Intestinal upset is a common ailment in both children and adults. Most often, this phenomenon is not given much importance, since it is believed that this is a temporary ailment, which passes rather quickly if you take a few tablets of the remedy advertised on TV. However, the problem of watery diarrhea should not be dismissed.

When characteristic symptoms appear, it must be borne in mind that this is not a temporary phenomenon, but an independent ailment. Frequent diarrhea is the main sign that a person has serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract or other organs.
Signs of diarrhea
If there was a slight poisoning or a person suffers from indigestion, then diarrhea is not so active. However, in some situations, in addition to diarrhea, the patient begins to experience pain in the abdomen, belching and nausea, which may result in vomiting.
If an adult has diarrhea with water, this often indicates severe poisoning. In this case,in addition to frequent urges to the toilet, a person suffers from weakness, fever and vomiting. At the same time, there is absolutely no desire to eat anything, which leads to physical exhaustion.
Due to watery diarrhea, dehydration begins, which, as you know, is very dangerous even for a he althy person. If the patient has he alth problems, then the situation only gets worse. Therefore, if the patient has dry lips and other mucous membranes, you should immediately consult a doctor. Other warning signs include high blood pressure, extreme thirst, and a darker urine color.
Consequences of illness
If we are talking about a one-time poisoning, then there is no reason to worry. This is especially true of the summer period, when you can stumble upon stale food on store shelves, in cafes and restaurants. If the disease proceeds in a chronic form, then this can provoke the appearance of helminths and other parasites.
The biggest danger of water diarrhea is dehydration and s alt loss. In this case, it is required to immediately restore the water-s alt balance in the human body.

If a person is constantly drawn to the toilet after eating milk, meat or fish that contain staphylococci, then there is a high probability of getting harmful bacteria that are difficult to get rid of. These microorganisms show high resistance to high temperatures. If they are in products, then even boiling cannot guarantee that meat or fish is completely safe. If bacteriareaches the stomach and small intestine, then the person begins severe diarrhea with water, nausea and vomiting. In this case, additional signs may be absent. It is very dangerous. Therefore, even if an adult has water diarrhea without pain, the causes of this phenomenon can be much more serious than it seems at first glance.
Causes of watery diarrhea
If diarrhea with water persists for more than three days, it is recommended to undergo an examination and identify the cause of the disease. Different systems of the body are connected with the digestive tract, so the causes of water diarrhea in an adult or a child can be very diverse. Most often, the following factors lead to this phenomenon:
- Infection. Most common in medical practice. If the patient is suffering from an infectious disease, then toxic substances or poor-quality food may have entered his intestines.
- Dyspeptic factor. In this case, diarrhea with water is due to a violation of the production of special gastric glands. Because of this, food in the human body is not digested and absorbed.
- Toxins. If poisoning with toxic substances has occurred.
- Alimentary factor. Sometimes the human body overreacts to one or more ingredients that may be found in certain foods.
- Drug factor. In this case, the cause of diarrhea with water is the use of potent drugs. Most often, this problem affects people who have recently been treated with antibiotics. These drugs are quicklydisturb the intestinal microflora and destroy beneficial bacteria. Often this leads to dysbacteriosis.
There is also the so-called bear disease. In this case, diarrhea with water can be caused by too frequent stress and nervous experiences. There are other reasons for the appearance of the disease.
What to do at the first signs of watery diarrhea
First of all, it is required to carry out a set of measures that will restore the water-s alt balance. To do this, you should always keep on hand special drinking solutions that contain useful trace elements. Such solutions include Regidron and Oralit. If there is nothing like this in the house, then to restore the body after diarrhea with water in a child or adult, it is recommended to dissolve one teaspoon of s alt in 1 liter of clean water (only not carbonated).
If a person suffers from profuse watery diarrhea, then it is worth adhering to a certain diet that will allow you to quickly restore normal bowel function. In this case, it is necessary to eat baked vegetables, crackers and strong black tea. St. John's wort, chamomile and other medicinal herbs that have a calming effect are quite effective. But from fermented milk products, fresh fruits, vegetables and juices based on them, you should refrain. It is also necessary to exclude any hard-to-digest food.
At the first sign of illness, activated charcoal will help to cope with it. This tool quickly cleanses the body of toxins and normalizes the functioning of systems. If the patient is not diagnosed accurately, then you should not start taking antibiotics. Drugs of this type are prescribed by a doctor as a treatment for more serious forms of the disease.

Also, with the appearance of acute diarrhea with water in an adult, you can take "Imodium". This tool will quickly get rid of pain. But, if the attack recurs after a few days, you should consult a doctor.
Severe diarrhea with water: what to do
You need to understand that a variety of factors can provoke such a state. For example, severe diarrhea is common in women during pregnancy. If a person has severe diarrhea, then you should not postpone a visit to a specialist.
Severe watery diarrhea accompanied by the following symptoms:
- presence of black watery discharge;
- bad smell;
- general malaise;
- severe weakness and dizziness;
- high body temperature;
- vomit;
- presence of mucus and other inclusions in the feces.
If severe water diarrhea continues for a long time, then there is a high risk of bleeding and rapid dehydration. Therefore, it is worth getting a doctor's prescription as soon as possible and proceeding with therapeutic measures. Better not to fall short of complications.
Diarrhea with water in an adult: treatment
First of all, sorbents are used, which quickly remove toxins from the body. In addition, they are effective in fighting bacterial infections. Tools of this typeit is allowed to be taken on a par with other drugs that allow you to eliminate directly the very cause of unpleasant symptoms.
If activated charcoal does not have a positive effect or the form of the disease is more acute, then you should pay attention to drugs such as Smecta, Bilignin, De-nol and Polyphepan.

It is also necessary to think about the restoration of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. This will help to quickly get rid of the inflammatory process. To do this, you should start taking "Sulfazalin", "Diclofenac", "Indomethacin" and other drugs that the doctor will prescribe.
Treatment of diarrhea with water may additionally include the use of plants with astringent properties. They have a positive effect on peristalsis and facilitate the patient's condition. These remedies include oak bark, alder, chamomile flowers and bird cherry. Based on these herbs, it is enough to prepare a drink for daily use.
For a more severe form of the disease, the doctor may prescribe specialized medications that have antidiarrheal effects. However, such drugs are prescribed only after an accurate diagnosis has been made. For example, if a patient suffers from watery diarrhea caused by an infection or bacteria, then in this case medicines are selected that most effectively get rid of harmful trace elements.
Antibiotics are prescribed to target an unpleasant disease. However, doctors prescribe such drugsextremely rare.
Intestinal antiseptics of strong action help to quickly overcome harmful microbes and have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. Such funds are quickly absorbed into the blood, so they work most effectively. In addition, they help to overcome E. coli, if there is one in the body, staphylococci, stenococci, shigella and other microorganisms that have a detrimental effect. Antiseptics also have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora. If we talk about the names of funds of this type, then doctors most often prescribe "Intetrix" or "Enterofuril".
It is not recommended to take medications without a prescription from a specialist. Better not self-medicate.
Diarrhea and vomiting
The most common symptom of watery diarrhea is nausea. This is a completely logical occurrence. The fact is that diarrhea itself is a large amount of watery-type feces, which begin to be quickly excreted from the human body. Therefore, the fact that a reverse effect occurs is a completely normal phenomenon, characteristic of intoxication.
Toxins, the level of which rises sharply in the blood, "tend" to break out. Similarly, the body itself tries to get rid of unwanted bacteria. Therefore, do not panic. If the patient has no other symptoms, then the disease is most likely to recede after a while. If this does not happen, it is recommended to call an ambulance.
Temperature with watery diarrhea
If the patientthere is a relatively small fever (up to 38 degrees), then this is the standard course of diarrhea. The rising temperature indicates that microbes are present in the human body, with which the immune system is actively fighting. In this case, the process of developing special antibodies takes place, aimed at the speedy restoration of the usual functions of the intestine.
If the temperature does not rise, then this indicates that the protective functions of the body are working poorly. In this case, you should think about increasing immunity.

At a higher temperature (above 38 degrees), you should immediately call an ambulance. A high fever indicates inflammation or possible bleeding.
If you have green stools with diarrhea
There are several reasons for changing the color of stool:
- Dysbacteriosis. This ailment is caused by improper functioning of the digestive system.
- Inflammation of the intestines. In this case, the green color indicates that the leukocytes are dying. A similar symptom is characteristic of acute inflammation in the intestinal area. In this case, there will also be purulent inclusions in the feces.
Sometimes a darker color of the stool can indicate that the person's intestines are bleeding.
Yellow stool with watery diarrhea
As a rule, a yellow tint of feces indicates that a person is infected with a rotavirus infection. This means that the patient has eaten unwashed fruit or the product has been contaminated during the production process. A similar afflictionalso often referred to as the stomach flu. It can be transmitted from one person to another by airborne droplets.

Another reason for staining feces yellow is a chronic infectious process in the intestines. For example, if a person has gastritis or is diagnosed with a stomach ulcer.
Sometimes the yellow color is due to the peculiarity of the color of the food itself. However, it is worthwhile to find out more precisely the reasons for staining feces with a specialist.
If watery diarrhea lasts more than three days or more
If the classic methods of treating diarrhea were ineffective and the person continues to have diarrhea with water, what should I do? The only right decision is to seek help from a doctor. With such prolonged diarrhea, inpatient treatment is required under the supervision of medical staff.

It is possible that the patient is suffering from more serious ailments that require immediate medical attention. Therefore, the problem should not be ignored. For example, there is a possibility that a person has problems with the thyroid gland or other organs. Perhaps diarrhea in this case is just one of the signs of a more dangerous ailment.