Bronchophony is an imitation of sound vibrations that occur when talking in a quiet, almost inaudible voice. During analysis, these vibrations will be transmitted in the sternum, and with their help it is possible to diagnose several diseases, as well as track the progress of treatment.
Now let's take a closer look at the concept itself, the history of its occurrence, the methodology for conducting and deciphering the results.

What is bronchophony?
Bronchophonia is a sign of disease associated with breathing, heard by the reproduction of words in a low voice, thus diagnosing known diseases and problems in the lungs and bronchi.
Bronchophonia reveals pneumonia (acute pneumonia), bronchitis, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis and other diseases in the sternum.
In a normal state, a person has a trumpet voice, heard at the level of the bronchi. The volume, brightness and saturation of sounds reproduced by a person and heard in the lungs depend on the voice and timbre.
You should listen in the place between the shoulder blades of the back, in the areafourth vertebra. The bronchi are located there, which gives a high-quality sound for the most accurate description of wheezing and the ability for the doctor to make the most likely and correct diagnosis, according to which specialists will then prescribe treatment. The he alth and, in some cases, the life of a person depends on it.
In acute inflammatory diseases of the human respiratory organs, the development of pathologies of the lungs and bronchi either becomes very strong or weakens, sometimes it develops very quickly, so you need to quickly diagnose and prescribe treatment.
In the presence of pathologies, bronchophony increases or decreases depending on the cause. You can also listen to noises during the development of parenchymal diseases, when lung tissue is deprived of air.
Bronchophony consists of general examination, palpation, percussion, auscultation - listening, listening, will be described later. It is of great importance in diagnosing the development of diseases of the respiratory system of the human body. For example, by the type of wheezing, you can make, confirm, refute the diagnosis. For ordinary people, this is also relevant, so that at home you can determine that not everything is in order and seek help from a specialist.

History of occurrence and development of this diagnostic method
Direct listening to the lungs (without the help of specialized equipment) has ancient roots, even during the existence of the tribes, they listened to the sternum region to determine whether a person is sick or not.
And here is a description of wheezing and a definitionbronchophony is first mentioned in Egyptian papyri about one and a half thousand years BC and in the works of Hippocrates, who personally conducted listening and trained doctors, telling how best to put the ear to the sternum, and how individual rales sound, what they mean.
Symptoms for which to listen to the lungs
Bronchophonia is the process of diagnosing symptoms of airway problems. It should be done when the physical condition can be determined that the person is ill. Symptoms: rapid pulse, fever, hard breathing, cough with terrifying wheezing.
Bronchophonia is the earliest and indisputable sign that diagnoses the developing processes of tissue compaction. The seal creates an area that conducts well the sounds and words pronounced by the sick person. They will be clearly audible and distinguish every sound of bronchophony and vocal trembling.
Disease Diagnosis
Bronchophony is a good diagnostic method that goes back a long way.
It can be heard over air-containing formed cavities with a compacted capsule due to the manifestation of the resonance effect.
When a resonant effect appears over an empty cavity, a loud amphoric sound often appears, sometimes a metallic echo appears, this is called pectoriloquia by professionals. Egophony is heard at the highest border of the pleural effusion, the sound is accompanied by a rattling, nasal tone.

How is it donebronchophony?
The attending specialist should stand on the right side in front of the sick person, the phonendoscope should be applied to the lunge above the collarbone on the right side. The doctor asks the person to say quietly words with hissing sounds and gradually moves the listening device to a symmetrical area of the patient's back. After the manipulations, the results are analyzed.
After the diagnosis carried out in this way, the patient is given a preliminary diagnosis, recommendations for further examination (if there are extraneous noises, wheezing, whistling).
The study of bronchophony allows you to identify pathologies in the lungs and airways. If the disease is serious: pneumonia, tuberculosis, then a fluorography is prescribed, and following its results, a doctor's consultation follows, the specialist analyzes the picture.

Transcript of results
Deciphering the results occurs only by attending physicians. In any case, not at home as grandmothers-doctors. This is the last century. Now there is a system for assessing the results of the analysis of wheezing, described in the professional medical literature.
Dry wheezing means inflammation, bronchitis, bronchial asthma.
Wet - severe bronchitis, tuberculosis, acute respiratory viral diseases.
But whistling in the lungs means pneumonia.
Moist murmurs are usually diagnosed because most diseases are not very obvious in the early stages.
What is auscultation?
Auscultation is the finalstage of bronchophony, listening to the lungs. At the same time, the most important moment of the diagnostic process occurs, and it is determined in what condition the patient's lungs are. The severity of the disease can only be determined with the help of pictures, it will not work by sounds, because they depend on the voice and this parameter is individual for each person.
With a normal condition of the lungs and the absence of developing diseases, the words cannot be distinguished. Otherwise, the subject is ill.

Determination of noises and whistles in the development of pneumonia
Bronchophonia in pneumonia is characterized by the appearance of hard breathing, it is especially bright and distinctly audible when various symptoms are attached and the parallel development of inflammation in the bronchi.
The division of types of noise in this case goes into three large groups: wet, dry, friction. The latter is the most dangerous, while threatening the emergence and development of tuberculosis.
Moist rales are large, medium, finely bubbling. Dry - low and high pitched. Such noises rarely appear, mostly wet with sputum discharge. At the same time, with dry wheezing, a buzzing, whistling is manifested. And wet ones are accompanied by a constant cough, because the body tries to spew out phlegm.
Pleural friction wheeze is formed when the serosa is rubbed due to the loss of surface smoothness, while there is a decrease in wetting of this place. Such wheezing is similar to rubbing dry palms together.

Bronchophony is veryan important process in the diagnosis, analysis of diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs, the development of microorganisms and viruses that are very dangerous. For the appointment of treatment only this procedure will not be enough. Their development and untimely diagnosis can lead to disability and even death. The diagnostic value of bronchophony is very high.
Therefore, take care of your he alth, get treated on time, undergo examinations and, at the first symptoms, contact your local doctor from the city clinic (in serious condition, you can call at home)!