Babinski's reflex. All about pathology

Babinski's reflex. All about pathology
Babinski's reflex. All about pathology

Pathology called the Babinski reflex is a fairly common occurrence among newborn babies. In a he althy child, this disease disappears as the cerebral cortex develops.

The Babinski reflex is another name for the big toe extension symptom. It is caused by intense irritation of the outer part of the baby's foot from the bottom up. Normally, the response consists in the gradual extension of the first finger. In he althy babies, this reaction can be traced already in the first half of life. When the reflex arc is stimulated, the remaining toes may be slightly bent, remain motionless, or fan out. The absence of a reflex, as well as difficulty in bending the fingers, may indicate damage to the reflex arc. The Babinski reflex can occur in children up to 2-3 years old. And this will not be considered a pathology if there are no other signs of damage to the nervous system. The manifestation of this reaction in children older than four years indicates the pathology of the motor neuron.

This symptom is named after its discoverer, French neurologist Joseph Babinsky. Reflex detection does not require anyspecial equipment, is performed very quickly and gives very reliable results about the state of the human nervous system.

babinsky's symptom
babinsky's symptom


The neurologist runs the back of the malleus along the outer and inner surface of the sole. The touch should be light so as not to cause pain. With normal development, a positive Babinski sign is observed.


A negative result indicates various neurological disorders. It is the first sign of cerebral palsy, may indicate a violation of cerebral circulation, tumors of the central nervous system, etc.

Babinski syndrome in adults.

Disappearing in early childhood, the reflex may reappear as a result of disruption of the cerebral cortex. If the foot of an adult is irritated, the fingers should normally curl up. In some cases, a neutral reflection is observed, while the legs will remain in the same position. If the fingers extend, this indicates a pathology. The Babinski reflex can be observed on one or both limbs at the same time. Some patients may experience coordination problems and other neurological disorders.

babinsky syndrome
babinsky syndrome

The Babinski reflex, found in adults, indicates damage to the motor neuron system. It is responsible for the interaction of certain parts of the spinal cord and brain. In this case, the flow of impulses to the motor neurons stops, which causes this syndrome. Atin adults, this feature can be a sign of a stroke, tumors of the spinal cord or brain, multiple sclerosis and other diseases. Today, the reflex is an important diagnostic tool that precedes the appearance of quite serious neurological diseases. When a syndrome is detected in an adult, additional diagnostic studies are usually prescribed. They are used to identify the true cause of the reflex. After an accurate diagnosis is made, the neurologist can determine the course of treatment.
