Dermatitis in children: types, causes, symptoms and treatment

Dermatitis in children: types, causes, symptoms and treatment
Dermatitis in children: types, causes, symptoms and treatment

Often, parents of newborns and older babies face problems with inflammatory skin processes. It can be eczema, rashes, redness, which are accompanied not only by an unpleasant appearance, but also cause discomfort to the child. The article discusses the types of dermatitis in children, their symptoms and methods of treatment. There is also a diet for babies who are at risk.

Why dermatitis appears and who is at risk

Dermatologists and pediatricians note that inflammatory skin reactions occur in almost half of the patients who applied. Most often, these are infants.

Dermatitis appears on the child's face, limbs, abdomen, back and groin. It can be accompanied by dry skin, itching, various rashes, increased sensitivity of inflamed areas, and many other symptoms. They are characteristic of each type of dermatitis and will be described in more detail below.

Children at risk:

  • immune-compromised premature babies;
  • children after infectious diseases;
  • children after antibiotic treatment;
  • children with dysbacteriosis, lactose intolerance;
  • children withhereditary predisposition to allergies;
  • transferred infectious diseases of the mother during pregnancy;
  • children experiencing newborn hygiene problems.

The causes of dermatitis in children can be divided into:

  • Reactions to biological factors, that is, allergens of different types. For example, pollen, animal hair, food, dust and the like.
  • Reactions to physical factors. For example, changing weather conditions, hot or cold seasons.
  • Reactions to chemical components. For example, powders, detergents, hygiene products.

As a rule, dermatitis occurs in children of the first year of life. Their primary appearance in preschool and school age is rare. Usually, an allergic reaction that begins in infancy recurs later.

If a child older than three years old has skin diseases, the doctor pays attention to other disorders of the body. For example, gastritis, dysbacteriosis, fungal infections of the nails, past viral diseases, weight and height of the child. The ratio of common developmental factors, examination and the appointment of tests is the action of each doctor when a patient seeks help.

Dermatitis in children
Dermatitis in children

Diagnosis of disease

The appearance of dermatitis on the hands of a child, on the legs, face and other parts of the body is the reason for the urgent appeal of parents to a pediatrician. The doctor will conduct an objective assessment of the child's condition, collect an anamnesis and prescribe an additional examination:

  • consultations of specialists: pediatric dermatologist, allergist-an immunologist, and in some cases an infectious disease specialist;
  • laboratory examinations: general blood tests, urine, feces for eggs of parasites, coprogram;
  • blood test for general lgE, specific lgE and lgG;
  • when a secondary infection is detected, a smear test for bacteria;
  • scraping to confirm the fungus.

Specialists of a narrower profile - allergists, may prescribe additional tests after receiving an initial examination. When all the results are received, the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes therapy.

Treatment of dermatitis in children is complex. The general rules are:

  • allergen exclusion;
  • taking antihistamines;
  • use of topical ointments;
  • taking vitamin complexes;
  • reception of sorbents and enzymes;
  • in severe cases, glucocorticoids are prescribed.

When treating each type of dermatitis, it is important to follow all the recommendations and features that the doctor prescribes. Only in this case a successful solution of the problem is guaranteed.

Seborrheic dermatitis

In children, dermatitis of the scalp occurs in about 10%. It usually stops around 4 years of age. Inflammation manifests itself in the hair growth area, but sometimes it can also spread to other parts of the body: armpits, groin, neck.

The causative agent is a fungus - Malassezia furfur.

Dermatitis may not itch or burn when present. With improper skin care of the child and untimely hygiene procedures, discomfortrising.

Symptoms of dermatitis in a child:

  • a greasy coating appears on the baby's head;
  • later a characteristic yellowish crust forms;
  • the crust thickens and eventually falls off.

Doctors do not recommend peeling off or soaking the formed crust. Instead, a wound may form, which may become infected.

For successful treatment of the disease it is recommended:

  • immediate referral to pediatrician;
  • use an antifungal shampoo prescribed by your doctor;
  • clean crusts only after discussing the procedure with your doctor;
  • ensure timely hygiene procedures;
  • apply zinc cream to speed up healing.

Typically, treatment lasts no more than 3 weeks under the supervision of a pediatrician.

Dermatitis on the face of a child
Dermatitis on the face of a child

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic skin disease caused by external factors. As a rule, it is not an independent disease and can accompany a person all his life. It is allergic in nature and this type of dermatitis manifests itself in children under one year old.

The causes are the result of the immaturity of the child's digestive system. Localization of the process is the face, elbows, knees.

A feature of the disease is a rash with manifestations in different parts of the body, which can disappear when you go out into the cold and is clearly manifested at high air temperatures. The course of the disease is undulating - it then brightly pours outon the skin, it turns pale. Most often, the first signs of this condition appear in infancy during the introduction of complementary foods or when the mother consumes “aggressive” foods.

Main symptoms:

  • appearance of diaper rash in the inguinal folds and on the folds of the upper or lower extremities;
  • appearance of general dry skin, crusts on the scalp;
  • symmetrical skin lesions and itching.

But, despite the fact that atopic dermatitis is not considered a disease in children, its occurrence cannot be ignored.

Treatment of dermatitis in children is:

  • Exclusion of the allergen that caused the pathology.
  • Choosing the "right" clothes for your child. It should be made from natural fabrics. Synthetics are unacceptable, especially during the hot season.
  • Careful selection of detergents. It is best not to wash your baby's clothes with powder. The best way out is laundry soap. Particular attention must be paid to the fact that the clothes of adults should not come into contact with the clothes of a child.
  • Bathing a child in boiled water.
  • Mandatory cleanliness of toys and premises. Carry out wet cleaning at least once a day. It is necessary to remove all carpets, also get rid of excess textiles (plaids, sofa capes). If there is a fungus on the walls, the child is contraindicated in such a room.
  • Dieting.

Atopic dermatitis in children is classified as a chronic condition. It is impossible to get rid of it forever. But, if you follow the recommendations, then you cansignificantly reduce the manifestations of the inflammatory process.

Treatment of dermatitis in children
Treatment of dermatitis in children

Diaper dermatitis in children

Most often, babies of the first year of life have problems with the skin in the groin area. The reason may be improper skin care, and poor hygiene. Such a disease is quite common and it is better to consult a doctor for advice on its treatment.

Dermatitis symptoms:

  • redness of the skin in the groin area, thighs;
  • inflammation in places where there was contact with the diaper;
  • skin turns bright red;
  • weeping blisters and peeling appear.
  • In advanced cases, purulent wounds that have an unpleasant odor may appear.

Treatment of diaper dermatitis in children includes the following measures:

  • Do not allow prolonged stay in a wet diaper, and especially in a diaper.
  • Choose clothes according to all requirements.
  • After the act of urination and defecation, it is necessary to thoroughly wash all the folds in the child with soapy water.
  • Daily baths will help to avoid dermatitis. After them, it is recommended to leave the child for a few minutes without clothes.
  • Use only quality diapers that have been tested in use.

Following all the rules for caring for a child, parents will not face problems with diaper rash on children's skin. Baby will feel comfortable.

Candidiasis dermatitis

Candidiasis dermatitis in infants and childrenolder age is characterized by damage to the body by a fungus of the genus Candida. You can get it through household items or essentials. Children with reduced immunity are especially susceptible. Because under normal circumstances, the body is able to resist the fungus.

The development of the disease occurs in such cases:

  • poor hygiene;
  • prolonged presence of the baby in a diaper;
  • high ambient temperature (especially in summer);
  • complication of antibiotic treatment;
  • hereditary predisposition.

The disease has the following symptoms:

  • skin rashes appear;
  • severe redness, especially in the groin area, buttocks, skin folds;
  • if left untreated, wounds form on the reddening sites;
  • affected area is painful;
  • the child experiences discomfort, behaves irritably, restlessly, does not tolerate touching the reddened areas.

It is worth noting that the disease manifests itself, mainly in places where the skin comes into contact with diapers, diapers, wet clothes. If manifested in other areas, for example, behind the ear, on the cheeks, this may indicate a different disease to the doctor.

For diagnosis, scraping of the affected tissue is used and culture is performed.

Dermatitis treatment includes:

  • application of brilliant green at the initial stages of redness;
  • use of antifungal drugs and ointments;
  • use of antibiotic ointments.

If treatmentstarted on time, then improvement occurs on the 4th-5th day of therapy.

There are cases when candidiasis dermatitis manifests itself in an absolutely he althy child. This means that the balance of acidity and alkalinity is disturbed. In this case, additional examinations of the digestive tract are carried out.

Symptoms of dermatitis in a child
Symptoms of dermatitis in a child

Contact dermatitis

This type of disease refers to allergic complications. Dermatitis on the face of a child, on the arms, legs or other parts of the body manifests itself in case of contact (rubbing) of the skin with an irritant. Sometimes it is not enough just to remove the allergen. Skin inflammation should be treated under medical supervision.

Main symptoms of pathology:

  • rashes, peeling and redness in a certain place;
  • itching and pain in the affected area;
  • lack of sensitivity when pressing directly on the affected area.

Contact dermatitis does not spread to the entire body of the child and does not affect the functioning of the internal organs. It appears, for example, due to the friction of rough seams on the skin of the baby, with prolonged exposure to the sun, or as a reaction to hygiene products. It is noticed that the disease occurs more often in winter.

The development of dermatitis has several stages:

  1. Eritremal. Redness and swelling of the skin area appears.
  2. Vesicular pain. Pustules appear, and when they break, ulcers form. Usually occurs without treatment in the first stage.
  3. Necrotic. Ulcers turn into scabs. After suchscar tissue is formed during the process.

Contact dermatitis can be acute or chronic. The second type appears when the skin reacts to a stimulus again.

Treatment of disease includes:

  • exclusion of contact with the irritant;
  • applying an ointment, cream or gel to relieve inflammation;
  • use of hormonal ointments (as prescribed by a doctor) to moisturize the skin, relieve pain and block the development of pathology;
  • using camphor 10-15% with ichthyol and warm baths to help reduce itching;
  • the doctor may prescribe herbal remedies, compresses with potatoes, carrots, cabbage or honey.
  • Dermatitis in an infant
    Dermatitis in an infant

Viral dermatitis

This disease is not independent, but acts as a symptom of infection. Often occurs with scarlet fever, chickenpox, measles, or typhoid fever.

Dermatitis appears anywhere on the body and has the following symptoms:

  • spots appear first on the skin of the face and every day they move to new parts of the body;
  • spots peel off, itch and cause discomfort to the child.

Treatment for this type of dermatitis in children includes:

  1. Elimination of local symptoms with ointments, antiseptics. Treatment of external manifestations is useless without eliminating the infection inside the body.
  2. Elimination of the source of an infectious disease with the help of antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs, glucocorticosteroids.

There are no preventive measures for this type of dermatitis. It is worth adhering to the general rules: observing the hygiene of the child, diet, limiting contact with sick children, conducting timely treatment for infectious diseases.

Types of dermatitis in children
Types of dermatitis in children

Diet for dermatitis in children

Since dermatitis is allergic in nature, food is often an allergen or aggravates the course of the disease. Before starting treatment, the doctor must draw the attention of parents to the diet.

It is recommended to exclude the use of products:

  • seafood, caviar;
  • fruits and vegetables in bright colors (red and orange);
  • from whole milk and soy;
  • wheat in any form;
  • bee production;
  • eggs, nuts and sweets;
  • adults should give up alcohol (when lactating).


  • drink more liquids, namely non-carbonated clean water;
  • add bran to dishes;
  • replace flour products with whole grains;
  • eat more fresh vegetables, which contain coarse fiber;
  • organize apple days to cleanse the digestive tract.

Allowed to use:

  • green apples and pears;
  • fresh kefir and live-based yogurt;
  • vegetable oils;
  • B-vitamin foods: liver, greens and lean meats;
  • foods rich in vitamin E: seeds, onions, cabbage;
  • products with zinc in the composition: pumpkin, cereals,brewer's yeast;
  • vegetable soups.
  • Diaper dermatitis in children
    Diaper dermatitis in children

Diet for dermatitis in an infant is based on the proper nutrition of the mother. She should exclude from the diet: chocolate and chocolate products, citrus fruits, smoked meats, sweets, products with artificial colors.

A nursing mother's diet should include:

  • white and green vegetables;
  • green and yellow fruits;
  • gluten-free cereals - buckwheat, rice, corn;
  • lean meat;
  • white fish;
  • fermented milk products without filler;
  • marmalade, dry biscuits, marshmallows, drying are allowed.


In our time, dermatitis in children is far from rare. This disease is the response of the skin to various stimuli.

You can highlight the following recommendations to parents for the prevention of dermatitis in a child:

  1. Mother must think about the he alth of her unborn baby long before his birth - from the first days of pregnancy, register with the antenatal clinic in order to timely identify any deviations.
  2. When breastfeeding, as in the period of bearing a child, you need a good diet with the exception of foods that cause allergies. When formula-feeding or formula-feeding, formula should be carefully selected according to the child's sensitivity to food additives.
  3. In addition, high-quality hygiene is extremely important for the prevention of childhood dermatitis, a careful choice of cosmetic cleansers, notcontaining chemicals, based on natural ingredients. Their assortment, fortunately or not, is now huge, you need to approach the issue of the composition of the drug very responsibly.
  4. If the child is prone to allergic reactions, it is recommended to exclude things from synthetic materials.
  5. Follow the diet and carefully introduce new foods into the child's diet. This applies not only to babies under one year old, but also to older children.
  6. Children under one year old are advised not to wrap up and take air baths more often.
  7. Increase the child's immunity by hardening and long-term walks in the fresh air (only when the baby feels well).

Since dermatitis in children is not uncommon, doctors strongly recommend that preventive measures be followed not only for children at risk, but also for absolutely he althy boys and girls. Following these simple rules is the key to your baby's he alth.
