Why does a person get scurvy? How to protect yourself from this disease?

Why does a person get scurvy? How to protect yourself from this disease?
Why does a person get scurvy? How to protect yourself from this disease?

Scurvy is an almost forgotten disease that occurs due to severe beriberi. Now on the territory of the Russian Federation you will no longer meet this disease, but in the past it killed thousands of people, among whom were mainly seafarers, warriors and travelers. The danger has not completely passed, these days, although rarely, they make this terrible diagnosis, so it is very important that people know what are the causes of such a disease as scurvy. And they were aware of what preventive measures exist. In this case, the phrase is very relevant: "Forewarned is forearmed".

Why does a person get scurvy?

The answer to this question is simple. The disease occurs when elements of connective tissues are destroyed, which leads to the fact that the walls of blood vessels become fragile. Also, bones and cartilage lose their strength, the work of the bone marrow is disrupted. Scurvy develops with a lack of vitamin C, which is its main cause of occurrence. Sometimes a vitaminenters the body, but for certain reasons is not absorbed. Many will doubt, is it really possible to get sick and die due to a lack of one vitamin ?! You can, if we are talking about ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is involved in the processes of hormone production in the thyroid gland. It contributes to the normal absorption of glucose by cells, the formation of collagen protein. Vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant that destroys free radicals and toxins in the body, increases the protective function of the immune system, and is involved in the absorption of iron.

First mention of scurvy

The disease was first mentioned in the 13th century. The sailors who sailed from the coast of Spain and headed for California were not at all prepared for the fact that for many this was the last voyage. Having exhausted the supplies of fruits and vegetables that were on the ship, people very quickly fell ill with scurvy. Their skin became unhe althy in color, covered with ulcers, purple-red spots. Most of the teeth fell out, bones began to hurt and become brittle, breathing became difficult. In the end, the ship lost its entire crew.

why do people get scurvy
why do people get scurvy

Later, James Cook found the answer to the question of why a person gets scurvy. It took him many years to figure it out, but he nevertheless came to the conclusion that the best cure for this infection is freshly squeezed lime juice. That is why subsequently the British sailors received the nickname "limes". If this discovery had been made earlier, then the Spanish sailors would not have died on the high seas, but successfully moored tocoast of California

Scurvy symptoms

If you do not eat foods containing vitamin C for a month, you can get scurvy. Early symptoms are as follows:

  • weakness, fatigue, general "weakness";
  • fever, chills;
  • pulling, aching pain in the joints and muscles;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea.

If not for the last two signs, then scurvy can be confused with the common cold. But you need to be more attentive to your body, as further symptoms appear on the rise.

Due to the cessation of the production of collagen protein, which is responsible for the he alth of the skin, bones, muscles and blood vessels, the gums begin to soften and become inflamed, teeth loosen and fall out, internal bleeding occurs inside the muscles and joints, bruises appear on the body, and the skin turns red-brown in color, becomes dry and flaky. Outwardly, it is easy to recognize a person who has scurvy.

scurvy photo
scurvy photo

The photo clearly shows the visual changes.

The processes of iron absorption due to lack of vitamin C are interrupted, causing anemia, arthritis, diseases associated with the liver and heart. There is intoxication of the body in the form of incessant vomiting and diarrhea.

Heart failure develops, the body is exhausted, increased fatigue appears, malignant tumors begin to grow. All this is due to the lack of natural antioxidants in the body.

Lack of vitamin C reduceswork of the immune system, so the person becomes lethargic and vulnerable to other infectious diseases.

Diagnosis and treatment

Having found out why a person has scurvy, you need to find out what tests can timely reveal its origin in the body. As a rule, a general blood test is sufficient. White blood cells show whether they are deficient in vitamin C or not. It should be noted that the risk group includes the elderly, whose body is more sensitive to a lack of ascorbic acid. Residents of poor countries cannot provide themselves with a full menu with all the necessary vitamins, therefore, they can also more often than others find themselves suffering from such an ailment as scurvy.

scurvy develops when there is a deficiency
scurvy develops when there is a deficiency

The photo captures the main foods that contain the most vitamin C. The treatment is quite simple. You need to eat the fruits shown in the picture to increase the low level of vitamins in the body. The duration of treatment is from one to three weeks.

Preventive measures

Some experts, answering the question of why a person has scurvy, name 2 reasons: not only a lack, but also an excess of ascorbic acid, so it is important to know the required daily dose. For an adult, it is 50 mg, for athletes - 80-100 mg. Children under 7 years old need no more than 30 mg, and older - 50-70 mg. The most useful for drinking are freshly squeezed juices from citrus fruits, radish, currants, sorrel and cabbage; dried fruits, fresh vegetables and fruits with a minimumheat treatment; pine beer.

When the raspberry season comes, you can consume up to 600 g per day in 3-4 doses.

scurvy causes
scurvy causes

Prevention of not only scurvy, but also many other diseases - a balanced proper diet that gives the body all the necessary vitamins and minerals.
