Sinusitis: operation, algorithm, causes, symptoms, doctor's prescription, treatment without surgery and possible consequences

Sinusitis: operation, algorithm, causes, symptoms, doctor's prescription, treatment without surgery and possible consequences
Sinusitis: operation, algorithm, causes, symptoms, doctor's prescription, treatment without surgery and possible consequences

The sinuses are located near the upper jaw and in their shape resemble a pyramid with several faces. They have a connection with the nasal passages, through which the exchange of air and the outflow of the secret accumulated in the sinus. As soon as the causative agent of the infection penetrates into the sinus cavity, in most cases this leads to the development of sinusitis. True, in a child's body everything happens a little differently, since bacteria can enter from any source of inflammation in the body. There are many ways to treat, but the most effective is sinus surgery.


Sinusitis will actively develop if there is a problem when natural ventilation has been disturbed. This happens in the following situations:

  1. Presence of polyps inside the nose.
  2. Injury to the face resulting in a deviated septum.
  3. Adenoiditis in chronic form.
  4. Exacerbation of allergic rhinitis andhay fever (most often with improper treatment).
  5. Too frequent use of "Nazivin" and other drugs that have a vasoconstrictive effect.

This disease can be triggered by damage to the surface of the wall of the maxillary sinus. In most cases, it is associated with a violation of the development of teeth in the upper jaw and after the dentist's manipulations, performed not very well. In this case, sinusitis of the odontogenic type always begins.

sinus surgery
sinus surgery


The main symptom of the disease is a feeling of pressure, constant discomfort in the affected area. Unpleasant sensations and pain intensify in the evening, but in the morning they are practically not observed.

The most common symptoms are:

  1. Pain. It can be localized in the forehead, temples, cheekbones. The occurrence of pain syndrome means that there is inflammation in the sinuses, pus accumulates.
  2. Difficulty breathing. Because of the suppuration of the sinuses, it becomes difficult to breathe. Nasal congestion does not go away until the patient is fully recovered.
  3. Rhinitis. With the progression of sinusitis, there may be a flow from the nose of purulent, greenish discharge.
  4. Voice changes. He becomes hoarse, nasal. The fact is that nasal congestion causes the patient to give higher loads to the ligaments. This is what causes the voice to change.
  5. Toothache. Often, patients suffer from pain in the upper jaw, which is associated with the accumulation of pus in the sinuses.
  6. Generalweakness, malaise, loss of appetite.
odontogenic sinusitis surgery
odontogenic sinusitis surgery


Antibiotics are a conservative and quite effective method of medical treatment of sinusitis. But, like any treatment that involves strong drugs, it is not without flaws. Without drinking the course completely or delaying the treatment too much, the patient runs the risk of developing complications of varying degrees of complexity. In general, statistics show that a positive effect has been achieved after two days - it becomes easier for patients to breathe, the headache subsides. The group includes drugs: Acyclovir, Anaferon, Amoxiclav and others.


These products are good at removing swelling and restoring drainage of the sinuses. Typically, drugs in this group are presented in the format of sprays, drops and ointments. A well-known example of a drug: drops "Nazivin" in children's and adult versions.

surgery to remove sinusitis
surgery to remove sinusitis


A line of homeopathic remedies is also a success. A striking example is the drug "Cinnabsin". Medicines in this category are aimed at connecting the internal forces of the body to fight the disease.


In some cases, doctors turn to immunomodulators. For example, they often prescribe the remedy "Sinupret", which corrects the functioning of the immune system. Thus, the medicine also affects sinusitis.

Medicated treatment is usually accompanied by other methods for effectiveness. Traditionally appliedphysiotherapy and warm-ups. In some cases, a laser is used.

sinusitis treatment surgery
sinusitis treatment surgery

Folk treatment

It should be noted that the treatment of such a complex disease as sinusitis must be complex. This means that folk remedies alone will not completely eliminate this disease. It should also be noted that any folk remedies can only be used with a sluggish form of the disease, but even in this case, it is imperative to get a preliminary consultation from the appropriate specialist.

Silver water

It has long been known that silver has powerful healing properties. This unique metal perfectly copes with various infections, eliminates inflammatory processes. Silver can be used to prepare medicinal silver water, which is perfect for the treatment of sinusitis. Water infused with silver can be used for regular rinsing of the nasopharynx, as well as for washing the sinuses from purulent discharge.

sinusitis endoscopic surgery
sinusitis endoscopic surgery

Sea s alt

For the preparation of a healing agent, you need to use finely ground sea s alt without any additives. Moreover, this component cannot be used in large quantities, as it can cause a severe burn of the nasal mucosa. To prepare a healing saline solution, you will need a full glass of drinking water, warm water, as well as sea s alt (a teaspoon). Concentrated saline solution should not be prepared,as it can cause the burn mentioned above. In addition, s alt must be completely dissolved in water, otherwise s alt grains will scratch the mucous membrane, and this will further aggravate the situation.

Rinse the nose thoroughly with the product. Water must not be drawn in, it must flow freely from the other nostril. Sea s alt has excellent disinfecting and anti-inflammatory properties, it perfectly dissolves mucus and pus. After a few such procedures, the patient will feel a significant improvement, he will lose the feeling of heaviness in the area of pus accumulation.

chronic sinusitis completely surgery
chronic sinusitis completely surgery


Sinusitis, as noted above, is manifested by nasal congestion, systematic headaches, as well as fever and nasal voice. The cause of this condition is the accumulation of mucus and pus in the maxillary sinuses. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to cope with the disease with the help of medications. In such situations, it is necessary to perform a maxillary sinusectomy, which consists in the rehabilitation of the focus of inflammation and the release of the damaged tissue of the sinus cavity.

The main indication for an operation to remove sinusitis is a purulent form of the disease in a recurrent stage. The operation is scheduled after a complete examination and if there are indications. The choice of the method of surgical intervention is chosen individually in each individual case. The advantage of the method is that with its help it is possible to cure completely chronic sinusitis by sinus surgery.


This intervention is performed on an outpatient basis and is classified as an emergency measure. The essence of this operation in the nose with sinusitis is that a puncture is performed in the bone septum and a tubular device is inserted into the nasal inlet, to which a syringe is attached. With its help, a washing solution is introduced into the sinus. In total, about 4 washes are carried out. As soon as the solution becomes transparent, all manipulations are completed. This operation is performed using local anesthesia. The advantage of this treatment is that the hole heals quickly and painlessly. Contraindications to its implementation are diabetes mellitus, childhood, high blood pressure and congenital anomalies of the nasal cavity.


Endoscopic surgery of sinusitis (chronic or acute) - refers to low-traumatic manipulations. They are distinguished by a quick recovery period and a minimal likelihood of complications. This surgical intervention is carried out through the nose under the influence of general or local anesthesia. Its essence lies in the fact that a special optical device is introduced through a small puncture, which allows you to control the entire process. Together with it, a surgical instrument is introduced, with the help of which all the formations that contributed to the development of inflammation are sucked out. The duration of such an intervention is no more than forty minutes. After that, the patient can go home or stay for a few days in the hospital, depending on his general condition. After such an operation, it is mandatorythe patient must visit the surgeon at least once a week.

Traditional method

Traditional surgery for the treatment of sinusitis is chosen only if the disease develops with complications or there is no possibility of using new technologies. The essence of such an intervention is that the passage to the sinus first opens (this is done through the cheek or mouth). Then access is opened to the anterior bone wall of the sinus and it is cleaned, as well as the removal of polyps and cystic formations. The final stage of this operation is the tamponing of the sinus and the withdrawal of the tampon into the nasal passage. As a restorative therapy, the patient is prescribed drops with a vasoconstrictor and anti-edematous effect. Such a surgical intervention lasts for an hour, after which the patient must be in the hospital for about fourteen days. This method has a huge number of disadvantages and perhaps one advantage is that it is free.

Laser therapy

This method of removing the disease is considered one of the most effective and painless. When it is performed, the patient does not require hospitalization, and the treatment procedure is carried out for several weeks. It includes about ten procedures, their number is determined in each individual case individually. The essence of the method is to wash the nasal cavity, due to which purulent accumulations are removed. After washing with a laser, they pass along the walls of the sinuses, compacting them and removing the remnants of purulent secretions. This procedure is not onlybloodless and painless, but also completely safe. Regardless of which method of surgical intervention is chosen, after the operation, the patient must definitely exclude hypothermia, refuse to visit the pool and eat ice cream, and also wear a hat in cool weather.

With odontogenic sinusitis, this type of operation is the most common.

nose surgery sinusitis
nose surgery sinusitis

Consequences of sinusitis

This disease is a purulent process that rapidly spreads and destroys the structure of tissues. In the advanced stage, sinusitis leads to the spread of the inflammatory process to neighboring organs and tissues, as well as the formation of purulent sequesters, lesions of the orbits and the brain.

With the constant circulation of infection in the body, complications such as inflammation in the bronchi, tonsils, trachea and pharynx begin to develop. In addition, a person begins to systematically get sick with viral diseases, fungal diseases and inflammatory processes are rapidly progressing. As for the acute form of sinusitis, in combination with weak immunity, the consequences can be completely unpredictable, as well as fatal.

Chronic sinusitis most often causes the following diseases:

  1. Kidney damage.
  2. Development of pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis.
  3. Infectious myocardium.
  4. Valvular insufficiency.
  5. Bronchitis.
  6. Pneumonia.
  7. Tit.
  8. Meningitis.

In order to prevent the development of unpleasant and dangerous consequences, you should follow all the instructions of the attending physician and, with even minor signs of exacerbation, immediately contact a medical facility.
