How to get rid of scars? Salon methods of getting rid of scars after acne

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How to get rid of scars? Salon methods of getting rid of scars after acne
How to get rid of scars? Salon methods of getting rid of scars after acne

Video: How to get rid of scars? Salon methods of getting rid of scars after acne

Video: How to get rid of scars? Salon methods of getting rid of scars after acne
Video: Военный санаторий Золотой берег поселок Сукко 2024, June

Salon techniques for getting rid of acne scars

How to solve the problem of scars on the face after the hated acne? Chemical peeling is a very comfortable way of such release. Spots from pimples that have remained since adolescence are very ugly and spoil the appearance. How to get rid of scars? This can be done in a fairly economical way - a chemical facial peel.

Microdermabrasion can still be used to combat this problem.

how to get rid of scars
how to get rid of scars

With the help of this peeling, the complexion improves, acne scars are evened out. Superficial peels are well tolerated by patients and practically do not require rehabilitation. They are also able to fight enlarged pores. This procedure is carried out on the basis of salicylic and glycolic acids. The choice of drug is important. In the presence of inflammation, medicines containing pyruvic acid are recommended.

How to get rid of scars? Peeling alone will not be able to solve the problem of getting rid of scars. Such a procedure will be noticeable only together with medications. Depending on the condition of the skin, the cosmetologist prescribesanti-inflammatory drugs. It is important to use the medicine in conjunction with peeling. Such complexes are well suited for regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

acne scars
acne scars

Acne scars are depressing. Phototherapy can improve treatment outcomes. During the procedure, light of certain parameters affects the skin. It is impossible to carry out treatment if there are irritations, allergies or rashes on the skin. These procedures are not recommended for use immediately after skin resurfacing, with problems with the endocrine system, dermabrasion, and after chemical peels. Eye disease, poor blood clotting, varicose veins also serve as a contraindication to sessions. After the procedure, visiting the bath is prohibited for a couple of days. How to get rid of scars? The phototherapy procedure will only be safe if you follow these conditions.

Dermabrasion is not a new procedure and not so popular today in rejuvenation. It is carried out only permanently, as it requires anesthesia. The essence of the technique is to remove the surface layer of the skin with an operating cutter, thereby starting the regeneration process. It will take several months to recover from the operation.

Acne scars. How to get rid?
Acne scars. How to get rid?

How to get rid of scars? There is another technique. A stream of aluminum crystals is sprayed onto the skin under pressure. This outpatient procedure is carried out on a special machine.

Acne causes small depressions, acne scars? How to get rid of such cosmetic defects? Today for thislaser is being used more and more. Erbium laser procedure is considered more comfortable for rehabilitation. You can visibly smooth out scars and even out the skin in one session. But the visible effect will be visible after several sessions. Rehab will take several weeks.

Due to high results and he alth safety, chemical peeling has become one of the most requested procedures in beauty salons.
