FVD analysis - what is it? Indicators and norm

FVD analysis - what is it? Indicators and norm
FVD analysis - what is it? Indicators and norm

It is not uncommon for doctors to prescribe their patients to undergo a respiratory test. What it is? What results are considered normal? What diseases and disorders can be diagnosed using this method? These questions are of interest to many.

FVD - what is it?

fvd what is it
fvd what is it

FVD - an abbreviation that stands for "function of external respiration." Such a study allows you to evaluate the work of the respiratory system. For example, with its help, the doctor determines how much air enters the patient's lungs and how much comes out. In addition, during the test, it is possible to analyze the change in air flow velocity in different parts of the respiratory system. Thus, the study helps to assess the ventilation capacity of the lungs.

The value of the respiratory function for modern medicine

In fact, the significance of this study can hardly be overestimated. Naturally, it is used to diagnose certain disorders of the respiratory system. But the range of application of the method is much wider. For example, spirometry is a mandatory, regular test for people working in hazardous environments. In addition, the results of this analysis are used for expert evaluation of performanceof a person, determining his suitability for work in certain environmental conditions.

fvd norm
fvd norm

Research is used for dynamic observation, as it makes it possible to assess the rate of development of a particular disease, as well as the results of therapy. In some cases, the analysis of respiratory function is used to diagnose allergic diseases, because it allows you to trace the effect of a particular substance on the respiratory tract. In some cases, mass spirometry of the population is carried out to determine the he alth status of residents of certain geographical or ecological zones.

Indications for testing

fvd analysis what is it
fvd analysis what is it

So, the study is recommended for patients with suspected bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis or any other chronic disease of the bronchopulmonary system. Indications for analysis are also chronic cough, frequent bouts of shortness of breath. In addition, the study is used to diagnose pulmonary vascular lesions, including pulmonary thrombosis, pulmonary hypertension, etc. The results of the respiratory function are also important for the correct treatment of certain thoraco-diaphragmatic disorders, including obesity, accompanied by alveolar hypoventilation, as well as pleural folds, various disorders posture and curvature of the spine, neuromuscular paralysis. In some cases, the analysis is prescribed to patients in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the selected treatment regimen.

How to properly prepare for a study

In order to get the most accurate results,It is necessary to follow some recommendations before carrying out FVD. What are the rules of preparation? In fact, everything is simple - you need to create conditions for the most free breathing. Spirometry is usually done on an empty stomach. If the study was scheduled for the afternoon or evening, then you can take a light meal, but no later than two hours before the test. In addition, you can not smoke 4-6 hours before the start of the examination. The same applies to physical activity - at least a day before the FVD, the doctor recommends limiting physical activity, canceling workouts or morning jogging, etc. Some medications may also affect the results of the study. Therefore, on the day of the procedure, you should not take medications that can affect airway resistance, including drugs from the group of non-selective beta-blockers and bronchodilators. In any case, be sure to tell your doctor what medications you are taking.

Procedure description

pvd with bronchodilator what is it
pvd with bronchodilator what is it

The study takes no more than an hour. To begin with, the doctor carefully measures the height and weight of the patient. After that, the examined person is put on a special clip on his nose - so he can only breathe through his mouth. In the mouth, the patient holds a special mouthpiece through which he breathes - it is connected to a special sensor that records all indicators. First, the doctor monitors the normal respiratory cycle. After that, the patient needs to perform a certain breathing maneuver - first take the deepest possible breath, afterWhy try to sharply exhale the maximum amount of air. A similar scheme must be repeated several times.

After about 15-20 minutes, the specialist can already give you the results of the respiratory function. The norm here depends on many factors, including gender. For example, the total lung capacity in men averages 6.4 liters, while in women it is 4.9 liters. In any case, the results of the analysis will need to be shown to the doctor, since only he knows how to correctly interpret the FVD. Deciphering will be of great importance for drawing up a further treatment regimen.

Additional Research

In the event that the classical spirometry scheme showed the presence of certain deviations, some additional types of respiratory function may also be performed. What are these analyses? For example, if a patient has signs of some obstructive ventilation disorders, he is given a special drug from the bronchodilator group before the study.

fvd with a sample what is it
fvd with a sample what is it

"FVD with a bronchodilator - what is it?" - you ask. It's simple: this medicine helps to expand the airways, after which the analysis is carried out again. This procedure makes it possible to assess the degree of reversibility of the detected violations. In some cases, the diffusion capacity of the lungs is also examined - such an analysis gives a fairly accurate assessment of the work of the alveolar-capillary membrane. Sometimes doctors also measure the strength of the respiratory muscles, or what is called lung airiness.

Contraindications for PVD

Of course, this study has a number of contraindications,since not all patients can pass it without harming their own he alth. After all, during various respiratory maneuvers, there is tension in the respiratory muscles, an increased load on the bone and ligament apparatus of the chest, as well as an increase in intracranial, intra-abdominal and intrathoracic pressure.

fvd what is it
fvd what is it

Spirometry is contraindicated in patients who have previously undergone surgery, including ophthalmic surgery - in such cases, you must wait at least six weeks. Contraindications also include myocardial infarction, stroke, exfoliating aneurysm and some other diseases of the circulatory system. The analysis is not carried out to assess the work of the respiratory system of children of primary preschool age and the elderly (over 75 years of age). It is also not prescribed for patients with epilepsy, hearing impairment and mental disorders.

Are there any possible side effects?

Many patients are interested in whether the analysis of respiratory function can cause any disturbances. What are these side effects? How dangerous can the procedure be? In fact, the study, subject to all established rules, is practically safe for the patient. Since the person must repeat forced exhalation breathing maneuvers several times during the procedure to obtain accurate results, mild weakness and dizziness may occur. Do not be afraid, as these adverse reactions disappear on their own after a few minutes. Some adverse events may appear during the analysis of the FVD with a sample. What is thissymptoms? Bronchodilators can cause mild trembling in the limbs and sometimes a rapid heartbeat. But, again, these disorders go away on their own immediately after the procedure is completed.
