Why is my head spinning? Causes and treatment

Why is my head spinning? Causes and treatment
Why is my head spinning? Causes and treatment

Dizziness is a symptom that we often try to ignore. This unpleasant phenomenon is a consequence of a loss of orientation in space, accompanied by a certain sense of rotation. This phenomenon may be caused by temporary harmless factors, but it is possible that this is one of the symptoms

dizzy cause
dizzy cause

any disease. If you feel dizzy every now and then, the reasons may be serious. Therefore, in this case, you should consult a doctor, without expecting an exacerbation of a possible disease. However, if occasionally dizzy, the reasons may well be harmless. These include: the release of adrenaline, causing spasms of cerebral vessels that occur during acute sensations; false perception of information from the environment; difficulty focusing from a great height; malnutrition and associated lack of glucose; taking certain anti-allergic drugs, as well as potent antibiotics or antiseptics. Such reasons usually do not indicate he alth problems. Therefore, if you feel dizzy while hugging a woman you love, in transport, on a high bridge or on the roof of a large building, or if you are sitting on some stupiddebilitating diet, then you're fine. If you feel these sensations, do not forget to lean on something so as not to fall inadvertently. While at home, lie down and get some rest. The main thing in such cases is to maintain balance, not to get confused. Otherwise, you can get bruised when falling or even broken.

constantly dizzy
constantly dizzy

If you feel dizzy, the reasons may be much more serious. It is possible that this is a sign of some kind of ailment. Such a symptom is typical for diseases of the vestibular apparatus, migraines, otitis, poisoning - food or alcohol, traumatic brain injury, etc. If dizziness comes unnoticed, accompanied by one-sided deafness, do not hesitate to run to an oncologist. This could be a sign of a tumor starting to develop in your brain. If you are constantly dizzy, and for a long time, accompanied by nausea, consult with specialists - a psychotherapist or a neuropathologist. Symptoms may indicate a chronic depressive state. Unpleasant sensations in this case can be stopped by taking elecampane tincture four times (¼ cup each) half an hour before eating.

If you often feel dizzy, but this is not associated with a disease, most often

often dizzy
often dizzy

just change your diet. Eat more foods containing phosphorus - almonds, peas, fish, walnuts, egg yolks. Eat less s alt, you can generally refuse this seasoning and find a worthy natural substitute. If your dizzinessappear along with excitement or anxiety, eat seafood, bananas and fresh cheese more often - these foods will help stabilize the nervous system. In summer, eat more berries. Seaweed and carrots will also help. Eliminate coffee, tea and alcohol from the diet. In addition to all this, it is better to refuse all seasonings containing fatty and unnatural ingredients: mayonnaise, ketchup, and so on.

Don't forget that the most important thing is to know what exactly makes you dizzy. The reasons can best be determined by a specialist. Knowing them, you will definitely be able to calculate your actions to eliminate the symptom.
