Pimples on the face and neck are not only evidence of acne, they can also appear as a result of demodicosis, an infectious disease caused by a tiny tick. The subcutaneous mite in humans is localized in the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. Most often it is found on the chin, wings of the nose, nasolabial fold. Although the parasite can live on the neck, ears, chest and back. The size of the tick varies from 0.2 to 0.5 millimeters, so it is almost invisible. Every day, from the ducts of the sebaceous glands, the mite gets out to the surface of the skin and feeds on the cells of the hair follicles, sebum, and cosmetics applied to the body. When the parasite returns to its habitat, it brings pathogenic bacteria collected on the surface of the skin into the body.

For some time, the subcutaneous tick in humans does not cause any tangible problems. But if there is a decrease in immunity, the condition of the skin, sebaceous glands, blood vessels changes, then the reproduction of the parasite will be carried out muchmore active. And this will definitely lead to an inflammatory process. Currently, the ecological situation is characterized by a deplorable state, the immune system of people is weakened, so demodicosis is a disease that occurs quite often. It is not easy to cure it, and after recovery there is a risk of relapse.
Subcutaneous mite in humans. Symptoms of demodicosis

First, a rash appears on the face, neck, and scalp. The pores expand, the skin becomes oily, sores appear on it. Most often, demodicosis develops in adolescence, although it can appear at any time. Its main signs are redness, tuberosity, peeling of the skin, intense itching. The use of cosmetics for ordinary acne only worsens the condition. The strongest itching is observed at night, since it is at night that the subcutaneous tick in humans is activated. Photos of people with demodicosis also show external signs of the disease: the nose often increases in size and acquires a purple hue. Also, a decrease in the density of eyelashes and the appearance of scales between them indicates a possible disease.
Subcutaneous mite in humans. Methods for diagnosing demodicosis
Signs of demodicosis can be detected by a dermatologist during a visual examination. After all, abscesses, scales and crusts on the skin are visible to the naked eye. However, a reliable diagnosis can only be made based on the results of a special analysis. Prior to the study, the patient is advised not to wash for 24 hours.

Treatment of subcutaneous ticks in humans
To strengthen the patient's immunity and restore the skin to its former structure, drugs that improve blood quality are used, in some cases blood transfusions are performed. After that, they begin taking the medicines prescribed by the specialist inside simultaneously with the use of ointments externally. To exclude any irritating factors, the patient is prescribed a diet that implies the rejection of fatty, s alty, smoked, fried, spicy foods. You can not sunbathe, visit the bath during the period of intensive treatment. At the same time, the patient must observe strict hygiene every day. Girls will have to completely abandon the use of cosmetics for a while. If the course of treatment has not led to favorable results, hormonal drugs may be prescribed.