Tinnitus is a concern for many people. After all, this is an unpleasant phenomenon. At the moment, this disease is quite common among people. A similar symptom in medical parlance is called tinnitus. Most often, people who have already reached the age of 45, as well as allergy sufferers, suffer from it.
If you translate this pathological phenomenon, it means the ringing of bells. Many patients complain of whistling, buzzing, and many other sounds that may or may not be interrupted. Also, their volume can be changed. Sometimes background noise that is heard at night keeps a person awake. It can also affect concentration. Accordingly, tinnitus can affect the ability to work and relationships between people.

Causes of ringing
The causes of ringing in the ear are quite varied. This phenomenon does not develop as an independent, there is always a reason. This condition can be accompanied by both age-related changes in the body, that is, the onset of aging or adolescence, and the processbearing a child. They are all associated with hormonal changes, as well as problems with low (high) pressure. In addition, the reasons may be a long stay in places where it is very noisy, as well as listening to loud music, excessive buildup of sulfur, which is present in the auditory canal. This happens if a person does not have the habit of monitoring their hygiene.
Additional reasons
Also, ringing in the ears can occur when taking medications, especially when it comes to aspirin. The influence of antibiotics, sedatives, antidepressants and tranquilizers should also be noted. Meniere's disease is the same cause. It causes disorder of the inner part of the ear. A similar symptom can occur with various injuries to the head or neck. This should also include disorders of the temporomandibular joint. Often with this diagnosis, nerve damage occurs. The development of osteochondrosis also takes place under constant ringing in the ears. The cause should be noted and otosclerosis. If a person has a low or too high level of pressure, problems with the work of the heart and blood vessels, as well as with the circulatory system, then he may also complain of similar symptoms. Diabetes, thyroid problems, and hormonal imbalances all cause these symptoms.

Tinnitus often occurs in people who smoke, drink alcohol, caffeine, and also use drugs. Substances that are used as food additives can also cause similar symptoms. Stress and fatigue also contribute to the development of this syndrome.
Until the cause of tinnitus is found out, treatment should not be started. It is imperative to conduct a diagnosis, which is based on the manifestation of symptoms. Consider what they should be.
In addition to the fact that a person has direct ringing in the ears, he may experience dizziness, apathy, flies before his eyes - if the cause is a hypertensive crisis.
If the patient has increasing hypotension, then he will experience pale skin, tremors, nausea and vomiting, lethargy, and darkening before the eyes. He will constantly want to take a horizontal position, as there will be problems with coordination of movements, as well as concentration.
If otitis media is the cause of the ringing in the ear, the temperature will rise and there will also be sharp pain.

In the event that water gets into the ear, the patient will have impaired hearing, dizziness, problems when driving in an elevator or escalator, nausea, fever, and the movement of fluid inside the ear will be heard when the patient tilt your head.
In order to prevent the development of complications, it is imperative to go to the hospital. There, the causes of tinnitus will be clarified, the treatment will be prescribed according to the diagnosis. Even with the fact that ENT treats ear problems, ringing complaints are eliminated by a cardiologist, therapist or neuropathologist, depending onwhat is the cause of this symptom.
Examination is carried out using MRI, if the doctor suspects that the patient has problems with the brain, ECG, when the specialist suggests VVD or hypotension, as well as otoscopy. The latter is carried out in order to assess the condition of the ear canal. The most important diagnostic process is a laboratory examination. Blood is given, and from it the doctor calculates what the causes of tinnitus may be. As a rule, the patient has either a low level of hemoglobin, or too high a concentration of leukocytes, or there may be problems with hormones. In the first situation, we are talking about the development of anemia or hypotension. If the patient has a second manifestation, it means that he has inflammation in the body. If the cause is hormones, then there may be problems with the thyroid gland. In this case, you should contact the endocrinologist. These tests are prescribed by the therapist.

In the event that the ringing inside the ear appeared due to high pressure, the doctor prescribes antihypertensive drugs. As a rule, “Papaverine” is administered intramuscularly, or magnesia sulphate intravenously. In this case, the patient must lie on the bed so that oxygen has access to the brain. As soon as the level of blood pressure drops, the ringing in the head will immediately disappear.
If the cause of the ringing in the ear is a bacterial infection, then antibiotics are prescribed, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs. If there is acute pain, also prescribeanalgesics, and also washing the ear with a warm solution.
If an abscess is forming, then you should pay attention to the fact that it is forbidden to warm up the site of inflammation in this case. In order for the contents of the boil not to stand out, you should sleep on the affected side. Otherwise, it may end up with purulent contents entering the body. Because of this, the spectrum of the disease will be larger. As soon as the person recovers, the ringing will immediately disappear.

When the cause of ringing in the right ear (or left) is VVD, it is necessary to contact a neurologist. Often prescribe drugs that improve blood circulation in the brain. In addition, they are able to strengthen the body and improve the state of the immune system. In this case, the treatment takes a rather short time.
If the cause of ringing and noise in the ears was a liquid that began to stagnate inside the ear, then drugs from the antihistamine group are specially prescribed. They have a hypnotic effect, so you need to take them only at night, having previously completed all your work and study work. Treatment with such drugs allows you to achieve the maximum effect in a short time.
Ear cleaning
If the cause of the ringing in the left ear (or right) is the stagnation of wax or pollution, resulting in a plug, then a normal flush should be done. The doctor warms up the solution and with a syringe injects it into the auricle. It is forbidden to perform this procedure on your own, only an ENT should do this. Solution neededheated to the desired temperature, if this is not done, complications will arise. It can be both ordinary vomiting and loss of consciousness. If the washing is carried out correctly, then there will be no complications.
Preventive measures
If the patient knows the cause of the constant ringing in the ears, treatment should be carried out fairly quickly. However, it is much more pleasant not to encounter this problem at all. To do this, you must follow preventive measures:
- Prolonged contact with loud noises should be avoided, and if a person works in a factory, earmuffs should be used to protect their ears from the operation of a chainsaw and so on. It should also be noted that the cells of the cochlea are not restored, as well as the nervous ones.
- It is necessary to clean the ears from sulfur in order to avoid traffic jams. Recall that the latter are treated only in a hospital.
- You need to limit yourself from stress, as well as psychological trauma.
- You should watch your diet. It must be correct.
- Medicines should be taken with the utmost care. If a person is suspected of having sensorineural hearing loss and a doctor prescribes certain medications, therapy should consist of steroid medications as well as hormones. The latter can have side effects, so it is quite important to ensure that he alth does not deteriorate. If there are any manifestations, it is necessary to inform the doctor about it.
- Need to stop smoking, taking drugs, alcohol, and takingdrugs that depress the heart system.
Folk methods
Well, in the presence of these symptoms, treatment with folk remedies will help. The causes of tinnitus can be different, however, most often the same methods help:
- It is necessary to push the lower jaw forward and fix it in this position. In a minute, the ringing will begin to gradually go away, and after a while it will disappear.
- If the cause of the unpleasant phenomenon was a loud party or noise, then you can use a certain method. It is necessary to attach a palm to the ears, while the fingers should look back. They should be pressed against the skull, while the index finger should be placed on the middle one. Next, you need to sharply lower the index from the middle one so that a click is heard. Since the ears are closed and the blow falls on the skull, it will be heard very strongly. However, this is how it should be. Thanks to this, there will be no trace of the ringing.
- In the event that the cause was the pulsation of the nerve, then you can just sleep. Sleep will calm the body and there will be no ringing immediately after waking up.

This is how noise and ringing in the ears can be soothed in many cases. Causes and treatment can be as diverse as possible, there are a lot of methods in folk treatment.
It is necessary to stop drinking coffee, tea, and chocolate. The fact is that caffeine has a very strong effect on blood vessels. That is why the ringing can be amplified many times over. It's the same actionrenders both tobacco and alcohol. You also need to give up s alt. Because of it, swelling occurs, and inflammation in the ear increases accordingly.
White noise can sometimes overpower the sound in your ears. You can turn on the fan, water faucet and so on. As long as a person is in this zone, most likely the ringing will pass. However, it must be remembered that if a person constantly has ringing in the left ear, the causes and treatment should be identified immediately. This will avoid the development of complications and various inflammations.
Geranium leaves will help well. This plant has bactericidal properties. It is necessary to crush the leaves and place them in the ear. After 2 hours, you should change them for new ones.
Viburnum and honey are also good remedies. It is necessary to knead and strain the berries. Juice should be mixed with honey. Soak the turundas in this liquid, and then place them in the ear. Take them out after 10 minutes. Thanks to viburnum, swelling can be removed, and honey will warm the ear. You need to do this procedure at least twice a day.

You can use lemon balm. It is not only an anti-inflammatory agent, but also able to calm the body. You need to take three tablespoons of lemon balm, put it in a jar and pour water. Then she should infuse for 20 minutes. You need to drink a decoction during the day. The course of treatment should not exceed a week.
Drops can be made from chamomile. It is necessary to pour boiling water over the plants, cover and wrap with a towel. They must insist for several hours. Next, the broth must be filtered,to keep debris out of your ear. The decoction should be instilled 2 drops 3 times a day. Chamomile will act as an antiseptic as well as a sedative.
So, now you know the causes of ringing in the ear, as well as methods of getting rid of this trouble.