctor must be taken very responsibly.
