With laryngitis, which appears due to exposure to pathogenic microflora or viruses, therapy with medications is usually prescribed. All medications should be prescribed by the attending physician after the results of the examination appear. But an additional method can be inhalation. With laryngitis, this is an effective method of treatment. More details about the procedure are described in the article.
The action of inhalations
With the inhalation of medicinal vapors, a person feels what is happening:
- decrease in laryngeal edema;
- moisturizing the throat, trachea, bronchi;
- inflammation reduction;
- sputum thinning.

The therapeutic effect is extended not only to the throat, but also to all respiratory tracts. This helps prevent the spread of infection. There are several types of inhalation, but their principle is the same: the medicine is sublimated or sprayed, and then inhaled by the sick. Inhalations at home can be performed withusing a nebulizer or a container of warm liquid. The therapeutic effect during the procedure is determined by the selected drug and the sequence of sessions.
What is this?
A nebulizer is a device that sprays particles of medicine poured into it. Can I do inhalation with laryngitis with it? This method is one of the best in the treatment of such an ailment.
Because it breaks down into an aerosol, it is better absorbed into painful tissues and mucous membranes. This indicates the effectiveness of the method. Since the particles of the drug are small, they are able to penetrate even into the deep sections of the upper respiratory tract and into the bronchi.
Modern nebulizers come in 2 types:
- Ultrasonic. Devices divide the medicine into finely dispersed substances due to the vibration of the built-in piezocrystal. This is an expensive version of devices that are silent in operation and last much longer. The downside is that due to technical features it will not be possible to perform inhalations with antibiotics and hormonal agents.
- Compressor. This is a simple and affordable look. The operation of such a device is performed when compressed air is applied to the medicine.

Which device to choose to perform inhalation with laryngitis? The type of device does not matter, it all depends on the material possibilities.
Inhalations for laryngitis with a nebulizer in comparison with the classical procedure have the following advantages:
- The medicine not only affects the inflamed areas, but is also absorbed more intensively.
- The tool is easy to use and takes minutes to set up.
- The device performs non-invasive therapies, so they are also safe for children.
- Because the drug enters the body in the form of an aerosol, it is not absorbed into the systemic circulation and does not lead to side effects.
With all the advantages, the device is inexpensive, so you should definitely buy it in your family's first aid kit. It will allow timely treatment to prevent complications.
When is nebulizer treatment more effective?
Devices are used when inhalation treatment is prescribed, but they cannot be carried out in any other way. The nebulizer is effective in cases where it is necessary to ensure the penetration of the drug into the affected and inflamed tissues.

The device is used for small lung volume. As a result, holding air for more than a few seconds will not work, and this is one of the effective conditions for using hot inhalations over a pot with a remedy.
Inhalations for laryngitis with a nebulizer in adults and children are similar, but different drugs are used. Although they may be the same, everything is prescribed by a doctor. It is important to take into account the recommendations of a specialist so as not to harm the body.
Inhalations for laryngitis at home are performed for:
- remove swelling of the larynx;
- moisturizing mucous membranes with dry cough;
- decrease swelling in chronic disease;
- reducing the viscosity of mucus accumulated in the larynx and pharynx;
- mucolytic action;
- reducing broncho- and laryngospasm;
- reducing inflammation;
- restoration of microcirculation of the mucous membrane of the larynx;
- antibacterial effect;
- accelerate the recovery of damaged mucous membranes;
- eliminate pain, irritation, hoarseness;
- protect against complications and other ailments.
Steam-free inhalations are prescribed for hypertrophic, acute, atrophic, chronic catarrhal laryngitis. If performed correctly and with the right medicines, the effect comes quickly.
For adults
What to do with inhalation for laryngitis in patients over 18 years old? The following remedies are effective for them:
- A solution of adrenaline with saline (in ratios of 1:6 and 1:12). The drug can be used after consulting a doctor, because it has a negative effect on the heart and blood vessels. But if there are no contraindications, the remedy will be an effective way to treat the disease.
- "Lazolvan". The drug with ambroxol hydrochloride does not lead to a complete cure of the disease and cannot be the main means of therapy. But it perfectly eliminates the symptoms of the disease, providing an expectorant and sputum thinning effect.
- Saline solution. This therapeutic agent in the initial stages of the disease has a positive effect due to the moisturizing effect and removalinflammation as well as pain relief.
- "Hydrocortisone". The remedy is used for severe pain and inflammation. If there is no such remedy, then inhalations with dexamethasone can be performed with laryngitis.

Before using any product, you should not only read the instructions, but also consult a specialist. Inhalations for laryngitis by adults, when performed correctly, have a positive effect.
For kids
Inhalations for laryngitis in children can be carried out with "Lazolvan" and saline. But the doctor may prescribe other drugs:
- "Berodual". The drug is designed to eliminate inflammation. But because it is potent, with side effects, it should be used only in extreme cases, when attacks of laryngitis occur with life-threatening stenosis.
- "Dekasan". The tool has an antibacterial and antiviral effect, used in the treatment of laryngitis, which appeared from pathogenic microflora.
- "Fluimucil". This remedy has a minimum of side effects, it is used in monotherapy (without other medicines).
Only with such drugs, inhalations with laryngitis with a nebulizer will be effective. Drugs must be prescribed by a doctor. In children, procedures are carried out with plain mineral water (Narzan and Essentuki are excellent).
Folk remedies
Mineral water is used in the treatment of respiratory diseases. itapplies to laryngitis. You can take any water - bicarbonate, sodium, calcium, sulfate, hydrogen sulfide. If it is carbonated, then it should stand until the gases are eliminated. Due to the presence of s alts, minerals, micro and macro elements, the procedures have a slight anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and regenerating effect.

Other remedies include:
- Pharmacy water-alcohol extract of plants "Rotokan" (100 ml of water requires 1 tsp of water or saline).
- An anti-inflammatory herbal infusion (calendula, coltsfoot, chamomile, oak bark).
- Infusions with antiseptic action (St. John's wort, eucalyptus, oregano, linden).
- Infusions with expectorant action (thermopsis, mullein, pine buds, sage, string).
- Kalanchoe juice (1 ml of juice per 5 ml of water).
- Solutions with honey and propolis (honey - 1 tsp, propolis - 1 g, water - 40 ml).
During the preparation of herbal infusions, the following rules must be taken into account: 1 tbsp. l. dry raw materials are added to 100 ml of water 60-80 degrees. Infusion takes 1-2 hours. It is desirable that the temperature of the inhaled infusion is 40 degrees. Herbal treatments can be performed up to 5 times a day.
How to do it right?
To make inhalations for laryngitis effective, you need to follow simple rules:
- The drug is poured into the working container of the device 2-5 ml.
- Then a tube is attached to the device, to whichthe mask for inhalation is fixed.
- Then you need to turn on the nebulizer. It sets the desired level of drug dispersion.
- Then the mask is pressed to the face, after which the patient needs to take a deep breath.
- The procedure can take 5-15 minutes.
After that, you need to wash your tube and mask. Do not use detergents that may remain on the working surfaces of the device. After the end of the procedure, you must refrain from eating food, various liquids for an hour.
Inhalations for laryngitis should not be performed with:
- high pressure;
- temperature of 38 degrees;
- prone to nosebleeds;
- development of purulent inflammation;
- pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
- developing allergies.

Procedures should not be performed on children under 1 year of age, as well as people with acute asthma and patients who suffer from breathing problems.
Recommendations from experts
There are several rules for efficient procedures:
- breathe should be at least an hour before eating;
- do not smoke before and after the procedure;
- the event is held in a seated position;
- patient should not speak while inhaling;
- do not take deep breaths as this will lead to hyperventilation;
- if discomfort is felt, it is necessary to end the procedure;
- breathing should be calm.
Need to know whatsolutions for inhalation are used. After completing the procedure with hormonal drugs, be sure to rinse your mouth. To eliminate laryngitis, you need to use masks. Solutions must be fresh. Some drugs can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a day.
Prohibited drugs
There is a list of drugs that are not allowed to be used when inhaled with a nebulizer. This applies to:
- essential oils as they are used for steam inhalation;
- decoctions, phytocollections, in which there are suspended particles and heterogeneous, which are applied topically for rinsing;
- drugs ("Theophylline", "Papaverine", "Platifillina"), because they are intended only for infusion treatment.
The choice of medicine is determined by the causative agent of the disease and its clinic. Non-bully drugs may be prescribed - bronchodilators, mucolytics, antibacterials, antiseptics, antimicrobials, glucocorticoids, antitussives.

In the complex treatment of pathologies of the respiratory system, immunomodulators are used, for example, "Interferon". Medicines act and treat the flu and are used as a preventive measure. For inhalation, you need a few ml. solution. Procedures are performed 2 times a day. Derinat is used for the prevention, treatment of influenza, viral diseases.
Vasoconstrictor drugs with decongestant effect are often used for bronchospasm, allergic laryngeal edema,croup. Although the drugs have side effects, asthma attacks are eliminated with them. The main component of these medicines is epinephrine, naphazoline, which treat allergic laryngeal edema.
With the use of nebulizers, inhalations began to be considered a full-fledged therapeutic procedure, the benefits of which are also known in traditional medicine. But for the best effectiveness of this treatment and to protect against side symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor before doing this.