Cracking heels: what to treat and how to prevent

Cracking heels: what to treat and how to prevent
Cracking heels: what to treat and how to prevent

Many people think that cracked heels are purely an aesthetic defect. Doctors say that this is a consequence of other problems in the body. That's why you need to think about when your heels crack. What to treat, the examination will show. It can reveal problems with the stomach, endocrine system, and skin diseases.

Heels are cracking. What to treat?

cracked heels what to treat
cracked heels what to treat

If cracks only looked unaesthetic! Often they are accompanied by pain in the heels, in which every step becomes painful. This leads to dryness of the skin, which is an echo of a more serious process in the body.

Cracked heels, what to treat? If such thoughts occupy you more and more often, find out what can provoke this ailment. In the first place - the wrong wearing of shoes. Cracked heels are most common in women who are known for their love of fashionable shoes that are not always comfortable. Treatment of heels from cracks can be the result of a systematic deformation of the foot in such shoes. It has been noticed that the heels most often crack in the summer, when open shoes are worn and a lot of time is spent in the country. Leatherthe heel, being close to hot asph alt and the ground, dehydrates and dries, which leads to cracks.

The next common cause is age. It is rare to find a young girl or guy (heels also crack in men) with such flaws. Over the years, the body, as you know, no longer produces such a quantity of valuable substances, so the skin loses its elasticity and becomes dry, which again leads to cracks. Many are wondering why the heels crack and how to treat them, unaware that they suffer from a more serious illness. Cracks can be symptoms of diabetes, malfunction of the endocrine system, diseases of the skin, stomach, beriberi.

Cracking heels: what to treat and how to prevent

Any disease is better to prevent than to cure. Heels need regular care, so you can avoid problems in the future. Every day after a shower, they must be lubricated with a nourishing cream, once a week cleaned with a pumice stone and arrange foot baths.

why heels crack and how to treat them
why heels crack and how to treat them

They soften, moisturize and nourish the skin of the heels well. You can use sea s alt and baking soda to make them. Ointments are best used with bee propolis or containing vitamins A, E, F. Preparations with petroleum jelly quickly and deeply soften and moisturize rough heel skin.

cracked heel treatment
cracked heel treatment

Vaseline is good to use in its pure form, after steaming your feet in water with an admixture of boric acid. Creams should also be included in the care complex.for lubrication of cracks with the addition of antibiotics, if the cracks are very deep and painful. They can cause fungal infections. Dry heels can appear from the frequent wearing of synthetic socks or tights. It is better to switch to clothes made from natural fibers. Tight uncomfortable shoes should be replaced with spacious and comfortable ones. You need to pay attention to nutrition. Dryness and cracks may indicate a systematic deficiency of products with retinol and tocopherol (asparagus, liver, tomatoes, sour-milk products, spinach, carrots are rich in these substances).
