Symptoms and treatment of otitis media in adults are much less interesting to patients than the treatment of the inflammatory process for children. According to statistics, more than 90% of children under the age of three have had otitis media at least once. The following is a detailed look at risk factors, symptoms, and treatments for external or internal ear inflammation in young patients.
Prevalence of the disease among children and some risk factors
Young children are much more prone to inflammation of the organ of hearing than adults. As a rule, otitis media occurs most often in children under three years of age. Several factors contribute to this. In babies, for example, the tube connecting the ear cavity to the nasopharynx is much wider and shorter than in adults, so that pathogenic microorganisms can easily enter there. The inflamed mucosa sometimes swells to such an extent that it closes the lumen. As a result, air exchange between the nasopharynx and the middle ear is disturbed, and this is a suitable environment for the active reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, the formation of pus and mucus.
Newborns can suffer from otitis due to amniotic fluid getting into the middle ear during childbirth. In addition, during the first year of life, a certain amount of embryonic tissue remains in the tympanic cavity of the crumbs, which is the best suited for the reproduction of bacteria. With the normal development of the baby, this tissue quickly turns into a mucous membrane, but in some cases this process is delayed not just for several months, but for years. Risk factors are prematurity, low birth weight, complications during the birth process. The predominantly horizontal position of the body of infants contributes to the formation of otitis media. At the same time, the remains of the amniotic fluid do not come out, but linger in the ears of the crumbs.

In children in the first years of life, adenoids often become the cause of recurrent otitis media. This is a disease that is characterized by inflammation and proliferation of tonsil tissue in the nasopharynx. At the same time, the process of breathing through the nose is disrupted, which brings a lot of inconvenience, and the tonsils themselves become a focus of inflammation, from where the pathological process spreads to the ear area. This is facilitated by the fact that the mucous membrane lining the middle ear, oral cavity and nasopharynx is of the same type. In addition, young children have not yet formed immune protection, both local and general immunity. The body is "open" to the penetration of pathogens.
Serious risk factors in the occurrence of otitis media in children are prematurity, complicated pregnancy and childbirth, artificialfeeding, low birth weight, various developmental pathologies, as well as possible birth injuries. Most often, the disease is diagnosed in children who do not receive enough vitamins and other nutrients, suffering from rickets, malnourished. The provoking factor of otitis media in childhood are measles, influenza, scarlet fever.
Varieties of pathology: external, internal, otitis media

Otitis can be external or internal. External occurs, as a rule, due to damage to the ear canal or auricle. If bacteria penetrate this area, then an inflammatory process begins, which is characterized by a slight increase in body temperature, periodic discomfort and pain of moderate intensity, and local swelling. This disease is easy to diagnose, as damage and inflammation on the auricle is easy to notice.
Internal otitis media often occurs as a complication of previous diseases or not fully cured, neglected inflammatory process in the middle ear. Pathology is manifested not by painful sensations, but by a deterioration in hearing acuity. Often, patients feel dizzy. The most common variant of the disease is otitis media. Localized in the area behind the tympanic membrane, including the tympanic cavity, antrum, Eustachian tube and mastoid cells.
Main symptoms and signs of otitis in children of different ages
Let's take a closer look at the signs of the disease. What are the symptoms of otitischildren and treatment, what does it mean, what actions should parents take? Let's start with the symptoms of this disease. Otitis media is the most common form of the disease in babies, this pathology develops rapidly and is infectious in nature. Allocate acute and chronic form. In an acute illness, the onset is rapid, pain immediately appears, and then the temperature rises.

To understand that you need to start treatment of acute otitis, you can use the following symptoms of the disease:
- hearing loss for a while;
- sense of fullness in ears;
- severe pain, constant or intermittent;
- there may be discomfort in the back of the head or in the temples;
- tinnitus;
- lymph nodes increase;
- baby body temperature rises up to 39 degrees;
- otitis media in some cases provokes toothache;
- baby feels weak, gets tired quickly;
- characteristically disturbed sleep and appetite.
Symptoms can be severe, but often mild symptoms.
There are other symptoms of otitis media in children (and treatment should be selected taking into account the clinical picture, by the way). In the case of a fungal infection, crusts and peeling may appear, itching is noted. Otitis externa is characterized by the formation of a boil on the auricle or in the ear canal. The inflamed tubercle can change color from pink-red to bluish. A purulent core is formed in the center of the neoplasm. The pain will be veryintense until the death of the receptors, then it becomes a little weaker. After hiding the boil, a deep wound will remain.
At the initial stage of the disease, the baby has a fever and a sharp pain in the ear. Further, purulent otitis media develops (symptoms and treatment in adults are approximately the same as in the case of small patients), while pus accumulates in the ear. Without medical intervention, after a few days, the eardrum ruptures, and the discharge comes out. The patient begins to feel better. The temperature drops, and the discomfort gradually disappears. The recovery phase lasts for two to three weeks. At this time, the pus stops coming out, and the rupture of the membrane gradually heals.
Children of more or less conscious age can talk about what hurts and where. With very young children, everything is more difficult. Babies with otitis media can touch their ears with their hands, not sleep and be capricious. Often the baby refuses to eat. The idea of \u200b\u200bear inflammation in a baby's parents may be prompted by the fact that he turns his head from side to side, cries, worries. In this case, you need to immediately show the child to a pediatrician who will refer you to an ENT doctor.
Methods for diagnosing otitis media in an ENT doctor's office
An otolaryngologist (ENT doctor) makes a diagnosis using an ear mirror. This tool allows you to see pathological changes and start treatment of otitis in time. In addition, the doctor can use an otoscope to examine the membrane or tympanometry - this is a method by which you can determine how impaired the patency of the auditorytubes, evaluate the condition of the eardrum and cavity.
First aid for a child if a visit to the doctor is delayed
Treatment of otitis should be started as soon as possible, but if the visit to the ENT doctor is postponed for objective reasons, then you need to give the baby first aid, which consists in pain relief. You can use anti-inflammatory drugs that suppress the infectious process, relieve pain and reduce the child's body temperature. Small patients are allowed medicines based on paracetamol or ibuprofen. You can give the baby "Calpol", "Panadol", "Nurofen", "Tayled", "Cefekon", "Tylenol" and other antipyretics. Tablets, syrup or suppositories are available. For very young children, it is better to use candles, three-year-olds can be given syrup.

Local anesthesia is carried out with Otipax or Otirepax drops. These are combined preparations, but they can only be used if the eardrum is not damaged (pus did not come out of the ear). Babies are instilled with two drops, children from two years old - three to four drops. For the treatment of otitis media, you can only instill medicine heated to room temperature, and for infants - up to 36 degrees. The ambassadors of the procedure need the baby to lie motionless on his side for at least ten minutes, this is necessary so that the medicine does not immediately leak out. Before instillation of drops, a pacifier should be taken from an infant, since sucking in combination with a stuffy nose and instillation of drops in the ear can cause a rupture of the eardrum.
Therapyotitis externa in children at different stages of disease development
Treatment of otitis externa is carried out according to the classical scheme. Before the formation of a purulent core, that is, before the onset of the infiltration stage, alcohol lotions (compresses) and anti-inflammatory agents are used. If the rod has already formed, then surgical excision of the abscess is necessary with washing the cavity with chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide or Miramistin. In case of high temperature and general intoxication of the body, the doctor will additionally prescribe antibiotic therapy for the treatment of otitis externa.

Treatment of fungal otitis in young patients
Fungal infection requires the use of special ointments (topically). Clotrimazole, Fluconazole, Candide may be prescribed. If necessary, antifungal therapy in tablets is additionally indicated. Mikosist, Amphotericin, Griseofulvin can be used. Children under two years of age are not prescribed such drugs for the treatment of otitis media. These are strong enough drugs that can only be used at an older age.
Treatment regimen for otitis media: topical medications
Antibiotics are too serious a load on the immunity and digestive system of a small child. So the treatment of acute otitis is carried out mainly local. There are serious indications for taking antibiotics. This is a high temperature that persists for three days from the start of local therapy, severe pain that prevents the baby from sleeping and eating normally, as well as severe intoxicationorganism.
Drops for the treatment of otitis in children are used for at least a week. During this time, the crumb must be examined at least once by an ENT doctor to make sure that there is a positive trend. If necessary, a qualified specialist will adjust the treatment regimen for otitis media. For babies from two years old, local therapy is supplemented with antibiotics.
Treatment for a runny nose: features and recommendations
A mandatory condition for the treatment of otitis in children is the absence of a runny nose. Otherwise, there is a risk that the therapy will not bring relief, and in case of successful recovery, the likelihood of relapse will remain. But in this case, it is perfectly clear that the symptoms and treatment of otitis media in children are interrelated. The therapy scheme is built in such a way as to cure a runny nose, an inflammatory process in the ear, and also prevent the recurrence of the disease.

With rhinitis, complex combined ("Vibrocil"), antiviral ("Interferon") and antibacterial ("Isofra", "Protorgol") drops are used. Effective remedies for the treatment of otitis media are Otipax, Albucid (sulfacyl sodium), Otofa, Polydex. Other drops may be used (as directed by a physician).
This is how otitis should be treated in children (in adults, by the way, the same basic principles of therapy are used, except that the means may differ, since stronger antibiotics are allowed if necessary), if the disease is accompanied by a runny nose.
Antiviral and antibacterial drugs
Regardingantibiotics, drugs are used in tablets, injections or suspensions. The medicine must be safe and effective. Suitable penicillins, cephalosporins of the second, third and fourth generations, macrolides (although currently cephalosporins are more often used instead of them, which are much more convenient in several respects), aminoglycosides (if otitis media is purulent staphylococcal). Antibiotics of the last group are used mainly in hospitals.
Antihistamines to treat inflammation
Classic treatment regimens usually involve the appointment of antihistamines to reduce the likelihood of an adverse reaction of the child's body to some components in other drugs. Recommended, as a rule, means that do not cause drowsiness, for example, "Cetirizine", "Desloratadine", "Claricens" and others. But today, many experts believe that the use of antihistamines is inappropriate. The question remains open, since there are currently no uniform standards that define treatment regimens for otitis media in children.

Some folk remedies and recipes
What can be the treatment of otitis media at home? Many parents hope for alternative medicine, but such remedies should be used only after consulting a specialist, in addition to basic drug therapy and in moderation. So, folk treatment of otitis media (external) involves alcohol compresses and lotions. It is enough to apply camphor alcohol or vodka on a gauze bandage andapply to the affected area. Insulate the bandage and keep it for 15-30 minutes. Aloe leaves, cut in half, are used in a similar way.
Treatment of otitis at home by heating is unacceptable. This will only worsen the condition of the child. Also, you can’t make alcohol lotions for babies who are younger than a year old; for older children, this is also undesirable. It is contraindicated to use medical alcohol in its pure form. It is better to use vodka, boric or camphor spirits for compresses. Treatment of otitis at home should be adequate - do not turn a child into a "testing ground" for hundreds of folk recipes.
Prevention of relapses and primary acute otitis media
Symptoms and treatment of otitis at home will not have to be recognized by those parents who take care of prevention in time. First, ear hygiene must be rational. You can not clean your ears with improvised objects and penetrate too deep into the ear canal. Secondly, you need to avoid getting water in your ears. After bathing, blot or shake the water out of the child's ears. Thirdly, a child under one year old should not be left under a draft without a headdress. The same applies to walking on the street, including in summer. Fourthly, all diseases of the ENT organs must be treated on time and to the end.