What can you eat with cholecystitis: a list of allowed foods and a sample menu

What can you eat with cholecystitis: a list of allowed foods and a sample menu
What can you eat with cholecystitis: a list of allowed foods and a sample menu

In the article, consider what you can eat with cholecystitis.

Almost any disease requires adherence to certain dietary rules. This is not a whim of doctors, but involves helping the body to restore and eliminate the pathology. Special dietary nutrition is especially necessary for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, since the effectiveness of the treatment and rehabilitation directly depends on compliance with the doctor's instructions for a balanced diet.

cholecystitis what you can eat what you can not
cholecystitis what you can eat what you can not

Description of pathology

Cholecystitis is an inflammatory process in the gallbladder. This is a pathology that can occur in a chronic or acute form. The most commonly observed clinical picture, in which acute cholecystitis is converted into a chronic form. The diet in this case is observed for a long time, and indulgencespractically not allowed.

What can you eat with cholecystitis is interesting to many.

Features of nutrition in acute cholecystitis

In the first days of exacerbation of cholecystitis, doctors recommend not eating and observing therapeutic fasting. This will help to minimize the load on the organs of the digestive system. Many do not need to give such recommendations, since the exacerbation of cholecystitis causes severe pain and a decrease in appetite. If the patient cannot fast, the following drinks are recommended:

  • Juices from fruits and berries prepared by yourself. Canned foods are not allowed.
  • Mineral water without gas.
  • Weak sweet tea.
  • Decoction of wild rose.

What else can you eat with cholecystitis?

After the acute phase

After the acute phase has passed, that is, after a few days, the patient is allowed to add jelly, liquid cereals, pureed soups, white bread crackers to the daily diet as an addition to sweet tea.

After a few days, in the absence of pain, the patient is given permission to eat boiled fish, low-fat cottage cheese and meat. Everything should be in a wiped form.

what can you eat with cholecystitis
what can you eat with cholecystitis

What you can eat on a diet with cholecystitis, the doctor should tell you in detail.

Remission period

As a rule, a week after an acute attack of cholecystitis, a period of remission begins. Nevertheless, experts do not recommend starting a habitual diet, as this can lead to a newexacerbation. Doctors advise sticking to the diet for a month to achieve a stable remission.

What foods can be eaten with cholecystitis, it is important to find out in advance.

Nutrition for chronic cholecystitis

During an exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis, nutritional recommendations are identical to the acute form of the disease. During the period of remission of chronic cholecystitis, the advice of nutritionists is different. Features of nutrition in this type of disease are:

  1. Eat at least five small meals a day. This diet will reduce the impact on the functioning of the gallbladder.
  2. During the day, a patient with cholecystitis needs to consume at least 3.5 kg of food, this also includes all the liquid drunk per day.
  3. The patient should have three main meals and several snacks, in which it is recommended to eat cookies, fruits and kefir.
  4. It is important to know the exact list of allowed foods and be able to cook them correctly. Experts allow eating only dishes prepared by boiling and steaming. If the duration of remission is more than a year, the patient is allowed to start eating baked dishes of meat, fish and vegetables. At the same time, it is not allowed to add excess oils and fats to the products during the cooking process.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to use vegetable oils in cooking, as they have choleretic properties. However, oils are allowed in salads.
  6. Meals should not be hot or cold. Food temperatureshould be optimally comfortable for the stomach.
  7. Each meal should include stewed, boiled or raw vegetables. Modern doctors recommend that patients with cholecystitis consume avocados every day, even in small quantities.
  8. Fish and meat contain extractives that irritate the gallbladder. That is why these products should be steamed or boiled.
  9. Bouillons from meat or fish in the first month of remission are not recommended. Poultry meat must be skinned.

So, what can you eat with cholecystitis?

List of approved products

The main goal of dietary nutrition for cholecystitis is to reduce the load on the organs of the digestive system, as well as eliminate the inflammatory process and dilute bile. To achieve these goals, the patient must clearly understand which products are allowed to him, and which are under a categorical ban. The following foods can be consumed:

vegetables for cholecystitis
vegetables for cholecystitis
  1. Non-acid fruits, vegetables and herbs. It is these products that are considered the main suppliers of vitamins and trace elements that strengthen the immune system. An important point of the daily diet is the use of one sweet pear, which will help reduce the density of bile.
  2. Bread can only be consumed dried and not wheat varieties. It is better to make a choice in favor of grain and bran bakery products. You can also eat lean cookies or biscuits. What else can you eat with cholecystitis?The list of products is not limited to this.
  3. As drinks, preference should be given to weak black tea, rosehip decoction, non-acid compotes and coffee with milk. Beetroot juice also works well. It can be included in breakfast and dinner for half a glass, which will reduce the likelihood of exacerbation of cholecystitis. A drink made from chicory is no less useful for the gallbladder.
  4. Sausage should be only the highest grade. You can also supplement your diet with lean meats and fish. Seasoning or adding sauces to dishes is not recommended, especially spicy ones.
  5. Boiled quail and chicken eggs. Omelettes should be made with protein.
  6. Low-fat yoghurts, cottage cheese and sour cream without additives, flavors or flavor enhancers.
  7. As a dessert, marmalade, marshmallows and jam are allowed. Cocoa and chocolate should not be consumed or significantly limited.

What fruits can you eat with cholecystitis? Banana, pomegranate, apple.

is it possible to eat tomatoes with cholecystitis
is it possible to eat tomatoes with cholecystitis

Also among the permitted fruits and berries there are: watermelons, melon, strawberries, avocados, papaya.

What vegetables can I have with cholecystitis?

There are practically no restrictions among vegetables, that is, you can use any vegetables. Caution should be taken with raw white cabbage, if the patient does not suffer from pancreatitis, then raw cabbage can be eaten in small quantities, but if there are violations of the pancreas, it can only be consumed in boiled, baked form, if you like sauerkrautcabbage, then it should not be very sour. You can green peas, carrots, beets, pumpkins, potatoes, zucchini. As for legumes, according to diet No. 5, they are excluded, but during the remission period, their use in a very limited amount is possible.

Can I eat tomatoes with cholecystitis? They can be eaten without aggravation, but only without peel, in moderation, pickled and s alted are excluded.

Turmeric is considered a useful seasoning for cholecystitis, which dilutes bile and helps to accelerate its removal from the body.

Now it is clear what you can eat with cholecystitis. What is not allowed is shown below.

Forbidden foods

In addition to acceptable foods, a patient diagnosed with cholecystitis needs to know the foods that must be avoided. Under the ban for patients with this disease are the following products:

is it possible to drink with cholecystitis
is it possible to drink with cholecystitis
  1. Beans, including lentils, peas and beans. These foods can cause flatulence, which can exacerbate cholecystitis.
  2. Garlic, onion, spinach and radish. These vegetables contain specific essential oils that can irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and gallbladder. At the same time, the ban applies to the use of these vegetables in their raw form. After heat treatment, you can and even need to eat them.
  3. Canned food. It can be fish, meat or homemade preserves, including pickles and marinades.
  4. Mustard and horseradish. These products have a positive effect on the production of gastric juice, which can becomecause of overproduction of bile. The inflamed gallbladder cannot cope with such a flow and stagnation and exacerbation of cholecystitis occur.
  5. Kidneys, liver and other offal, fatty meat or fish.
  6. Sour fruits and berries, mushrooms.
  7. Fried dishes, as well as smoked meats, fish and meat broths, spicy sauces, vinegar and spices.
  8. Ice cream, chocolate, cocoa, sweet pastries.
  9. Strong coffee without milk.

Patients often ask whether it is possible to drink with cholecystitis? Alcoholic drinks are prohibited.

The amount of s alt during remission should not exceed 10 grams per day, and the allowable amount of sugar consumed per day is 9 teaspoons.

what can you eat with cholecystitis
what can you eat with cholecystitis

Can I have honey?

Many patients with cholecystitis often ask about the possibility of eating honey. Doctors consider honey a useful and necessary product for such patients. For those who have violated the diet, it is recommended to make a mixture of honey and warm water, which you need to drink on an empty stomach and lie on your right side. You need to lie down for about three minutes, but this will help to remove the accumulated bile from the ducts. The procedure is repeated for five days.

It is not recommended to self-medicate. This is due to the fact that even in the presence of a small stone in the gallbladder or ducts, the honey mixture can force the withdrawal of fluid and provoke an exacerbation. Often such frivolity leads to emergency surgery.

Approximate menu for treatmentcholecystitis

To organize proper nutrition, a person with cholecystitis needs to consider an approximate daily or weekly menu. So learn to understand the principles of nutrition, routine and allowed foods. I must say that the menu is quite diverse and will not make a person feel hungry, especially since you will have to eat at least five times a day. The approximate daily diet of a person with cholecystitis is something like this:

1. Breakfast. Cottage cheese pudding or sugar-free dumplings made in the "lazy" way. You can also give preference to buckwheat porridge with milk and weak tea without added sugar.

2. Lunch. Snacking on a sweet apple.

3. Dinner. Lean cabbage soup, boiled lean meat with milk sauce, boiled carrot salad with sour cream, compote.

4. afternoon tea. White bread croutons, rosehip broth.

5. Dinner. Low-fat boiled fish with herbs and cream sauce, vegetable cutlet, a glass of low-fat yogurt.

diet for cholecystitis what you can eat
diet for cholecystitis what you can eat

This is a very approximate menu, you can make adjustments and changes to it. For example, if a person goes to bed late, it is recommended to add a second dinner and then the multiplicity of meals will become 6 times.

When remission lasts more than a year, you can allow yourself some "forbidden" sweets or even dishes cooked on the grill. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk, which will eliminate hunger and minimally burden the digestive organs.


Nutrition during the treatment of cholecystitis is important, both during exacerbation and during remission. You should not ignore the recommendations of a doctor on a diet, as this can lead to an exacerbation and the absence of periods of remission. No drug will help to cope with cholecystitis like proper nutrition and adherence to the regimen for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to find out in detail from the gastroenterologist the rules of nutrition and allowed foods, and then organize a diet.

We looked at what you can and cannot eat with cholecystitis.
