The skin is the largest human organ, and the first manifestations of many diseases appear on it. Any skin reaction or damage is a signal that the processes of a disease have begun in the body, so any rash must be shown to the doctor.

The appearance of skin rashes may indicate the following problems in the body:
- Immune system disorders;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- allergic reactions;
- problems of a neurological nature.
Skin rashes - description
A rash can be any change in the skin or mucous membranes. Such changes can be in the form of ulcers, boils, blisters or nodules, and they sometimes appear as a change in the color of certain areas of the skin, its peeling, suppuration, itching in the affected area. There are varieties of rashes that have typical places of their manifestation, for example, on the hands or face, while others can spontaneously appear anywhere on the human body.
Skin rashes (photos are presented in the article) appear, as a rule, in the form of a sudden phenomenon. We repeat that the rash is characterized by changes in the skin, their blanching or redness, itching and the appearance of plaques, vesicles, blisters and other types of rash on it. A similar skin reaction can be caused by many different factors, but most often it is an independent disease.
There are a lot of diseases that are characterized by skin rashes.

Skin rashes on the skin can be triggered by the following factors:
- allergy;
- blood diseases;
- vascular causes;
- infection.
The most common causes of skin rashes
However, the most common cause of skin rashes is infection with certain types of infections. Rashes of an infectious nature include measles, chickenpox, rubella, herpes, scarlet fever and others. These diseases are usually manifested by fever, chills, loss of appetite, indigestion, pain in the throat and abdomen, and headaches.
If the cause of skin rashes is an allergy, then the provoking factor in this case is contact with allergens, which can be various food products, household chemicals, plant pollen, animal excretions and even ordinary house dust.
In diseases of the vessels, rashes on the skin are provoked, as a rule, by a violation of the functionplatelets or a decrease in their number, as well as violations of the permeability of the vascular wall. Such non-infectious diseases include warts, rosacea, diaper rash, psoriasis, senile keratoma, seborrheic dermatitis, vitiligo, toxidermia, melanoma, etc. There is also skin itching without rashes.
Rash can occur with problems with the liver, the violation of which can cause swelling and rashes. Redness and rash accompanied by itching can occur after insect bites, fungal infections, scabies and acne.

Classification of rashes
The clinical picture of skin rashes is such that these manifestations of some diseases can be characterized as follows:
- patches of red, pale pink, white or brown;
- blisters - in the form of small rough formations on the skin of a dense nature;
- papules - peculiar nodules in the inner layer of the skin;
- bubbles - formations of various sizes, containing a transparent or yellowish liquid inside;
- ulcers and erosions - violations of the integrity of the skin;
- crusts are dry skin formations that can form at the site of healed sores or blisters.
All of the above manifestations can be primary or secondary, depending on the stage of the disease, as well as its cause.
Skin rashes that were provoked by abnormalities in the liver, give yellowskin tone, are usually accompanied by vomiting, nausea, impaired stool, bitter taste in the mouth, sudden weight loss, discoloration of the tongue, the appearance of small cracks on it, fever, heavy sweating and many other symptoms.
The infectious nature of a skin rash manifests itself in the fact that such rashes appear initially on the surface of the skin of the legs and arms and gradually move to the whole body. For example, chickenpox starts with a rash on the scalp, and rubella provokes a rash first on the face. The first foci of skin rash are localized, as a rule, at the places of the folds of the limbs, on the back and buttocks. The color of the infectious rash is from white to dark brown. The infection can manifest itself not only as a skin lesion, but also with symptoms such as fever, inflammation of the lymph nodes, weakness, malaise, tachycardia attacks, severe itching, drowsiness, photophobia, etc. Infectious skin lesions in the form of vesicles and red spots are characteristic of diseases such as rubella, scarlet fever, chickenpox and measles.
Features of a rash in various diseases
Let's consider what causes skin rashes in children and adults.
Rubella appears as a mild rash on the face and neck, after which it spreads throughout the body within a few hours. Such rashes look like round redness up to 10 mm in diameter.
Measles is a disease that usually manifests itself as a catarrh. The rash affects the skin only a few days after the onset of the disease and is deployed in the firstwatch on the face and then spread to the skin of the arms and chest.
Chickenpox is a disease that first affects the scalp. The rash quickly covers the entire skin in a few hours and looks like many small bubbles filled with liquid. After the rashes stop appearing, the vesicles begin to gradually coarsen and become covered with crusts, which indicates the end of the acute period of the disease.
With scarlet fever, skin rashes (photo below) are detected 24 hours after infection. It spreads most actively along the back, in the inguinal region, on the bends of the knees and elbows. Blue spots sometimes appear on the skin. Most commonly seen on the cheeks.

Herpes is a viral disease characterized by the formation of small blisters in the face, especially on the lips.
Syphilis is a disease in which they are spots on the skin that differ from other types of similar rashes in brightness, symmetry and profusion. With adequate treatment, these manifestations on the skin usually do not go away quickly - in about two months. What other types of skin rashes are there?
Candidiasis, or yeast diaper rash, occurs in skin folds and is most common in obese people. At the initial stages, skin rashes are specific blisters that burst and transform into dark red erosions that constantly have a moist surface. On the surface of these skin lesions accumulate whitishsecretions that are characteristic of fungal diseases.
Photos and descriptions of skin rashes of various etiologies are presented in this article.

Scabies appears as blisters or papules. At the same time, scabies become noticeable on the skin, in the form of whitish lines. Scabies is a parasitic infection characterized by severe itching around the rash that worsens at night and subsides during the day.
Lichen is a disease that has several varieties, according to which it manifests itself in different ways. Among them are pityriasis, pink, red flat and herpes zoster.
There are other causes of skin rashes.
Rubrophytia is a fungal disease when the affected area is the feet. The rash manifests itself in the form of peeling of the skin between the fingers, its keratinization, as well as the appearance of ulcers and vesicles.
Ostiofolliculitis is a kind of pustules up to 4 mm in diameter, containing purulent fluid inside. It is affected by rashes, as a rule, the scalp and face, the area of \u200b\u200bthe folds of the limbs. Within a week, these formations dry out and form crusts, which fall off over time, leaving signs of pigmentation or peeling.
Inguinal epidermophytosis is a disease that is characterized by skin rashes in the area of the inguinal folds. The surface of the rash is initially smooth and reddish, but over time it begins to become covered with scaly areas of keratinized skin.

Urticaria is an allergic skin diseasenature, which manifests itself in the form of small blisters that can itch and itch. Around such rashes, as a rule, the skin is redder and looks inflamed.
Vitiligo is a disease that appears on the skin as white spots of various shapes and sizes.
When the first skin rash appears, the patient should consult a doctor to identify the causes of the disease and receive recommendations for dealing with it. Doctors who deal with this problem are, first of all, a dermatologist, and then such specialists as an infectious disease specialist and an allergist.
After the initial examination, the doctor may assign the patient a list of studies that will help identify the cause of the disease and make a diagnosis. Such studies can be laboratory tests, ultrasound of the liver, etc.
If an allergic reaction has become the cause of the skin lesion, then the therapy of this ailment should be based on the elimination of contact with the allergen. In order to determine what exactly is an irritating factor, it is necessary to make special tests.
If the skin lesion is common prickly heat or diaper rash, then this problem does not require medical treatment. At the same time, it is enough to carry out hygiene procedures on time, after which lubricate the skin areas on which rashes have appeared with a special drying cream that relieves swelling and itching. In addition, doctors recommend wearing clothes made from natural fabrics and washing with baby soap.
In case of infection
In casesinfection, the treatment of skin rashes consists in taking specific medications, which can be antipyretic drugs, antiviral drugs, and antibiotics.

For diabetes
In diabetes mellitus, as well as liver diseases, the treatment of skin rashes is to eliminate the causes of their appearance, that is, to normalize the functioning of the liver and pancreas, and also, as far as possible, reduce the manifestations of diabetes on the skin covers. In this case, in addition to drug treatment, the patient will have to follow a strict diet.
For fungal infections
In fungal diseases, skin rashes are treated with special ointments, but the main condition for the disappearance of these diseases is careful personal hygiene. In this case, it is very important to monitor the cleanliness of clothes, as well as living conditions - cleaning in a residential area. In addition, the patient should regularly keep nails and skin clean.