He althcare is a concept that every person faces in their lives, as going to the doctor is a normal occurrence in society. Its functioning and role, funding and support, development and decline are social phenomena. They are coordinated by the state, but the main link in this chain is a person. It is for him that this system is being built, he is the main subject at every stage of the medical sphere.
Determination of the concept of "he alth care"
A complete and exhaustive definition of the concept of "he alth care" can be found in the current current legislation, namely, in the federal law of November 21, 2011 No. 324-FZ "On the fundamentals of protecting the he alth of citizens in the Russian Federation." It notes that he althcare is one of the branches of state activity, which is designed to provide affordable medical services for the population at the appropriate level. Undoubtedly, this is one of the most important branches of the state's activity, because only a physically he althy society is able to create a strongstate.
Further, the document emphasizes that domestic he althcare is a set of legal, organizational, financial and other measures that provide every citizen with the necessary services in the medical field.

He alth system: concept and basic principles of creation and activity
The he alth system is the totality of all public resources, institutions and activities that should improve the level of medical services in the country.
The main postulates of its existence are mandatory, they include:
1. The rule of human rights in the provision of modern medical services.
2. High quality he althcare.
3. Prioritizing emergency medical care for children.

4. Legal responsibility of state and local authorities for obstruction, refusal and other illegal actions to receive medical services by citizens.
5. Priority of the interests of the patient.
6. Strict observance of the Hippocratic mystery in medical practice.
7. Availability of medical services.
8. Improving existing he alth measures and institutions.
These basic principles were created by WHO for all UN members to ensure the quality and accessibility of medical services in every country, regardless of status, location, political positions and other factors. It should be notedthat the World He alth Organization is a special separate institution of the United Nations, which is designed to solve global he alth problems.
He alth system challenges
The main tasks of he alth care include:
1. Reducing population losses by providing timely and high-quality medical care.
2. Financially sound delivery of medical services.
3. Providing the medical sector with qualified personnel.

4. Construction of modern public and private hospitals and clinics. He alth care institutions are organizations whose activities are aimed at providing the population with medical services, the list of which is defined in the legislation.
All these goals and objectives must be met at all levels of the functioning of the medical sphere: state, regional and local.
Public he alth institutions
Unlike private hospitals and clinics, public institutions are fully or partially (30% to 90%) financed from the state budget. Their activities are non-commercial, and therefore do not provide for the receipt of profit or other income from activities.
Such medical institutions exist on the basis of operational management, which means limited autonomy in uncoordinated actions. In practice, these institutions provide low or medium quality medical services due to insufficient funding.
Private medical facilities in the he althcare system
Statistically, the private he alth sector is accessible to people with upper-middle incomes. The percentage of poor people turning to such organizations is very small - 3.6%. The practice of creating private clinics shows that they all focus on the middle and rich class, which is reflected in their pricing, organizational and geographical policies. The main income of private institutions comes from contributions for treatment provided by patients.

In such organizations, he althcare is a modern, perfect set of measures that allows you to get really highly qualified assistance.
Rules for proper he alth financing
The sphere of he alth is one of the most important spheres of state activity, and therefore its financing is a priority. Third world countries that cannot provide financial support for this area on their own receive additional targeted funds. To obtain the necessary sources of income, it is advisable to introduce he alth insurance, special taxes, and a system of fines for violating he alth laws.
He alth financing is a complex system of mobilization, use, recovery and rational distribution of funds, the purpose of which is to provide medical care to the population.
He alth care: role and importance in modern society
The level of development of the state can be traced precisely to the development of such important socialinstitutions like he alth care, education, culture and sports. It is they who show the true picture of the activities of the state, prosperity, activity of the population, interest in public life.
The level of births and deaths, population growth, mobility, and working capacity depend on he althcare. Ignoring such an important institution leads to the degradation of the individual, public apathy, indifference and nihilism. The main negative consequence of this is the impossibility of the subsequent creation of high-quality and productive human capital.

He alth issues
He althcare is not only an effective system for providing the population with medical resources, but also a whole organic institution, which is made up of individuals in various social roles (doctors, officials, patients, public organizations, etc.). However, if at least one of the subjects fails to fulfill its duties, this well-coordinated hierarchy undergoes negative changes.
This may be the failure of officials to fulfill their function of providing hospitals and polyclinics with funds, disclosure of medical secrets, unauthorized intervention of public organizations in the treatment process, neglect by patients of the internal regulations and the work of such institutions. To do this, the legislation clearly indicates the rights and obligations of each of the subjects of these legal relations.
Ministry of He alth: determination and main tasks
Ministryhe alth is a federal ministry whose main goal is the legal regulation of relations in the field of he alth, coordination and implementation of laws and other regulations in this area of state activity.

Also, this institute is called upon to perform highly specialized tasks: the prevention of infectious diseases, providing the he alth market with domestic and foreign medicines, the creation of diversified hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, resorts and he alth centers.
This state structure is also closely connected with other branches of government and lower bodies. Especially important is the close and transparent communication between state, regional and local levels, since very often in practice the latter do not receive the allocated funds due to theft and embezzlement by officials.
He alth sector as a priority for the government
The main task of the state is to create a high standard of living for the population. If other areas may be temporarily limited in funding, then this area should always receive funds that are provided for by the state budget. Also, an equally important area of work is the improvement of technologies and equipment, since a strong he althcare organization must be created for further development. This is enshrined in the state existing programs and strategies for the development of the he alth sector. Spherehe alth care is a branch of social activity of the state, which provides fast, affordable and in some cases free medical care to citizens.

A secondary, but no less important task is the training of highly qualified personnel: doctors, paramedics, nurses and orderlies. The proper level of training of specialists will help in the future to avoid negligence, inaccuracy in the performance of labor duties.
He alth Services: European Model Design
At the moment, the domestic he althcare system does not meet all the postulates of medical care that have been recognized by WHO. To build a democratic social system, it is necessary to ensure access to medical facilities for all segments of the population.
He alth services are the provision to everyone in need of the necessary medical care in specialized institutions, paid or free. These can be domestic and foreign centers of assistance, general or narrow-profile institutions.
He althcare institutions are places where every patient should find help, regardless of age, gender, social and property status. It is in democracy that the European he alth care system is built. This is a high living standard, allowing all segments of the population to receive paid medical care.
In Russia, unfortunately, things are somewhat different. He alth care is, first of all, a balanced system of financing, mutual assistance,benefits and support for relevant segments of the population and individuals. This means that this sphere is considered public, regardless of the type of ownership (private, state or communal). It must also meet certain standards (equality, differentiated pricing, accessibility, quality, convenient location). This area should exclude arbitrariness and unauthorized interference of officials and other state structures, protect the interests of man and citizen, reproduce and ensure an adequate standard of living.