Cough is a reflex process. Thanks to him, the respiratory tract is restored. A cough cannot be called a disease, but it can be quite difficult to get rid of it. Sometimes the causes of its occurrence are identified incorrectly. In this case, erroneous treatment can even harm and cause great damage to he alth.
Why does the baby cough for a long time
Does the child's cough persist for a long time? It is necessary to observe the frequency and duration of this phenomenon. Coughing clears the airways. Phlegm and dust are thus excreted from the body. Most often, coughing is short-term and periodic. But if it drags on, then you need to check if there is a temperature, pay attention to sleep and appetite. At the first signs of illness (this may be a runny nose, diarrhea, etc.), it is best to take the child to the doctor.

What does a cough signal
He may be a symptom of the disease. When a child does not cough for a long time, this may be the beginning of a sore throat, SARS, sinusitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis. It also accompanies diseases such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, tracheitis andbronchitis. The intensity depends on the type of ailment.
Is a cough always a disease?
This is a misconception. If a child's cough does not go away for a long time, this is not always a sign of infection. It can occur due to contraction of the bronchi. The latter occurs with asthma, obstructive bronchitis, due to liquid or swallowed small objects that enter the respiratory tract.
If a child's cough persists for a long time, it may even be a sign of an allergy. There are many reasons - wool, dust, pollen. In this case, it is necessary to identify and get rid of the allergen.

Reaction to swallowed objects
If the cough was caused by a foreign body that ended up in the airways, then it is very strong, turning into suffocation. At the same time, the skin turns blue, consciousness is disturbed, in some cases the voice immediately disappears. If possible, you need to independently remove all unnecessary from the respiratory tract and be sure to call an ambulance.
If a child does not cough for a long time, what should I do? It is not always associated with a cold. Oddly enough, but ordinary worms can also be the cause. All pinworm larvae usually form in the lung tissues. As a result, irritation of the respiratory tract. Before entering the gastrointestinal tract, the larvae first enter the mouth, are swallowed, and thus end up in the stomach. In this case, it is recommended to take anthelmintic drugs.

What to do with SARS
When a child has a cough and runny nose for a long time, most often this is a consequence of the disease. With SARS, it is most common. The main symptoms are as follows:
- several hours or even days the cough does not stop;
- high temperature, over 37 degrees;
- weakness, the child is capricious and restless, may refuse to eat;
- after a while, the cough turns from dry to wet.
During this period, you need to ensure constant monitoring of the child to track changes. Pharyngitis is characterized by a sore throat. Laryngitis is characterized by a hoarse and slightly "barking" cough. With tracheitis, the cough is loud, with distinct pain in the chest. Bronchitis is characterized by chest and loud, with wheezing and a lot of sputum. With flu, it is painful and dry.
Causes of persistent cough
For proper treatment, it is necessary to find out the cause of the symptoms. If a child does not have a cough and a runny nose for a long time, then most likely it is a cold that has not been cured, and the infection has again entered the body that has not yet grown stronger. Mycoplasma is considered the most aggressive, followed by pneumocysts. When they are combined, the temperature rises up to 38 degrees. There is weakness, sweating.

Pathogenic microorganisms
Cough comes from fungi or chlamydia in the lungs. But this happens very rarely. The most terrible and serious reason is tuberculosis. Infants may cough fromcytomegalovirus.
Pathogenic microbacteria cannot exist independently without an organism. The external environment is destructive for them. Infection of another person can only pass through direct contact. A prolonged cough in infants (about two weeks) may indicate pneumocystosis, chlamydia, and mycoplasmosis.
If a child does not have a cough for a long time, how to treat? The above microorganisms cannot be destroyed by home methods, only with drugs. Therefore, you need to see a doctor.
How to treat a persistent cough
The child does not cough for a long time. What to do in such cases? If the causes of the problem are established, then the treatment will not cause difficulties. Cough suppressants are prescribed with menthol, camphor, etc. Antibiotics help to expectorate sputum, provide a quick recovery of the epithelium.

Means "Bromhexine", available in tablets and ampoules, getting into the body, is converted into ambroxol. Already on the third day, the effect of its use is noticeable. If the cough is caused by bronchitis and asthma, then bronchodilator drugs are prescribed.
Solving the problem with the help of folk remedies
Medications can be taken simultaneously with herbs and decoctions. The most effective are inhalations with decoctions that contain thyme, mint and pine buds. If the cough is very strong, then baked pears and melons help well, as well as currant and viburnum juice, which is drunk with honey.
Drycough without runny nose and temperature is perfectly treated with steam inhalation. Usually they use potatoes cooked in their skins. Breathe for 15 minutes, bending over the pot and covering the top with a blanket to keep the steam from escaping.
Apple decoctions are used to relieve cough. Fresh cabbage juice with added sugar or tangerine tincture for alcohol from the peels of these fruits helps well. Cowberry juice, to which honey or sugar is added, also brings relief. It promotes mucus expulsion. Taken during the day, one tablespoon. If a child does not have a cough at night for a long time, then so that he does not pester, you need to eat fresh lettuce leaves before going to bed. If they are not at hand, then you can use cabbage.

If a child does not have a cough and runny nose for a long time, then gargling with fresh beet juice is considered very effective for treatment. A glass of liquid is heated in a water bath. Rinsing is carried out for two minutes, then the liquid is swallowed.
If a child does not have a cough and runny nose for a long time, there is no temperature, this may signal the onset of a serious infectious disease. Often, the above symptoms are also accompanied by a sore throat. Therefore, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. Otherwise, ailments such as sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis may develop.
If cough persists after therapy
There are also cases when the disease does not want to recede. And what then to do if the child does not cough for a long time after treatment? There iscertain dates when it disappears. Usually the cough stops within two weeks, but can persist for up to a month as a residual phenomenon. At the same time, pathogenic microorganisms are removed from the body. And over time, the cough disappears. But if there is no improvement, then you should consult a doctor again.
The opinion of a famous pediatrician. If the child has a cough for a long time
Komarovsky notes that there are two groups of drugs for coughing: expectorants and drugs that are used for whooping cough. However, it is worth remembering that mucolytics are not allowed for infants, since they are dangerous until the age of two.
It is believed that this is only an external manifestation of the disease. Coughing signals that something is wrong with the body. Therefore, first of all, you need to look for the root cause. Infection can be ruled out if there is no fever. If so, it could be an allergy.

What to do if a child does not get past the cough with sputum for a long time? For relief, you need to drink a lot so that the blood thins, and, accordingly, mucus along with it. The air in the room should be cool, but slightly damp, not dry. Outdoor walks are beneficial.
Dr. Komarovsky recommends using the following types of drugs:
- cough medicines;
- specialized cough medicines: Ethylmorphine, Codeine, Dimemorphan.
These drugs block the cough reflex in the brain. Narcotic drugsare used quite rarely. They are prescribed only by a doctor who controls their intake. The following symptoms are the basis for the use of narcotic drugs: a painful, dry, debilitating cough that cannot be treated with other drugs. The simultaneous use of expectorants and conventional antitussives is strictly prohibited!
Also, this method involves the use of some non-narcotic drugs, such as "Glaucin", "Butamirat", "Oxeladin". They also block the cough reflex, but differ from narcotic drugs in that they are not addictive and do not depress the functioning of the brain.