Xerostomia - what is it? Causes, symptoms and treatment

Xerostomia - what is it? Causes, symptoms and treatment
Xerostomia - what is it? Causes, symptoms and treatment

Xerostomia is an insufficient level of saliva production that is accompanied by dry mouth. Often, patients complain of a burning sensation in the throat, difficulty chewing and swallowing. Also, the patient has a violation of the perception of taste and the presence of a constant taste of metal in the mouth.

Xerostomia (causes, symptoms, treatment are described in this article) is often a sign of diabetes, Parkinson's disease, HIV, etc. It can also be a side effect of certain medications, chemotherapy, radiation exposure.

The success of getting rid of xerostomia depends on the cause that caused it. Symptomatic treatment involves the use of drugs such as Galantamine, Pilocarpine. Novocaine blockade and physiotherapeutic procedures on the area of the salivary glands are also used.

Xerostomia causes symptoms treatment
Xerostomia causes symptoms treatment

Causes of disease

Xerostomia - what is it? What reasons provoke it? Saliva serves as a material for lubricating the oral cavity. It facilitates the process of chewing andswallowing food. In addition, it helps to eliminate harmful microbes and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Substances contained in saliva contribute to the remineralization of enamel and the neutralization of alkalis and acids that enter the oral cavity with food. Typically, xerostomia is a side effect of certain medications.

What is xerostomia
What is xerostomia

What are the causes of such a pathology as xerostomia?

Dry mouth caused by:

  • drugs for the treatment of kidneys, nervous system and diabetes;
  • neuroleptics;
  • diuretics;
  • antihistamines;
  • sleeping pills.

To eliminate the symptom, you should change the tactics of therapy, and it will stop bothering you.

Older people are more susceptible to the appearance of such a disease due to the use of many drugs of various pharmacological groups.

The combination of dissimilar means is more conducive to the development of this pathology. Symptoms of xerostomia can be noted in the presence of:

  • diabetes;
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • hypertension;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • AIDS;
  • Shane syndrome.

Shane's syndrome is characterized by autoimmune disorders that provoke the dystrophic process of the salivary glands, which is expressed in dry mouth and a decrease in their function.

Presence of mumps and other infectious diseasesIt can also cause dryness of the oral mucosa. Infections contribute to the disruption of the system of innervation and blood circulation, which affects the full production of saliva.

Xerostomia causes
Xerostomia causes

Xerostomia (photo can be seen in the article) is also observed during radiation therapy, and even for a short time after its cancellation. The disease is especially pronounced when irradiated oncological patients with a tumor in the head and neck.

When the salivary glands are surgically removed, xerostomia is an irreversible process. The only correction option is the use of products that help moisturize the oral mucosa.

Impaired saliva production is often manifested by head bruises and damage to the central nervous system by toxic substances.

xerostomia photo
xerostomia photo

Atrophy of the salivary glands in old age, sialadenitis, Mikulich's disease are quite serious pathologies in which the likelihood of xerostomia is increased.

Xerostomia, which is of a short duration, also occurs in the absence of underlying diseases. For example, it occurs in violation of nasal breathing caused by polyps, deviated septum.

In older people, due to weakness of the muscles of the lower jaw, xerostomia occurs due to the fact that a person's mouth is open during a night's sleep.

Frequent rinsing of the mouth with aggressive disinfectants also leads to an atrophic process in the area of the salivary glands andthe appearance of signs of disease.

Symptoms of the disease

Xerostomia, for which the causes are well known, is characterized by dry mouth. With a decrease in irrigation of the mouth with saliva, the risk of purulent processes increases, since in the absence of saliva, microbes and bacteria survive and contribute to infection of the soft tissues of the oral cavity. Often the mouth is affected by a fungal infection.

When dry mouth appears, taste disturbances occur up to the complete loss of its perception. The degree of manifestation of the disease can be judged by the signs.

Xerostomia causes treatment
Xerostomia causes treatment

How does the initial stage manifest itself?

In the initial stage, the salivary glands near the ears and under the jaw secrete a normal amount of saliva. At this stage, their work is in the process of decompensation.

Dry mouth can bother a person during a long conversation or when overtired. The mucous membrane of the mouth is moist. Foaming is noted in the saliva.

Second stage

The next stage is partial decompensation. The signs of the disease become more pronounced. They manifest as persistent dry mouth, difficulty chewing and swallowing.

A sick person at this stage has dryness when eating. Therefore, the patient often drinks water. The mucous membranes of the mouth are poorly moistened. It is dyed light pink and glitters.

Signs of the third stage

How does a disease such as xerostomia manifest itself in the third stage? This is beforetotal decrease in the function of the salivary glands. Patients complain of excruciating dryness in the mouth, pain in the process of talking and chewing. The appearance of complications such as glossitis and stomatitis is noted.

Dry mouth causes ulceration. The skin of the lips becomes dry and flaky. Sometimes the lips become crusty.

If xerostomia is caused by dysfunction of the salivary glands, then caries often appears in addition to the main symptoms.

When xerostomia is present, the patient complains of thirst, trouble swallowing food, and bad breath. Sick people are prone to angina. During the recovery period, hoarseness and pain in the throat cause a lot of inconvenience and are the cause of speech impairment.

The tongue turns bright red, cracks appear in the corners of the mouth, which bacteria can easily enter.

In the stage of compensation and decompensation, the patient complains of dryness in the nasal passages. Pathological processes in the periodontium are also possible.

If a sick person wears removable dentures, then there are difficulties in their use and frequent traumatic lesions of the oral mucosa.

Xerostomia is
Xerostomia is


Xerostomia is a symptom of severe pathology in the body. Its diagnosis includes the preparation of a detailed anamnesis in order to identify the underlying cause that caused this complication. The doctor asks the patient in detail about all the medications he takes. Also, ultrasound of the salivary glands andsialography.

Therapy Methods

Symptomatic treatment contributes to a significant relief of the patient's condition. After cessation of therapy, the symptoms of the disease return. Therefore, the dentist must determine the exact cause of this condition.

Xerostomia is a condition that can be caused by certain medications or dehydration. In this case, it is quickly corrected.

The condition caused by radiation therapy is almost impossible to eliminate, as the radiation can disrupt the production of saliva.

Many are interested in how xerostomia is eliminated, how to treat the disease? Pathogenetic therapy is aimed at eliminating dry mouth. To optimize the patient's condition, solutions of potassium iodide are prescribed. Also used "Pilocarpine" or "Galantamine". Lubrication of the oral cavity with liquid vitamin A causes a decrease in dryness and healing of ulcers and small cracks. Novocaine blockade of the area of the salivary glands located near the ears and under the jaw, as well as the use of physiotherapy procedures (galvanotherapy, electrophoresis, vibration massage) can improve the patient's condition even with the presence of pathology at the decompensated stage.

Prevention measures

Xerostomia, the causes and treatment of which are described in this article, requires preventive measures. If you have a pathology, you should limit the consumption of s alty and dry foods, as well as drinks containing caffeine and sugar.

Alcoholic drinks and mouthwashes containing alcohol,contribute to the drying of the mucosa and cause hyposalivation.

Those with xerostomia are advised to give up bad habits, use products that moisturize the oral cavity, as well as brushes for cleaning teeth with soft bristles to avoid injury to dry mucous membranes. The use of professional toothpastes is recommended. Teeth should be brushed three times a day. It is advised to massage the inner surface of the cheeks and gums with the tongue.

Sugar-free hard candies also optimize saliva production. Usually, patients with xerostomia are advised to chew gum, which also increases the level of salivation. But sugar-free chews should be used to reduce the chances of tooth decay.

Xerostomia causes and treatment
Xerostomia causes and treatment

After the symptoms of the disease have been eliminated, relapses should be avoided, which is achievable by following the doctor's instructions and taking medication rationally. Drugs that will not reduce salivation should be used.

When cooking, it is advised to add more spices and red pepper to them.

Moisturize the air in the apartment more often.

Folk remedies

Is it possible to eliminate such a disease as xerostomia with folk remedies? How to treat the disease without the use of drugs? As a rule, various herbal rinses are used. Increased fluid intake during the day is also recommended. At the same time, it is recommended to drink it in small quantities.

Xerostomia how to treat
Xerostomia how to treat

Plentiful drink

This method is the simplest. It helps to moisturize the oral mucosa. It is recommended to drink a cold rosehip broth, as well as sour cranberry or cranberry juice. With insensitive teeth and gums, you can suck on ice cubes. If dry mouth is caused by a hangover, then you should drink mineral water with lemon juice in a ratio of 2:1. Drink in small sips.

Mouth rinse

The choice of means for this purpose should be approached with caution. Most medications contain alcohol and are therefore not suitable for dry mouth.

There are several recipes for rinsing:

  • The mouth should be rinsed with infusion of calendula, chamomile or sage. You can also use rinse aids containing fluoride.
  • Widely used rosehip oil and herbal collection. Blueberries, calamus root, sage and chamomile are taken. Each plant is brewed separately. For 1 st. water is taken 1 tbsp. a spoon. The agent is infused for 40 m, after which it is filtered. With each infusion, the mouth is rinsed in turn, and the blueberries are eaten.

Instillation in the nose

In the pharmacy you can buy an oil solution "Chlorophyllipt". This remedy is instilled into the nose three times a day. Rosehip oil is dripped first, and then "Chlorophyllipt". After the procedure, you should lie down. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Disease prognosis

The prognosis of a disease such as xerostomia (treatment, drugs are described in this article) depends on the nature of the underlying disease, as well asthe degree of violation of the functionality of the salivary glands. In all cases, except for the complete atrophic process, it is possible to achieve a significant improvement in the patient's condition up to a complete cure.

xerostomia treatment drugs
xerostomia treatment drugs


So, in the article we answered the question: "Xerostomia - what is it?" Treatment is selected based on the underlying disease that provoked it. For example, in the presence of diabetes, drugs will be prescribed that normalize blood glucose levels. This will promote normal salivation.

Pathology cannot be attributed to a separate disease. It is a sign of a serious disorder in the body.
