Atheroma: treatment and causes of its occurrence

Atheroma: treatment and causes of its occurrence
Atheroma: treatment and causes of its occurrence

Atheroma is an epidermal or follicular cyst, inside filled with cyst secretions or a pasty substance. It can be said that atheroma, the treatment of which depends on the stage of development, is a subcutaneous capsule containing a curd mass.

atheroma, treatment
atheroma, treatment

Sometimes a hole is observed in the middle of an atheroma formation, contents with an unpleasant color and smell can be released from it. Formations can be single or multiple.

Atheroma. Reasons for the appearance

The most common cause of atheroma is blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous gland or swelling of the hair follicle.

Hormonal and hereditary factors influence the appearance of atheroma.

Location and frequency of appearance of atheromas

Atheroma suddenly appears in most people at least once in their life. This happens more often in men aged 20-30 years, over time, education increases in size.

The most common occurrence is atheroma on the back, somewhat less often it develops on the earlobe, on the neck, face, chest, shoulders or on the head.

Atheroma: treatment

There are various treatmentsthis education. Basically, surgical excision of atheroma with suturing is performed. The method of removing atheroma with a laser has proven itself well, sometimes specialists use the radio wave method of getting rid of atheroma using a special scalpel.

atheroma on the back
atheroma on the back

A sebaceous secret is released from the hole to the surface of the skin, which can cause bacterial infection, which manifests itself as a complication in the form of soreness and suppuration. In this case, the inflammatory process is removed, and then the atheroma capsule is removed.

Atheroma, the treatment and removal of which is not complicated by infection, is removed by a planned surgical intervention. An accurate diagnosis is established by a specialist after an ultrasound scan and examination by a dermatologist and oncologist.

Atheroma. Surgical treatment

The doctor tells the patient what technique will be used for anesthesia, surgery, and what is the expected duration of the recovery process. Removal of atheroma is carried out at the time agreed with the patient or on the day of contacting the clinic.

atheroma, causes
atheroma, causes

In the surgical method of treating atheroma, different methods are supposed to be used:

  • in the place on the skin where the greatest swelling of the formation is observed, the surgeon makes an incision, squeezes out the contents of the atheroma through it, and then removes the atheroma capsule or cleans the cavity of the formation;
  • dissection of the skin over the formation is performed so that the capsule is not damaged, then the skin is shifted from the atheroma and squeezed out to the surfacecapsule with its contents;
  • atheroma is excised on both sides with bordering incisions covering its opening, then it is “husked” onto the skin with scissors.

Atheroma. Radio wave treatment

This method involves the removal of atheroma by using high-frequency radio waves that vaporize the atheroma capsule. The operation is performed under local anesthesia, and its duration does not exceed 15 minutes.

The advantage of this technique of getting rid of atheroma is that after its implementation there are no scars, and the likelihood of bleeding is minimized. The healing time is also accelerated. And most importantly, with this method of removing atheroma, the possibility of formation in the future is excluded.
