Treating herpes in children is an almost impossible process. This is due to the fact that the herpetic virus, entering the body, cannot leave it so easily. The only option is to muffle unpleasant symptoms and avoid dangerous consequences.

You also need to understand that everything depends on the individual characteristics of the child. In one baby, herpes can appear every three months, while another child may completely forget about this problem until adulthood, when the virus “wakes up” against the background of an infectious or any other type of disease.
On the other hand, you need to be prepared for the fact that almost every baby suffers from this disease. Moreover, according to scientists, 100% of people on Earth have cytomegalovirus, and 90% of people have ordinary herpes.
Also, the treatment of herpes in children directly depends on the type of virus. To date, there are 8 categories of this pathology. By studying their manifestations and features, you can decide how serious the disease is.
Types of herpes
Let's take a closer look at all varieties of this viral disease:
- Herpes type 1. This herpes is also called simple. It occurs in a huge number of people and rarely prevents them from living a full life. If we talk about the symptoms and treatment of type 1 herpes in children, then the disease, as a rule, does not require emergency therapy, but it manifests itself in the form of rashes on the lips and on the wings of the nose. As a rule, redness does not itch and is not so noticeable. Therefore, most often, many do not even suspect that they have this pathology.
- Herpes type 2. In this case, rashes appear on the genital areas. This type of disease is much less common. However, quite often, the treatment of herpes in a child (type 2) must be carried out, since the infection can go to the birth canal in girls, and in boys it can affect the glans penis. At the same time, children experience severe itching, which can develop into herpetic sore throat and stomatitis.
- Herpes type 3. In this case, we are talking about the well-known chickenpox. One of the variants of this type of herpes is shingles. However, these problems are rare in children.
- Herpes type 4. This variety is also often referred to as the Epstein-Barr virus. Such an ailment can provoke the appearance of infectious mononucleosis. This severe disease affects the lymphoid system. If a child is sick with infectious mononucleosis, then in this case he will suffer from fever, enlarged lymph nodes, pain in the throat, swelling of the adenoids, and an increase in the size of the liver. This variety is quite dangerous, as it leads tocomplications and negatively affects the functioning of the immune system.
- Herpes type 5. In this case, the disease progresses quite quickly into an infection of the cytomegalovirus type. In this case, it may even be necessary to treat herpes in a child at 3 years old or even earlier. As a rule, this is due to the fact that the baby begins to attend kindergarten, where he becomes infected with the virus. Very rarely, the disease begins with intrauterine infection and is unlikely to lead to the development of serious disorders in the performance of internal organs. At the same time, an infection of this type may not manifest itself in any way for a long time, but this does not prevent the baby from being a carrier of the virus.

Herpes type 6. This type of ailment can lead to roseola or exanthema. If we talk about the symptoms and treatment of type 6 herpes in children, it is worth noting that quite often this disease is confused with rubella. Among the main signs of illness, parents should be confused by small pinkish papules located on the skin of the baby. When pressed on them, they begin to turn pale. At the initial stages of this pathology, the temperature may rise, but there will be no cough or runny nose. In this case, the baby very quickly returns to normal. When treating type 6 herpes in children, doctors often do not start therapy for the infection itself, but try to overcome ARVI and acute respiratory infections. This is due to the fact that the manifestations of this disease are very similar to the common flu, so you should pay the doctor's attention to the absence of other characteristic signs of seasonal ailments
7th and 8th types of herpes so farhave not been fully studied, since they were discovered relatively recently. However, there is a theory that these ailments can cause chronic fatigue.
Why does herpes appear in the same place repeatedly?
First of all, it should be borne in mind that after the virus enters the body, it does not immediately begin to actively manifest itself. Usually, in the initial stages, it does not detect itself in any way, respectively, the symptoms of herpes in children do not appear in any way, and treatment is not required. If the child feels well and rarely gets sick, then this pathology may not bother for years. However, as soon as the baby's immune system weakens, for example, with acute respiratory infections, hypothermia, or at the onset of allergy attacks, the virus is activated.
After his awakening, he begins to multiply actively, which leads to a rash on the skin and mucous membranes. As a rule, while it is always localized in the same places. If the location of herpes has changed, then this may indicate an exacerbation of the disease.

After a while, the body gains strength and begins to actively fight the infection, which leads to cleansing of the skin and mucous membranes. Because of this, the virus "hides" until better times, when the baby's immunity fails again. Therefore, it is quite difficult to treat herpes in children. It is never clear whether the virus has really been overcome or whether it just went into sleep mode and will soon reappear.
When is herpes most contagious?
If the virus is dormant and hiding in the ganglia,then in this situation you should not worry about the fact that it can be transmitted to other children.
However, during the period of exacerbation, it becomes especially dangerous for others, as it is quite easily transmitted. In order not to infect other kids in the kindergarten, it is worth using specialized preparations and starting the treatment of herpes in children during the period of exacerbation of the disease and its active reproduction.
Can an infant get herpes?
It should be taken into account that during the first three years of life in the body of a child, the immunity of his mother remains. During this period of time, he is protected by the nutrients and nutrients that he received while still inside the womb of a woman. Therefore, it all depends on how the fair sex felt during pregnancy, whether she adhered to a he althy diet, whether she consumed alcohol and other harmful components. Also, in some cases, newborns have a very weak immune system. Therefore, everything depends on many factors.

However, we can say with certainty that if a mother during pregnancy or after the birth of a baby suffered from this virus, then most likely it will be transmitted to a newborn baby.
Treatment of the herpes virus in a child during an exacerbation
If the baby suddenly has unpleasant rashes, then in this case you can use the recipe for emergency treatment of the disease. To do this, you need to make lotions from 70% ethyl or camphor alcohol.
Also have a positive effect alternating hot water and applying ice to the affected areas of the skin.
If unpleasant bubbles appear on the skin, then in this case, it is recommended to use products that have a drying effect to treat herpes on the child's body. For this, zinc paste, iodine and brilliant green are suitable. However, these funds must be used with caution.
For the treatment of herpes in a child on the lips and mouth, you can use solutions of furacilin or tincture of calendula.
However, in no case should you use hormonal ointments, such as Flucinar. These funds will not only not help, but, on the contrary, will aggravate the situation. After using such remedies, rashes can remain on the skin for much longer, and the bubbles may even begin to open. This is very dangerous, as bacteria can get into them.
Options for getting rid of herpes
Looking at the photo of herpes in children, the treatment of which gave results, it is safe to say that complex therapy worked in this case.
Regardless of the type of infectious pathology, you need to make sure that the baby drinks fluids as much as possible. It doesn't have to be water. Fruit drinks, compotes and natural juices are suitable (you just need to make sure that the child does not suffer from an allergic reaction to one or another component).

If a child suffers from a high temperature when herpes appears, then in this case it is recommended to take children's antipyretic drugs, for example"Nurofena".
Also, you can forget about herpes for a while with the help of antiviral drugs. However, the chosen course depends on the symptoms of herpes in children and the treatment of the disease, which is recommended by the pediatrician. As a rule, experts recommend using ointments (but not hormonal ones) if the rash is localized on the baby's lips or genitals. Also, with the help of topical preparations, you can cope with herpes zoster.
Pills should be resorted to when it comes to an acute manifestation of the disease, as they have a stronger effect, but this is not always useful for the baby. In the most severe cases, intravenous drugs may be required. However, such procedures are carried out only in the case of the most complex herpes infections.
When it comes to drug treatment of this type, experts most often recommend the use of:
- "Aciclovir". This drug copes well with the first three types of herpes. In this case, the tool can be used from the age of three. This product is sold in the form of ointments, tablets and powder solutions.
- "Zovirax". Differs in the same features as "Acyclovir".
- "Viru-Mertz". This tool successfully fights against the 1st and 2nd type of virus. This drug is sold in the form of a gel that is applied to the baby's skin. However, it should be borne in mind that this remedy is not recommended for children, however, in especially severe cases, pediatricianshe is being discharged.
When not to self-medicate?
If the baby suffers from an illness more than 3 times a year, then in this case the problems are much more serious. It is possible that the baby's immune system is not working properly. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor and find out the cause of the possible manifestation of the disease.

Also, do not experiment if the baby's skin clearly shows signs of shingles or chickenpox. In this case, the development of herpes will proceed to a more complex degree.
If there is even the slightest suspicion that the child suffers from the 3rd-6th type of herpes, then in this case it must be borne in mind that these varieties are highly contagious, so it is better to call a doctor as soon as possible. Otherwise, all households may begin to suffer from herpes.
To date, special vaccines have already been developed for this unpleasant disease. However, it should be borne in mind that this procedure began to be carried out quite recently, so it is very difficult to talk about its effectiveness. However, according to scant data, this vaccination has helped many cope with an unpleasant illness. According to studies, after vaccination, the likelihood of a relapse is significantly reduced, and sometimes the disease even recedes.
Even if the vaccine does not help to completely get rid of herpes, it will help to forget about the exacerbations of this pathology.
As a rule, for this type of treatment, 5 injections are required with a break of4 days. In this case, the course of treatment, as a rule, is at least 6 cycles.
However, it should be borne in mind that vaccination can only be carried out if the baby does not suffer from kidney or liver diseases. Also, this procedure is contraindicated for those who have been diagnosed with malignant tumors and intolerance to certain drugs.
Vitamin Therapy
It is quite obvious that if herpes has arisen, then this indicates that the baby's body has weakened. In this case, he can be helped with vitamins B, C. Calcium also has a positive effect.

You can also start giving your child Eleutherococcus tincture. This tool helps to maintain the body in good shape, has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system. In addition, Eleutherococcus has a relaxing effect. Thanks to this, the functioning of the nervous system improves, the baby feels more cheerful and cheerful.
Folk remedies
If you watch programs in which Komarovsky expresses his opinion about the treatment of herpes in children, then you can draw a lot of useful conclusions. For example, in order to get rid of unpleasant symptoms, you can use the methods of traditional medicine.
One of the most effective remedies are lemon balm and mint. If you make lotions with these plants, then in this case you can quickly get rid of itching and redness. To prepare a medicinal infusion, pour 1 tablespoon of fragrant spice with a glass of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. After that, it is enough to moistenin the liquid, a cotton pad and apply it to the affected areas of the skin 3-6 times a day, depending on the abundance of rashes. The course of treatment depends on the complexity of the disease. When the signs of herpes disappear, you can stop making lotions.
Also, propolis will help to cope with the disease. This beekeeping product quickly copes with itching and redness. However, such drugs are prohibited for use if the baby suffers from an allergy to honey.
Eucalyptus oil can also help get rid of unpleasant bubbles. In addition, it has excellent antiseptic properties. This will keep pathogenic bacteria from spreading over large areas.
You can also prepare a decoction of calendula. Sea buckthorn oil has a good effect. However, before embarking on self-treatment, it is still worth consulting with a pediatrician.