In gynecology, hysterectomy is a common practice. Another name for this surgery is a hysterectomy. It is carried out both on a planned and emergency basis. Women, regardless of age, react very painfully to such a doctor's decision. Let's try to figure out what are the consequences of the operation to remove the uterus.
Reason for hysterectomy
This treatment, when indicated, is mainly recommended for older women.

However, in some cases, he is shown even younger. It is used when there is no result from other types of therapy and under the following conditions:
- infection during delivery;
- myoma;
- endometriosis;
- presence of metastases;
- diagnosed oncology;
- polyps in large numbers;
- omission, prolapse, thickening of the walls of the uterus;
- frequent bleeding.
Types of surgery
The choice of technique dependson the existing diseases, the size of the tumor, the degree of damage and some other factors. What are the types of operations?
- Laparotomy. This is an abdominal operation, which is indicated for severe pathologies. The consequences are manifested by complications in the form of bleeding, adhesions and divergence of sutures.
- Laparoscopy. Compared to the previous type, it is less traumatic. Complications are minimal.
- Transvaginal. Rehabilitation after such surgery is quite fast. Consequences and unpleasant complications are almost non-existent.
Removal of the uterus
In young women under the age of 40, such a surgical intervention is a rather rare occurrence and is dictated by serious indications. Older women are often prescribed surgery to remove the uterus. There are always consequences for the body, but they can have different severity:
- pain in the lower abdomen;
- tides;
- anus muscle loosening;
- chest pain;
- urinary incontinence;
- swelling of the legs;
- pain in the lumbar region;
- dryness and prolapse of the vagina;
- disruption of bowel function.

Early physical activity (moving and walking) after surgery reduces the severity of negative consequences.
General Consequences
For any surgical intervention, some changes in the body are characteristic. General consequences of hysterectomy:
- higher likelihood of adhesion formation. To preventearly exit from the postoperative period is recommended;
- pain at the site of surgery. This is an inevitable suture healing process;
- infection. To prevent it, a course of antibacterial agents is prescribed;
- vascular thrombosis. As a preventive measure, the lower limbs are bandaged immediately before the operation.
All of the above effects are temporary and do not affect the patient's life after discharge from the hospital.
Rehabilitation after surgery
Unpleasant consequences after removal of the uterus can be minimized if you follow the doctor's recommendations and follow certain rules over a long period:
- To strengthen the pelvic floor and vaginal muscles, do Kegel exercises, which are easy to perform and available at home.
- Alternate between homework and leisure. Excessive physical activity, sports are not recommended. Give preference to daily walks.
- Water treatments to take in the shower. Refuse baths, saunas, baths.
- Several months after the operation, it is necessary to wear a bandage, which has a strengthening effect on the muscular skeleton. This is a good prevention of prolapse of internal organs.
- Follow the diet recommended by the doctor, because due to hormonal failure, a sharp increase in body weight is possible. Limit fatty and sugary foods.

The duration of the rehabilitation phase depends on the type of operation.
Therapeutic diet
A woman who, after the removal of the genital organs, adheres to a he althy diet, prolongs her youth, and also reduces the risk of developing severe consequences of hysterectomy. Basic Diet Requirements:
- getting enough fluids;
- eating small meals (150-200 grams) at least five times a day;
- exclusion of products that cause constipation and gas formation: chocolate, coffee, strong tea, flour products;
- give preference to products containing fiber, trace elements, vitamins and increasing hemoglobin;
- Minimize heat treatment.
Removal of the uterus after 50 years
The reasons for such an operation are serious pathological conditions in the female genital area, which not only worsen the quality of life, but can also be life-threatening. Of course, unpleasant consequences of hysterectomy after 50 years are possible.

They are different and depend on the individual characteristics of the woman. Doctors with full confidence will not be able to say how the patient will feel after such a complex surgical intervention. For many of the fair sex, the removal of this reproductive organ causes stress, up to a depressive state. Others take it quite calmly and find positive moments.
Complications after hysterectomy
Depends on the he alth of the woman and the type of surgery. Early effects of hysterectomy after 50:
- bleeding;
- thrombosis;
- infection of the scar;
- peritonitis;
- adhesions in the peritoneum;
- pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen;
- small divergence of seams;
- constipation;
- infection of the scar;
- outflow of urine with painful sensations.
Careless or incorrect actions of the surgeon during the operation lead to damage to the blood vessels, bladder and intestines. As a result, there is incontinence of feces or urine, bowel movements from the vagina, urinary incontinence.
Long-term complications of hysterectomy
The consequences of the removal of reproductive organs in old age may appear after a few years. The quality of life without these organs is reduced. Consider the most common complications:
- osteoporosis. Due to the disturbed hormonal balance, calcium and the body are washed out;
- neuroses. There are often problems of an emotional nature that cause discomfort. Women are diagnosed with depression, which is accompanied by frequent tantrums, nervousness, suspiciousness, worries, and anxiety. Periodically there is apathy or fatigue, a sharp change in mood. Such patients need help and support from loved ones, medical rehabilitation. Removal of the reproductive organs causes a strong hormonal failure, as a result of which the psychological state worsens;
- cystitis. The cause of this disease is trauma to the genitourinary system during the operation;
- periodontal disease;
- early menopause. Spaying speeds upthis process, as estrogen production stops. Women experience the following symptoms: loss of energy, frequent mood swings, fatigue, vomiting or nausea, feeling of heat in the whole body (hot flashes). This period comes quite abruptly, the body needs to quickly rebuild. In this regard, all symptoms are exacerbated. To alleviate the condition, the doctor prescribes hormonal drugs;
- prolapse of the vagina;
- adhesive disease. It is believed that this is the most severe and unpleasant complication. Adhesions, consisting of connective tissue, form in the abdominal cavity. They create an obstacle to the normal functioning of internal organs. Cause sudden pain that persists for a long time. Preventive measures are physical activity the day after surgery, physiotherapy, and, if necessary, taking antibacterial and hormonal drugs;
- constipation. The consequence of the removal of the uterus is some displacement of the bladder and intestines. A woman experiences the following problems: urinary incontinence or, conversely, difficulty urinating, pain in the lower abdomen, hemorrhoids, which is the result of frequent constipation;
- lymphostasis. This disease develops if during the operation the lymph nodes affected by cancer cells adjacent to the genitals are removed. As a result, the process of circulation of lymph in the blood vessels is disturbed and lymphatic edema is formed. The patient feels heaviness and pain in the lowerlimbs. Their skin becomes reddish.

Removal of the uterus for fibroids
Consider the consequences of hysterectomy for myoma:
- When removing only one uterus, there are no special changes. The necessary hormones continue to be synthesized in the ovaries. Sex drive and the ability to experience orgasm are maintained.
- According to some sources, there is information that such an operation brings menopause closer by several years, but this has not been confirmed by anything.
- Bleeding in the postoperative period.
- Pain during scar healing.
- Adhesion.
- Psychological instability, which is manifested by tearfulness, mood swings. There is a feeling of uselessness due to inferiority. There is sweating, chills, hot flashes.
- Inability to have children. For women of childbearing age, this is one of the saddest consequences.
Common consequences of hysterectomy after age 50
With certain serious he alth problems at this age, doctors recommend removing the uterus and ovaries. The consequences after their removal are not large-scale when compared with a similar operation at a young age. After the loss of reproductive organs in half of the patients, a whole complex of symptoms develops, which is associated with impaired functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems, i.e. posthysterectomy syndrome. This complication develops as a result of a significant decrease in the concentration of sex hormones.

When the uterus and ovaries are removed after 50 years, this syndrome rarely develops, since at this age the body is already used to and works with a reduced level of hormonal substances. Sexual desire after removal of the uterus and ovaries at this age does not change significantly. However, there is little difficulty in obtaining sexual satisfaction and vaginal dryness occurs. Women in this age group are not afraid of the loss of reproductive function. Many patients experience emotional problems. They feel inferior, which is manifested by weakness, increased irritability, mood swings and other reactions.
Inevitable change
After such an operation, a woman's life changes. Regardless of age and extent of surgery, the following consequences occur after hysterectomy:
- emotional problems. According to doctors, modern women cope with this situation on their own. There is a reassessment of values and the acceptance of the prevailing fact;
- changes in sex life. Almost all women note a significant improvement in this area;
- lack of menses;
- not being able to have children;
- pelvic organs are redistributed (displaced). If necessary, the doctor prescribes a correction.
The consequences of hysterectomy, according to most women, are as follows:
- quality of life improves:
- no heavy bleeding;
- no more periods;
- fearget pregnant disappears;
- hemoglobin rises.

According to women, the consequences after surgery to remove the ovaries and uterus are more noticeable and appear as follows:
- menopause almost immediately;
- there are problems with the cardiovascular system;
- reduced quality of sex life;
- gaining weight quickly;
- if there are no contraindications, hormonal drugs are prescribed.
The consequences of removing the cervix and the uterus itself are practically the same as removing only the last one. This is also confirmed in the reviews of women who underwent such an operation:
- sex life unaffected;
- ovaries are functioning;
- hormones are produced;
- no periods.
There are other reviews that note the following points related to the removal of the uterus:
- sweating increases;
- cardiovascular system fails;
- possible formation of bleeding hematomas in places where the ovaries and uterus were cut off;
- psycho-emotional state is unstable;
- Vaginal walls fall out;
- urinary bladder and intestines, with mistakes made during the operation, change their work;
- blood sugar rises.
Severe consequences of hysterectomy are rare. Having fulfilled all the recommendations of the attending doctor and having passed the rehabilitation period, the woman will feel better, the quality of life after surgery,will surely increase.