Erosive gastroduodenitis: diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Erosive gastroduodenitis: treatment with folk remedies

Erosive gastroduodenitis: diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Erosive gastroduodenitis: treatment with folk remedies
Erosive gastroduodenitis: diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Erosive gastroduodenitis: treatment with folk remedies

According to medical data, more than 80% of all diseases occur in the digestive system. The most common pathology is erosive gastroduodenitis. What is it? This is an inflammatory disease in which numerous erosive formations and ulcers with mucofibrinous contents form on the gastric mucosa. In addition, the duodenal mucosa is affected. At the same time, the nutrition of the mucosa is disturbed, increased acidity of the stomach (hypersecretion) is observed, and severe swelling occurs.

Exogenous factors of development

erosive gastroduodenitis
erosive gastroduodenitis

The most common causes of the disease include the following factors:

- long-term treatment with antibacterial drugs;

- abuse of junk food (fatty, spicy, convenience foods);

- infectious pathologies of the oral cavity and pharynx;

- frequent drinking, smoking;

- Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) bacteria that cause erosive-hemorrhagic gastroduodenitis (scientifically proven fact).


Under the influence of negative factors (bile acids, hydrochloric acid), ulcerations appear on the walls of the stomach and wounds form, which often (in the absence of proper therapy) lead to ulcers of the duodenum and stomach. Provoke the appearance of this pathology: hormonal disorders; permanent depressive states that negatively affect the nervous system; genetic (hereditary) predisposition. Erosive gastroduodenitis can also cause disorders in the immune system.


chronic erosive gastroduodenitis
chronic erosive gastroduodenitis

Systematization is based on morphological changes (structural) and the duration of the course of the disease. Gastroduodenitis can be divided into several forms: acute (up to three months) and chronic (more than six months).

In the catarrhal stage, the mucosa is not destroyed. When diagnosing, swelling and redness are visible. This form of the disease is easily cured.

Erythematous gastroduodenitis appears after the catarrhal form and is characterized by pronounced redness.

If there is chronic erosive gastroduodenitis, intestinal metaplasia often occurs (the appearance of mucous cells in the stomach, they are normally absent).

Clinical picture

erosive gastroduodenitis symptoms
erosive gastroduodenitis symptoms

At the initial stage, manifestations of the disease practically do not occur. In the future, the patient experiences cramping pain, especially after eating as a result of the formation of cicatricial-ulcerative deformity inpyloroduodenal zone.

Erosive gastroduodenitis symptoms are as follows: a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, sour belching, heartburn. There is pallor of the skin and a decrease in appetite. The patient complains of an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth and unstable stools (diarrhea, constipation).

Diagnostic Methods

In some cases, fibrogastroscopy (FGDS) is used - a modern method for examining the esophagus, duodenum and stomach. For these purposes, a special device called a fibrogastroscope is used. With the help of this medical procedure, a gastroenterologist determines the severity of inflammation, the size and number of erosive formations.

erosive hemorrhagic gastroduodenitis
erosive hemorrhagic gastroduodenitis

Fibrogastroscopy is not performed with a strong gag reflex. X-rays, ultrasound and biopsy (if necessary) are recommended for such people. Having specified the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes the appropriate therapy. In addition, a blood test is taken for the presence of leukocytes and ESR (their increase indicates pathology).

How to treat erosive gastroduodenitis: drug therapy

The following medications are prescribed:

- antibacterial agents ("Amoxicillin", "Metronidazole"), they eliminate the bacteria Helicobacter pylori;

- bismuth drugs ("De-nol") - have an astringent effect and relieve inflammation;

- antacids ("Almagel", "Maalox") - reduce acidity and reduce the aggressive influence of negative factors.

Chronic erosive gastroduodenitisit is treated longer and includes obligatory adherence to a diet, which implies the exclusion from the diet of foods with a fibrous structure and coarse fiber (bran bread, turnips, sinewy meat, radishes). You should also completely abandon any alcohol, tobacco, carbonated drinks, canned food, coffee, strong tea, fried and s alty foods. Food should be warm and cooked.

When cooking, limit the consumption of spices. Food is recommended to be consumed every 2-3 hours in small portions. Mandatory products are the following: steam cutlets, meatballs, oatmeal and semolina porridge, mucous soups, kissels, soft-boiled eggs, low-fat sour cream, low-fat hard cheese, pasteurized milk. All of the listed foods have an antacid effect.

erosive gastroduodenitis treatment with folk remedies
erosive gastroduodenitis treatment with folk remedies

Therapy with folk remedies

Medicinal herbs can alleviate the patient's condition and even cure erosive gastroduodenitis. Treatment with folk remedies in combination with traditional methods of therapy shows good results:

- Two parts of St. John's wort, yarrow, chamomile flowers mixed with one part of celandine. Grind all the ingredients in a coffee machine to a powder, pour into a thermos and pour 500 ml of boiled water. Let it brew overnight and take 1/3 cup before meals. The duration of therapy is 1.5 months.

- Mix one part of St. John's wort, bearberry leaves, rose hips with two parts of chicory, centaury andfour parts of fumigation grass. Make plant powder. Pour two large spoons into 500 ml of boiling water, insist overnight and drink the decoction ¼ cup before meals.

- Grind three parts of cumin fruits, eight parts of St. From the whole mass, brew two tablespoons in 500 ml of hot water, insist all night and drink a quarter cup.

Sea buckthorn oil and honey have good anti-inflammatory properties. Include these ingredients in your diet. But before using herbal decoctions, we advise you to consult a doctor, since some herbs can cause negative reactions. To protect yourself from this pathology, eat right and check regularly.
