Children in the preschool period of their lives can very often suffer from various colds and infectious diseases, which are often complicated by the process of inflammation of the lymphatic system. In this article, we will talk about the symptoms and treatment of lymphadenitis in children, and also figure out what should be done in order to protect the child from such a dangerous disease.
About pathology
Children's lymphadenitis is a serious disease of the lymphatic system, which is associated with inflammatory processes in the respective nodes. As a result of the disease, the lymph nodes may become enlarged.

In most situations, the treatment of childhood lymphadenitis begins with the fact that a child with a diagnosed pathology is referred to an oncological hematologist, however, the malignant nature of this disease is confirmed in only one case out of a hundred.
At what age does it occur?
It has long been established that childhood lymphadenitis is observed mainly in the nursery orpreschool age as a complication of the course of provoking infectious and inflammatory pathologies that very often occur in childhood. It should be noted that this process in children is more active than in adult patients. What are the causes of lymphadenitis in children?
Causes for the development of pathology
Lymph nodes in a child instantly react to the processes taking place in a young body. Usually they increase in size, after which they begin to hurt and develop into an independent disease that must be carefully treated. Pediatricians call the following causes of lymphadenitis in children:
- The presence of infectious diseases and inflammatory processes in the form of tonsillitis, caries, influenza, mononucleosis or tuberculosis.
- The presence of untreated colds that lead to the accumulation of pus in the lymph nodes.
- Presence of blood diseases.
- The appearance of a tumor on the internal organs.
- The process of teething, which, by the way, is the safest cause of lymphadenitis.
- Scratches not treated with antiseptics, as well as abrasions and cuts that can fester and provoke instant inflammation.

Whatever it was, but you should not figure out why the child has enlarged lymph nodes. It is necessary to contact the pediatrician so that, after a detailed study of the anamnesis, he determines the true factors that provoked lymphadenitis.
Lymphadenitis inchildren can be much more severe compared to adult patients. This disease has a complex classification and many types. Each type of ailment has its own signs and symptoms, respectively, and treatment methods will vary. Doctors unanimously argue that childhood lymphadenitis, as a rule, occurs in two versions, namely in the form of an acute and chronic form.
In acute lymphadenitis in children, the symptoms are as follows:
- Lymph nodes can become inflamed and painful.
- There is a significant increase in temperature along with the appearance of chills.
- Child may feel weak with headache.
- It can hurt the baby to turn his head, and also touch the place where the lymph nodes are inflamed.
- Loss of appetite.
- Accumulation of pus in the lymph nodes.
- The skin at the location of the inflamed suppurating lymph node turns red.
- Formation of a large abscess.
Signs of a chronic form
If you do not start treatment of the acute form of this disease, it will become chronic and will bring a lot of discomfort for the rest of your life. In cases of chronic lymphadenitis in children, the symptoms are somewhat different:
- Lymph nodes usually become inflamed in exactly the same way as in the presence of an acute form, but do not hurt.
- Lymph nodes become a kind of wandering, appearing constantly in different places.
- Some lymph nodes on the background of the disease are able to collapse, they are replaced by a connectivecloth.
- Some lymph nodes can form fistulas that can accumulate pus and cause extreme pain.

Classification of childhood lymphadenitis
Lymphadenitis in children is divided into several groups that characterize the complexity of the course of the disease. For example, this disease is classified according to the nature of the pathology and the following forms are distinguished:
- Specific lymphadenitis, which manifests itself as a side effect of severe infectious pathologies, which are almost impossible to cure. They also include HIV infection. This type of lymphadenitis in children is extremely rare.
- Non-specific type of lymphadenitis. Its causative agents are streptococci along with staphylococci. In this case, inflammation develops in a certain area, and not throughout the body.
Forms according to the nature of inflammation
The following forms of the disease are distinguished by the nature of the inflammation of the lymph nodes:
- Development of serous lymphadenitis. At the same time, one lymph node can become inflamed and blacken in children. Under it, pus accumulates, which in the future will come out when the lymph node bursts. This is an extremely dangerous form of pathology that can lead to blood poisoning, up to limb amputation.
- Development of purulent lymphadenitis. With this form, inflamed lymph nodes in children are characterized by a pulsating nature of pain. The child may have a fever up to 38 degrees. There will also be a decrease in appetite and weakness. Placeinflammation at the same time swells, acquiring a red color. This form of the disease is treated exclusively by surgical intervention.
- Necrotic type of lymphadenitis. Such lymphadenitis often occurs in the neck. It is extremely rare in children, but if it occurs, it causes a lot of inconvenience, as sweating increases against its background, and the neck also hurts, appetite is lost and weight is reduced.

According to the hearth of location
The following forms of pathology are distinguished according to the focus of location:
- Development of cervical lymphadenitis. This is the most common type of disease that occurs against the background of infectious pathologies, which are very common in children at a younger age.
- The presence of submandibular lymphadenitis. With this form, inflammation of the lymph node leads to swelling of the chin, and sometimes the oral cavity. Often this type of lymphadenitis provokes dental diseases in children.
- Development of inguinal lymphadenitis. This form occurs in children due to untreated leg abrasions. For example, an infection gets into the wound, which begins to actively manifest itself in the lymph nodes located in the groin. In children, this form is quite rare.
- Development of axillary lymphadenitis. This form occurs for the same reasons as cervical lymphadenitis. Basically, the disease passes in a purulent form, followed by the formation of fistulas.
- Parotid lymphadenitis in children occurs if there were combed pimples in the area that were infected. Thisa form of lymphadenitis must be treated under the strict supervision of a doctor, otherwise there is a risk that the child will lose his hearing.
Diagnosis of pathology
Diagnosis of this disease in children involves the following procedures:
- Carrying out a close physical examination of the lymph nodes in the cervical and submandibular region.
- Correct diagnosis and assessment of medical history.
- Carrying out a blood test.
- Performing an ultrasound examination of swollen lymph nodes in the neck.
- Visit children's specialists such as pediatrician, infectious disease specialist, hematologist, otolaryngologist, surgeon and phthisiatrician.

Diagnosis is usually aimed at identifying the root causes and foci of infection that provoked inflammation in the lymphatic system.
Additional Research
As an addition to the main examinations, if indicated, the following procedures may be prescribed:
- Taking a chest X-ray.
- Taking tuberculin samples.
- Lymph node biopsy followed by cytology and histology.
Treatment of lymphadenitis in children
Treatment in some cases is carried out conservatively, without surgical interventions. As the main means, as a rule, antibacterial drugs are used for treatment, which have sufficient effectiveness, and at the same time safety:
- Using macrolides such as Sumamed along with Azithromycin.
- The use of aminoglycosides in the form of "Gentamicin" and "Amicacin". Antibiotics for lymphadenitis in children should be selected only by a doctor.
- Using aminopenicillins such as Amoxicillin.
- Use of cephalosporins such as Cefazolin along with Ceftriaxone, Cephaloridine and Cefotaxime.
As an addition to the treatment of lymphadenitis in children, antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs may be prescribed. The system of therapy for this disease in a child in case of serious pathologies in the oropharynx, as well as in severe submandibular, cervical and other lymphadenitis, provides for conservative intervention. How long does lymphadenitis last in a child? More on that later.

Need to start therapy with cephalosporins almost immediately. After receiving the results of microbiological studies and determining the etiology of the disease, therapy with etiotropic drugs, such as macrolides and antiviral drugs, can be continued. In the presence of mild forms, it is recommended from the very beginning to use macrolides as a therapy for this disease in children.
For the absolute destruction of the causative agents of the inflammatory process in acute lymphadenitis in children, in most situations, seven days are required. In the presence of purulent cervical and submandibular lymphadenitis, ultrahigh-frequency therapy and electrophoresis with the addition of preparations containing iodine are actively used. Physiotherapy treatment prescribedonly after surgical opening of the affected lymph nodes and drainage of the cavity.
Surgical treatment, according to statistics, doctors use in four cases out of five, when there is a need to open an infected lymph node with subsequent drainage of its contents. In certain situations, doctors use an open biopsy, in which the excision or complete removal of the lymph node is performed. Compresses are also often used for lymphadenitis in children.
Against the background of chronic currents, doctors often prescribe physiotherapy with the application of Vishnevsky ointment, and also prescribe antihistamines along with calcium gluconate, vitamins and restorative agents. Treatment of lymphadenitis in children in the preschool period is often carried out in a hospital. At any age, if a diagnosis of adenophlegmon is made, the child must be hospitalized for further opening of the abscess and antibiotic treatment.

About what preventive measures should be taken to protect the child from such a serious danger, we will tell further.
Prevention of lymphadenitis in children
It is important for parents to be able to recognize the disease in advance, as well as to know the basic preventive measures. In order not to expose children to pathology, certain preventive measures should be taken, for example:
- Parents should regularly strengthen the immunity of the child. To do this, the baby should be periodically prescribed multivitamin courses.
- VeryIt is important to keep your child clean at all times. This is especially true in cases in which the baby receives abrasions or scratches.
- It is necessary to take the child regularly to scheduled appointments with the pediatrician in order to examine him. In addition to the pediatrician, you should take the baby to the dentist.
- In no case should you self-medicate. It is mandatory for every child to be under medical supervision if they become ill.
All parents should give their children due attention, as well as time, so as not to miss the changes taking place with the children's body. If you start treating a child with a disease such as lymphadenitis on time, you can avoid many complications that this pathology can subsequently lead to. Do not forget that the he alth of children is your concern, so carefully monitor the condition of your child.