Before answering the question of why a wart appeared and itches, what to do, you should figure out what kind of education it is. Warts (neoplasms on the skin), as a rule, do not pose any threat to the life of the individual. Sometimes they are able to disappear on their own, as suddenly as they appeared. But in situations where growths cause itching or pain, you should sound the alarm and rush to the doctor. There are cases when the patient began to bleed, through which the infection spread.
Why does a wart itch
Doctors identify several main causes of itching in the area of a neoplasm on the skin:
- complications provoked by the "transformation" of papilloma into a malignant form;
- injury on he althy skin (when the wart grows in size).

Transition to a malignant form
Modification of neoplasm inthe malignant form is extremely rare.
Most often, the inconvenience associated with itching is caused by growths that are located on the fingertips, in the inguinal areas, as well as in places where nerve endings are located and on the hands. Warts often itch on the body. Unreasonably caused and incessant itching in the area of the growth requires an urgent qualified medical consultation - for an accurate diagnosis of the disease and, if necessary, the necessary medical intervention.

Those who ask the question of whether warts itch should know that constant itching is dangerous. This is especially true in cases where continuous itching goes hand in hand with other acute symptoms, such as pain, a change in the size of the neoplasm and color.
Continuous scratching can be triggered by an increase in the size of the wart, which can result from a weakened immune system. First of all, this is due to the fact that in the active phase of viral processes in the human body, as well as on he althy skin, there is a visual change in its he althy cells. This process is often accompanied by a number of unpleasant sensations.
Thus, if a wart itches, it's most likely growing.

Can I scratch a neoplasm?
If a wart appears and itches, it causes a painful tickling sensation, but it is strictly forbidden to give in to desire and comb the growth. As a result, such manipulationsthe following happens:
- inflammatory process;
- unwanted bleeding;
- the emergence of new growths, through the penetration of infection into he althy cells of the skin;
- scar formation;
- cell infection.

In cases where the wart is just starting to itch, you can't even rub it. This can provoke the appearance of new growths throughout the body. If the neoplasm was nevertheless injured, it must be treated as soon as possible with any antibacterial drug, and then closed with a plaster. Immediately after treatment, you should show the wart to the doctor and thereby exclude the possibility of infection of other skin cells.
Perhaps a malignant tumor?
As already known, the transformation of a wart from a benign form to a malignant one is very rare. But let's dwell on the main symptoms of oncology in more detail in order to warn ourselves against irreparable consequences.
One of the most obvious symptoms is the change in growth to a darker color.

If the education is oncological
A cancer that can be detected at a very early stage of development is called melanoma. The most obvious symptom that accompanies the disease is itching of the skin. That is why it is necessary to consult a doctor with such symptoms.
The main signs of a malignant tumor include:
- pain;
- color changewarts;
- itching at the site of growth localization in case of its self-liquidation;
- a wart that is surrounded by swelling and redness;
- bleeding on the neoplasm.
The transformation of a wart from a benign to a malignant form is influenced by a number of factors:
- probability of hereditary activation of the process;
- too much ultraviolet;
- burn;
- severe injury to an individual's skin;
- environment.
When visiting a doctor, the first thing a patient needs is a visual examination, which allows a qualified specialist to accurately determine the type of neoplasm. It is extremely rare, but still sometimes the dermatologist gives the patient a referral for additional examinations: PCR analysis and histological analysis. There are cases when doctors confused plantar growths with dry callus, which provoked the launch of an irreversible process.

Prevention of warts
A he althy lifestyle is the true key to success in everything. The body's immune system deserves special attention. Here are some additional guidelines:
- personal hygiene;
- with even minimal injuries, it is necessary to treat the skin with any antibacterial agent;
- when in contact with an already infected person, adhere to personal hygiene standards (immediately after);
- balanced nutrition;
- avoiding unnecessary stress;
- control visits to public places (sauna, swimming pool, etc.)next);
- gloves must be used when using household chemicals;
- avoid foot contact with non-natural materials;
- control sexual relations.
Wart treatment
Doctors identify a number of common methods of treating neoplasms:
- there is not a single remedy for unwanted growths that could rid the individual of the papillomavirus once and for all;
- appearance of new warts is possible after any of the methods of dealing with them (the probability of recurrence is 30%);
- any of the methods of treating neoplasms has an efficiency within a radius of 60-95%;
- more methods of removing warts from the skin entail scars on the body (the likelihood of a scar depends directly on the effectiveness of the method);
- growths are absolutely out of control (they often grow in size for no apparent reason, but are "inferior" to the most effective methods of treating them);
- Treatment of neoplasms should be started with minimally material and maximally safe methods (in cases where they are powerless, it is worth thinking about more aggressive forms of medical intervention).

Medicated methods for eliminating warts
When a neoplasm appears on the skin, you need to seek help from a dermatologist. As a rule, the first thing he does is prescribe a number of drugs that actively increase immunity, calm the nervous system andenrich the body with vitamins. Moreover, only a qualified specialist will be able to choose the most appropriate method for eliminating unwanted build-up.
In medicine, the following methods of dealing with warts are shared:
- freezing the neoplasm with liquid nitrogen (the whole treatment process takes about two weeks);
- liquidation of build-up current (takes about a week);
- laser removal (the course is two to three weeks);
- removal of warts through surgery (only in cases where the size of the growth exceeds the allowable rate);
- chemical ways to get rid of build-up.
The following medications are often recommended to patients for use:
- salicylic acid;
- trichloroacetic acid;
- "Ferezol";
- "Papillek".
It is strictly forbidden to use any of the above medications without consulting a doctor, self-medication is inappropriate here.
Therapy Reviews
Before starting treatment, it is advisable to read reviews about a particular method. All of them are quite different. Therefore, we can conclude that in order to get rid of such a problem, one should take into account the individual characteristics of the organism. Some helped a certain drug, others required surgery. So, in order not to start the process, you should resort to medical methods (liquid nitrogen, etc.), which the doctor will advise. Only this will helpremove growths.
It is equally important to carry out preventive measures. First of all, it is strengthening the immune system. To do this, you can use both medications and folk remedies. Particular attention should be paid to vitamins. Proper nutrition and a he althy lifestyle are the key to a strong body.
And last but not least, stress. It is known to be the cause of 95% of diseases. And warts are no exception. Worry less and rest more. And then diseases will be bypassed.