Migraine with aura: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Migraine with aura: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Migraine with aura: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Migraine with aura is a real mystery for doctors. For decades, researchers have been trying to establish the specific causes of the pathological condition. However, information about the prerequisites for the formation of a pathological condition remains rather vague.

What factors can cause a severe headache? What is the clinical picture in the development of migraine? What can you do to make yourself feel better? We will consider the answers to these and other questions in our article.


According to the researchers of the problem, migraine attacks with aura make themselves felt against the background of a tendency to increased excitability of cerebral receptors. Bioelectrical and biochemical changes in the structure of neurons in certain areas of the cerebral cortex also play their role here.

Among the main prerequisites for the development of migraine with aura, doctors note excessive mental stress. First of all, we are talking about situations where a person negativelyresponds to the same recurring situations. It has been proven that people with a positive outlook on life are much less likely to suffer from a severe headache compared to people who are used to openly expressing anger, displeasure and irritability.

Migraine-provoking factors can also be considered:

  • Regular fatigue as a result of complex physical or mental work.
  • Lack of quality sleep and rest.
  • Specific reactions of the body to a sharp change in weather conditions.
  • Hormonal disruptions in the body.

Clinical picture

Strong headache
Strong headache

The main symptom of migraine with aura is a pain syndrome of a pulsating or squeezing nature that covers certain areas of the head. The phenomenon is accompanied by the appearance of colored dots or blurry lines in the field of view. This effect is called an aura. Against the background of trouble, nervous irritation and dizziness occur. The result is the development of nausea and the urge to vomit. Increased discomfort begins to cause loud sounds, all kinds of light stimuli.

Ultimately, migraine with aura leads to increased mental excitability, euphoria or, conversely, apathy. After an attack, a person feels overwhelmed, exhausted and depressed. Sometimes after quality sleep, the symptoms of migraine with aura disappear without a trace. This is often observed among children prone to acquiring a pathological condition.


Migraine Diagnosiswith an aura a neurologist is able to deliver. To confirm the assumption about the nature of poor he alth, the specialist must perform tests aimed at excluding the presence of organic and vascular pathologies of the brain from the list of probable causes. The patient is examined using CT and MRI methods. An ophthalmologist's consultation is additionally prescribed.

An important point in the diagnosis of migraine with aura is the performance of electroencephalography. The results of the study provide an opportunity to obtain information about the specific features of the activity of individual sections of the cerebral cortex.


migraine with aura how to avoid an attack
migraine with aura how to avoid an attack

If there is a migraine with aura, what should I do? A good solution for quickly getting rid of characteristic symptoms is taking Relpax. The drug reduces pressure in the cerebral vessels. The use of the drug helps to increase the boundary sensitivity of the trigeminal nerve. Thus, the feeling of a throbbing headache is greatly reduced.

What is the dosage of the pills? Migraine with aura is suppressed by using one capsule of the drug, which contains 40 mg of the active substance. The drug is washed down with plenty of water. Repeated use of the drug, if necessary, is performed no earlier than 2 hours after taking the first tablet. The maximum daily dose of the drug is 160 mg.


An effective solution for the treatment of migraine with aura isthe use of the pharmacological preparation "Zomig". The active ingredients in the composition of the product stimulate the functioning of cells that are responsible for the production of the hormone of happiness - serotonin. In addition, the medicine is a powerful analgesic that eliminates headache attacks. The result of taking the medication is a decrease in the discomfort characteristic of migraine, suppression of the sensation of nausea and removal of the effect of photophobia.

In order to improve well-being, "Zomig" is used as soon as the first signs of a migraine attack are noted. At a time, they absorb no more than 2.5 mg of the active substance, which corresponds to one tablet of the drug. If there is a deterioration in the condition, after 2 hours the medicine is taken again. The maximum allowable dose during the day is 15 mg of the pharmacological composition.


migraine with aura symptoms
migraine with aura symptoms

"Naramig" is an effective anti-migraine medicine that causes narrowing of the cerebral arteries, and also reduces the irritating effect on the trigeminal nerve. It is the suppression of these factors that contributes to the relief of the main manifestations of migraine.

Pharmacological agent is forbidden to use in order to prevent a pathological condition. Take the drug only in case of the first signs of migraine development. Tablets are swallowed whole, without chewing. The drug is washed down with plenty of water. The optimal single dose is 2.5 mg of the active substance. This dose is taken after the onset of an attack. Atreturn of migraine symptoms after a short time, swallow another tablet. It is not recommended to take more than 5 mg of the pharmacological composition during the day.


Taking the drug causes a blockage of peptides that are responsible for the reflex excitation of the tissues of the meninges of the brain. As a result, migraine attacks stop without the need to relieve pain. Along with the relief of characteristic symptoms, the remedy reduces the feeling of nausea, prevents vomiting, relieves the feeling of nervous irritation in response to bright lights and loud sounds.

With the development of a migraine attack, take one tablet of "Rapimiga" or 2.5 mg of the active substance. Repeated use of the norm of the drug looks like a rational decision if the signs of the pathological condition again make themselves felt during the day. The maximum allowable dose of a pharmacological agent is two tablets.

Garlic decoction

migraine with aura treatment
migraine with aura treatment

A good folk method for suppressing the main symptoms of migraine is the use of garlic broth cooked in milk. The method of treatment is as follows. Take about 10 cloves of garlic. Raw materials are carefully crushed using a special crusher. The basis of the drug is poured with milk in an amount of about 50 ml. The composition is placed on the stove and heated over low heat for 2-3 minutes. The product is cooled and then filtered. The resulting substance is instilled into each ear, 5-10 drops. The liquid is kept in the ear for a minute, after whichbow their heads and drain.

Viburnum bark

It is recommended to use the remedy in cases where a migraine attack is already in full swing. The method of therapy allows you to reduce the pressure in the vessels of the brain tissue. The result is the removal of paroxysmal pain syndrome.

The product is prepared according to the following scheme. Use about a tablespoon of crushed viburnum bark. Raw materials are poured with a glass of boiled water. The resulting mass is put on a small fire and heated for half an hour. The container with the agent is removed from the stove, after which it is allowed to brew for 15 minutes. Take the received medicine inside one tablespoon with a frequency of once every 2 hours.

Peppermint infusion

migraine attacks with aura
migraine attacks with aura

Excellent relieves paroxysmal headache infusion of peppermint. To prepare the product, dry herbal collection in the amount of half a tablespoon is poured with a glass of boiling water. The container with the composition is tightly covered with a lid and heated for 10-15 minutes in a water bath. The product is then allowed to cool to room temperature. The liquid is filtered and another glass of boiled water is added. Take the medicine 100 grams 2-3 times a day shortly before meals. It is allowed to store the infusion in a cool place for reuse.

Pyrethrum Grass

Treatment of a migraine attack is potentially made possible by the use of the plant Feverfew. A few leaves of medicinal herbs are chewed thoroughly. To avoid irritation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity andto prevent the occurrence of a gag reflex, the remedy is seized with a slice of bread and butter.

The leaves of the plant contain a whole mass of substances that have a narrowing effect on blood vessels. This effect has a beneficial effect on the suppression of headache attacks. As practice shows, the use of a folk solution for several months makes it possible to completely eliminate the manifestations of migraine.

Cold compresses

migraine with aura pills
migraine with aura pills

You can solve the problem with cold compresses. In order to prevent migraine attacks, a piece of natural tissue is impregnated with water. The material is squeezed out and applied to the forehead area. The compress is kept for several minutes. Then repeat the same operation. An expedient solution here is to place a container filled with cold water next to the bed. As a rule, it takes about 15-20 minutes to relieve well-being with such therapy.

Walnut partition tincture

To prepare a remedy for migraine, the membranous structures are separated from the shells of several dozen nuts. The resulting raw material is poured with strong alcohol in a volume of not more than 0.5 liters. The composition is sent to a dark place and insisted for a week and a half. At the end of the specified period, the remedy is taken in a teaspoon once a day before meals. Treatment is carried out within 20 days. Then they take a break for 10 days and repeat the therapy.

Sea s alt baths

migraine with aura diagnosis
migraine with aura diagnosis

Good option for withdrawalspasmodic headaches looks like taking baths with sea s alt. It is recommended to resort to the procedure in the evening, shortly before going to bed. It is better to use the most ordinary sea s alt, which does not contain flavors and all kinds of additives. Healing baths are taken every other day for a month. The duration of water procedures should be about 20 minutes.

Prevention of migraine with aura

Preventive measures aimed at preventing the development of characteristic seizures require the identification of provoking factors that cause a pathological condition. Having information about the prerequisites for the emergence of poor he alth, a person gets the opportunity to independently control the situation.

How to avoid a migraine attack with aura? Of no small importance for people prone to the formation of a negative state is the establishment of a certain daily routine, the rejection of bad habits, the avoidance of mental and physical overload.

Those who want to figure out how to avoid a migraine attack with aura should limit contact with bright light sources. Researchers of the problem have proven that certain shades of the visible spectrum cause unconscious nervous irritation. With photophobia, the headache is aggravated by stimulation of certain neurons in the cerebral cortex. To avoid trouble, doctors recommend spending about 20-30 minutes in a dark room, as soon as the first signs of photophobia are noted. This time is enough to pay off excessive activityneurons.
