Corn - what is it? Description and types

Corn - what is it? Description and types
Corn - what is it? Description and types

Corn is a protective function of the skin, which occurs with intense and prolonged friction. Very often they appear when wearing low-quality and uncomfortable shoes.

To prevent this problem from happening, be sure to choose quality shoes for yourself in size.

What is a corn

Constant friction or pressure on a certain area of the skin provokes rapid necrosis of the upper layers of the skin. Calluses are cells that do not have time to exfoliate and be removed from the surface of the skin on their own. Gradually, they are layered on top of each other and compacted. If increased sweating is additionally added to this process, then this can provoke softening of the skin and the corn becomes soft.

callus it
callus it

If liquid accumulates under the layers of dead skin, it becomes watery.

Causes of occurrence

Corn is a local thickening of the skin, accompanied by keratinization of their upper layers. Places of its localization can be:

  • palms;
  • feet;
  • fingers.

The reason for the formation of corns is quite simple. Its occurrence is preceded by a long and intensepressure on a specific part of the skin. Among the main factors contributing to the emergence of this formation, one can single out the following:

  • wearing uncomfortable shoes;
  • the presence of coarse seams inside the shoes;
  • using socks one size larger;
  • overweight;
  • need to constantly carry a large load;
  • excessive skin sensitivity.

Calluses on the feet are very common in people suffering from diabetes, flat feet and psoriasis. In addition, vitamin deficiency can be attributed to predisposing factors.

Main species

Corns are a kind of protective reaction of the body, as they prevent the occurrence of more serious problems. They can be dry or wet. Wet type is a bubble that is formed from wearing uncomfortable shoes or when working with tools. They can occur on almost any part of the body, regardless of age. Inside is lymph. They may also indicate a violation of the norm of glucose in the blood. Many doctors recommend piercing them, as the fluid inside can lead to infection.

Callus between fingers
Callus between fingers

Dry appearance of callus occurs after prolonged pressure on the area of the foot. Often a similar problem is observed with flat feet. In this case, the callus is located under the toes.

Water callus

Wet type of corn, the photo of which will help determine exactly how it looks, occurs as a result of mechanical action on the skincovers with their subsequent damage and the formation of a fluid-filled bubble that rises above the surface of the skin. They do not pose a danger to humans, however, they provoke a certain discomfort and pain.

Corn photo
Corn photo

If it is not treated and processed in a timely manner, infection of the body may occur, especially if the corn is filled with blood. It can form as a result of damage to the capillary. It is worth noting that a constant traumatic effect on a wet callus can lead to the fact that it turns into a dry form, which will become a seal consisting of keratinized layers of the skin.

Constant friction of the skin can lead to displacement of the top layer of the skin, which often goes unnoticed. If the mechanical action on the skin continues, this leads to the formation of a cavity, which is then filled with liquid. Having studied the description of the corn, it is important to know for what reasons it is formed.

The formation of this skin defect is largely facilitated by wearing shoes that are too tight, which exerts a certain friction on the skin. Excessive sweating of the feet further increases the likelihood of its occurrence. Wet callus can also form on the body. Its formation on the hands and arms is not excluded, especially if you often have to work with special tools, peel vegetables. Wet calluses between the legs may occur in overweight people, especially in the summer.

Particularly susceptiblethe formation of such a skin defect people with delicate and sensitive skin. At the same time, redness, pain, slight swelling are noted, a cavity filled with liquid is formed. If the bladder ruptures and the fluid flows out, then a red weeping wound is formed. The rupture of the corn is very dangerous with the likelihood of infection. The presence of pus, turbidity of the contents, fever, and the formation of dense yellow crusts near the wound can indicate the accession of an infection.

Dry corn

Dry type of corn, the photo of which clearly demonstrates its peculiarity, belongs to one of the stages of dropsy, although it may bypass this stage. A sharp transition can be with a slight but constant friction on the same area of the skin, in which it gradually becomes rougher.

Corn on the finger
Corn on the finger

It has a yellowish or grayish tint and rises above the rest of the skin. Such a callus can occur when playing sports, hard physical work, wearing inappropriate shoes, flat feet, and improper distribution of the load on the foot. In addition, a similar skin defect can provoke:

  • arthritis;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • heel spur;
  • osteoarthritis.

Mostly a callus forms between the toes on the foot and is not painful. Pain is observed only in the most advanced cases in the presence of cracks. It is worth remembering that before proceeding to their removal, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications and chronic diseases. One ofvarieties are considered corns.

Corn callus

Rod types of corns are among the most unpleasant and dangerous. It is not only the presence of many keratinized layers of the skin, but the ingrowth of the callus rod into the soft tissues, which is accompanied by very severe pain. Initially, the person experiences minor discomfort, slight tingling, and slight itching.

Often there is a corn on or under the finger, mainly this formation is observed near the little finger or between the thumb and forefinger. Over time, the symptoms increase even more, it is very painful to step on the foot, and the person’s gait even changes.

Corns at home
Corns at home

On the arms and hands, this type is very rare. Among the main causes of occurrence are the wearing of new shoes, as a result of which there is a redistribution of weight on the forefoot, as well as:

  • fouling of a foreign body with skin tissues;
  • presence of viruses and fungi;
  • transition of callus from soft to dry form.

If it is removed in the usual way, it may leave a rod that looks like a yellowish spot in the center of the affected area.


Corns - corn between the fingers, on the feet or palms, which belongs to the dry type. Its difference lies only in the area of the lesion, as well as the location. Basically, they go away on their own, after the main cause of education is eliminated.

Corns are notaffect the deep layers of the skin and remain only on their surface, forming rough areas with a fuzzy contour. Basically, they are completely painless. They are formed mainly by rubbing or squeezing while wearing shoes that are too tight and uncomfortable.

Many people confuse them with fungal diseases. If there are visible changes in the skin, it is advisable to seek qualified help from a dermatologist. Doctors do not recommend sticking them with a band-aid, as this can cause serious complications. The composition of the patch includes antiseptic agents that provoke a significant drying of the skin, which leads to even more coarsening of the skin. It is best to carry out treatment with a qualified specialist.

Chicken ass

Chicken zholka is a corn between the toes or on the heel, provoked by the human papillomavirus. It is capable of delivering very severe pain while walking. This is a kind of rough, blurry outgrowth with black dots. Chicken ass can be in men and women of absolutely any age.

The virus can stay in the human body for a long time, and manifests itself only in the presence of provoking factors, which leads to the formation of corns. These factors include poor immunity, excessive sweating, improperly selected shoes. From a small nodule, it can develop into a large and dense formation.

How to tell a callus from melanoma

If a callus appears on the finger, then it is safe to say that this is definitely not melanoma. Its formation is possible only if there was a mole at the site of the formation of corns. Then, gradually, a corn begins to appear in a person, if it was the mole that became the cause of melanoma.

Corn at home
Corn at home

If there is a mole on the foot, then you need to consult a doctor and remove it, since if it is injured, there is a risk of transition to a malignant tumor. Pigmentless melanoma cannot be identified without special devices. That is why, if there is a spot of a light pink hue or the density of the skin has changed, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

Providing treatment

Treatment of corns at home can only be carried out if there is complete certainty of its origin, since seals can be confused with warts, the removal of which is undesirable. The treatment of watery formations is carried out in several stages, namely:

  • eliminate the causes of its occurrence;
  • disinfection of the affected area;
  • isolation by applying a plaster.

If you get rid of the fluid by piercing the corn with a sharp object, then healing will be much faster, but in this case there is a risk of infection, so it is advisable that the procedure be performed by a dermatologist.

To safely pierce a corn, you need to follow certain rules, namely:

  • before the procedure, wash your hands and the place where the corn is located;
  • disinfect the needle;
  • betterjust use a needle from a syringe;
  • only exfoliated tissue should be pierced;
  • after the puncture, treat the wound with an antiseptic and stick a band-aid.

Dry corn at home is quite difficult to remove, especially if they have a stem. To completely get rid of a hard build-up, you need to remove all the keratinized layers and remove the rod, which is difficult to do, especially if it is located deep. If it is removed only partially, then this will lead to the re-formation of the corn. Treatment can be carried out therapeutically and medically. Among the methods of therapy are the following:

  • drilling machines;
  • cryolysis;
  • laser removal;
  • radio wave method;
  • diathermocoagulation.

Drilling with a drill means that the build-up is removed with a special apparatus along with the rod. This procedure is performed without anesthesia, which causes a slight tingling sensation. After that, the area is treated with an antiseptic and antibiotic ointments are applied.

callus between
callus between

The cryodestruction method implies that the corn is exposed to an abnormal area with too low temperatures, as a result of which the growth is frozen and completely destroyed. Mostly liquid nitrogen is used. Literally in a few minutes, you can achieve complete destruction of the build-up and the rod.

A bubble forms on the treated area of the skin, which after a while passes on its own. Treatment takes place withoutanesthesia, however, if the lesion is deep enough, local anesthesia may be used.

Laser removal is one of the best ways, as it will completely get rid of it. Often, a carbon dioxide laser is used, which penetrates deep enough into the deep layers of the skin, burning the rod in layers using local anesthesia. After removing the build-up, antibacterial ointments are applied.

Corn can be removed by using a radio wave electrode that does not come into contact with the skin. Under the energy of radio waves, the affected cells are "evaporated", as a result of which they are destroyed. The electrode itself does not heat up, so it does not burn the surrounding tissue, but it creates a very precise cut.

The method of electrocoagulation is based on cauterization of the growth with alternating current, which heats up the formation. High temperature leads to the destruction of cells, and a protective crust forms in place of the callus, which itself disappears after a few days.

Therapy is also carried out with the help of medications. This process is quite lengthy, since a long-term destruction of the seal that has grown into the tissues is required. To remove the rod, ointments and patches are required that have a keratolytic effect. Surgical treatment is carried out in the most difficult cases, when other methods do not give any result at all.

Folk techniques

Corns are widely treated at home with folk remedies. In particular, a very good result is provided by:

  • lemon;
  • dandelion juice;
  • aloe;
  • bread compresses;
  • ointment based on celandine.

To eliminate a corn, you need to fix a slice of lemon on it with a band-aid and leave it overnight. In the morning, she should fall off on her own. For the treatment of dry growths, you need to moisten the crumb of bread in vinegar and apply to the site of the lesion. Such compresses should be done throughout the week.

Aloe leaf helps well, which must be applied at night to the affected area with the soft side. The next day, you just need to remove the build-up with a pumice stone.


If the callus is not completely cured, then it grows deep into the tissues and can provoke the occurrence of complications, among which are the following:

  • significant pain;
  • deep cracking;
  • decrease or total loss of ability to work.

In addition, such a growth can provoke a violation of the redistribution of weight on the joints, nerve endings, and muscles, which occurs as a result of severe pain when moving. Subsequently, this leads to the occurrence of an inflammatory process and deformation of muscle tissue.

When a callus is infected, there may be tissue decay with subsequent development of osteomyelitis, phlegmon, erysipelas.


To prevent corns, dermatologists recommend the following preventive measures:

  • choosing the right shoes;
  • socks should be true to size and out ofnatural fabric;
  • rubbing areas should be lubricated with Vaseline or sprinkled with talc.

Following all these simple rules, you can prevent the formation of corns as much as possible. If you find a lesion that causes discomfort and pain, you should contact a specialist.
