Blood clotting disorders: causes, diagnosis, treatment methods, rehabilitation

Blood clotting disorders: causes, diagnosis, treatment methods, rehabilitation
Blood clotting disorders: causes, diagnosis, treatment methods, rehabilitation

If a person suffers from blood clotting disorders, then this is dangerous with quite serious consequences, in some situations, a neglected pathology can even lead to death. To try to fix the problem, you must immediately contact a specialist and begin medical therapy. In some situations, traditional medicine helps.

severe weakness
severe weakness

However, before that, it is necessary to find out the causes of bleeding disorders.

General information

During the normal functioning of the systems of the human body, blood clotting and thinning takes place in the normal mode. Therefore, in the event of an injury or wound, bleeding stops. This function depends on the aggregation of blood cells (erythrocytes and platelets). If a deviation occurs, this leads to a change in blood viscosity. If it becomes too liquid or, conversely, thick, then this leads to serious violations.

If the wound healing process does not occur correctly, it can lead tospread of infection and many other negative consequences.

What is a bleeding disorder called?

In itself, thickening or excessive thinning of the fluid depends on clotting factors. Such problems may be hereditary or acquired. Most often in medical practice there are pathologies of this type:

  1. Hemophilia. In this case, we are talking about a genetic pathology. Hemophilia is of two types. In the first case, there is no protein in the blood that is necessary for proper clotting. In the second case, we are talking about a shortage of Christmas plasma.
  2. Willebrand disease. This is another hereditary disease, which is a lack of blood. Due to a specific factor called von Willebrand, the necessary blood clot does not form. This violation of blood clotting is due to the fact that platelets lose their ability to attach to the walls of damaged vessels. Against this background, the normal process of aggregation of blood plates does not occur. Also, such a pathology can develop against the background of multiple blood transfusion procedures, as well as due to the development of rheumatoid arthritis.

When these pathologies occur, patients suffer from increased bleeding. If a wound appears on the body, then it becomes very difficult to stop the bleeding. This is a very dangerous condition.

blood cells
blood cells

According to statistics, boys are more likely to suffer from hemophilia, and both sexes suffer from von Willebrand disease. The most striking symptom of such pathologies istaking too long to clot when injured.

However, excessive thickening of the liquid is fraught with consequences. Speaking about a violation of blood clotting, what is it, symptoms and other data, it is worth considering the conditions in which the formation of blood clots - blood clots. In this case, this condition may be called thrombocytopenia or fibrinopenia. Regardless of whether the fluid is thinning or thickening, treatment should begin immediately.

Causes of bleeding disorders

If this process is disturbed, there is no clotting factor. A similar condition can develop not only against the background of genetic pathologies, but also with other diseases. For example, a blood clotting disorder can occur due to:

  1. Vitamin K deficiency.
  2. Liver dysfunction.
  3. DIC Syndrome.
  4. Pernicious anemia.
  5. Thrombasthenia.
  6. Tumor diseases.
  7. Afibronogenemia or dysfibrinogenemia.
  8. Side effects after taking anticoagulants or cytostatics.

If a person has frequent bleeding, especially when it comes to the hematoma type, then the first signs of this condition, as a rule, become noticeable even at a fairly young age. Against this background, damage to the vessels occurs, and sometimes the entire supporting apparatus.

Considering the causes and pathogenesis of blood clotting disorders, it is worth paying attention to the fact that against the background of this condition, recurrent thrombosis and heart attacks of various organs can develophuman body.


There are a number of symptoms of bleeding disorders. First of all, you should start to worry if, even if you receive a minor wound, it becomes extremely difficult to stop the bleeding. Patients also complain about the constant appearance of large bruises on the body. As a rule, we are talking about multiple hematomas, which look more like a bluish rash. Such subcutaneous hemorrhages can form even with the most minor injuries, for example, if a person presses hard on the skin. Patients note that bruising literally appears for no reason.

Bruise on knee
Bruise on knee

If the cause of bleeding disorders is hemophilia, then the symptoms become noticeable even at a very young age. At the same time, hemorrhages in the joints are observed in children. In addition, there is a violation of the musculoskeletal system.

Bleeding gums are also symptoms of bleeding disorders. Patients also complain of blood that starts coming out of the nose for no reason.

Features of symptoms with increased clotting

In this situation, patients have a constant feeling of fatigue. Many note the appearance of heaviness in the lower extremities. While walking, a person gets tired quickly. In addition, some report frequent headaches and drowsiness.

People who have increased blood clotting are prone to thrombosis and varicose veins. In this case, numerous spider veins begin to appear on the lower extremities.and venous nodes.


To find out the exact causes of bleeding disorders, you need to contact a specialist. First of all, the hematologist conducts an external examination of the patient and carefully listens to his complaints. It is necessary to describe very clearly your condition, symptoms, frequency, nature and duration of bleeding. If there is a violation of blood clotting in surgical patients, then it is necessary to tell the doctor about the operations undergone, and also list the drugs that the person took. For some drugs, clotting disorders are a side effect. It is also important to review the medical history of the patient's relatives. If they suffered from similar problems, then most likely it is a hereditary pathology.


After that, the patient needs to donate blood for analysis (the platelet aggregation is also checked) and undergo diagnostic tests. The specialist also conducts tests, during which it is possible to establish the exact duration of bleeding.

What to do?

Depending on the symptoms and causes of a bleeding disorder, treatment may vary. If it is impossible to correct the situation, it is necessary to control the state of the fluid using a coagulogram. If a person suffers from severe blood thinning, then mandatory medical supervision is required. Otherwise, there is a risk of transferring the disease to a completely opposite state, which will lead to the formation of blood clots.

If we talk about medicines, then get rid of the pathologyhelp:

  1. Vitamin K shots.
  2. Aminocaproic acid, as well as other drugs that prevent excessive dissolution of fibrin.
  3. Coagulants. In this case, drugs of indirect or direct influence may be prescribed.
  4. Means that promote the production of platelets.
Injection of the drug
Injection of the drug

Plasma transfusion is often used to contain clotting factors.

Also, to correct their condition, patients need to adhere to proper nutrition. It is recommended to eat foods that contain a large amount of vitamin K. To do this, you need to include buckwheat, bananas, mangoes, radishes, red peppers, beans and walnuts in your diet. Depending on the cause of the bleeding disorder, vitamins may also be given by injection.

In order not to worsen your condition, you should exclude drinks that include caffeine or alcohol. You can also resort to folk methods. However, you should not do this without first consulting a specialist, especially when it comes to ladies who are pregnant.

If a pregnant woman suffers from poor clotting

In the process of carrying a baby, a woman is forced to face numerous stresses. Serious changes are taking place in her body. Often, pregnant women notice a deterioration in their condition, some of them begin to suffer from poor blood clotting.

Pregnant woman at the doctor
Pregnant woman at the doctor

As a rule, this is explained:

  1. Overloads that the immune system of the expectant mother has to cope with.
  2. Viral diseases.
  3. The use of certain medications, especially when it comes to antibiotics.
  4. Vitaminosis.
  5. Higher content of vitamin C in food.

If, in the process of bearing a baby, a woman does not take measures to restore normal fluid clotting, this can lead to serious complications, up to a miscarriage or excessive bleeding after childbirth.

Also, often people suffering from such pathological conditions resort to the recommendations of traditional medicine.

Horse chestnut

To prepare a healing infusion, you need to peel 50 g of the fruits of the plant from the dense peel, chop them and mix with 0.5 liters of vodka. The resulting liquid is infused in a dark place for 12 days. After that, the finished composition can be taken in a teaspoon 3 times a day before eating.

However, if a person continues or even intensifies bleeding, then you must immediately stop taking this infusion.

Also chestnut is often used in a different way. To do this, 50 g of purified plant kernels are heavily crushed, after which the resulting powder is mixed with 250 g of natural olive oil. All components must be thoroughly mixed until a product is obtained that resembles a thick ointment in its consistency. The resulting composition is rubbed into the resulting bruises. Between procedures, you need to take a break of several days.

Orange juice

This composition is better not to buy in the store, but to cook it yourself. To do this, squeeze about half a glass of orange juice and dilute it with 1.5 glasses of water. After that, 30 g of sugar is added to the liquid. The resulting fragrant and tasty medicine should be drunk throughout the day. The total volume of liquid should be divided into 6-8 servings. The course of treatment with orange juice is 1.5 months.

Mulberry roots

To thin the blood, it is recommended to pour 20 g of the crushed plant into a deep bowl and pour all three liters of water. The resulting liquid is left for 1 hour. After that, the container is placed on the stove and the broth is brought to a boil. Next, you need to reduce the heat and boil the mulberry tree for another 15 minutes. After the broth has cooled, it must be filtered and consumed three glasses a day. The course of such treatment is usually 5 days. After that, there is a short break. After 2-3 days, the procedure can be repeated. The medicine should be kept in the refrigerator while you are taking it.

Possible Complications

If a person has a confirmed diagnosis of bleeding disorders, it is very important to conduct adequate treatment. Otherwise, there is a risk of life-threatening complications. For example, if a person ignores the problem, they may suffer from a brain hemorrhage, severe ECT bleeding, or joint bleeding.

blood on finger
blood on finger

You need to understand that any disturbances in the functioning of hemostasis can lead to the development of serious pathologicalconditions or dangerous exacerbations that are even fatal.


To prevent serious complications, it is recommended that you stop smoking and stay away from people who use cigarettes. Proper nutrition is important. Even a he althy person needs to periodically consume vitamins to maintain the protective functions of the body.

Daily it is recommended to drink as much liquid as possible. This helps to remove toxins from the body. Do not eat too fatty, spicy or s alty foods.
