Cytomegalovirus infection in a child refers to diseases with a latent course. The causative agent is cytomegalovirus (a virus from the herpes group). Many parents wonder where the child managed to get infected. In fact, in most cases, cytomegalovirus enters the child's body from the mother even in the prenatal period. Of course, the route of infection through blood or household contact in kindergarten, at school is possible, but with newborn children, the transplacental mode of transmission plays a decisive role.
The acute course of the disease caused by cytomegalovirus often leads to miscarriage or fetal death in utero. Sometimes such a pathology is a medical indication for abortion.
It is worth noting that cytomegalovirus infection in a child does not always have clinical manifestations. About 20% of cases proceed with severe symptoms. In newbornsCytomegalovirus infection may manifest as jaundice, enlargement of the liver and spleen, and a rash. In some cases, there may be changes in the organs of vision, nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Sometimes a pregnant woman may not have any signs of illness, just like a newborn baby. As a result of this combination of circumstances, cytomegalovirus infection in children leads to developmental delays, muscle weakness, deafness and other pathologies. In the future, problems with teeth may arise, the body does not produce substances for the formation of strong enamel, changes in the tooth germs occur, and other pathologies are possible.
But not always a cytomegalovirus infection in a child manifests itself immediately after birth, quite often it is diagnosed at 4-7 years old. At this age, the clinical picture of a viral disease is blurred and more reminiscent of the symptoms of SARS. That is why early diagnosis of CMV is difficult.

In addition to the main signs of a respiratory disease, there is a fever, an increase in lymph nodes in the armpit, sometimes manifestations in the form of colitis or enteritis are possible. Cytomegalovirus infection in a child can occur in a generalized form, and affect one organ or system. For example, there is a pulmonary or hepatic form, in the form of mononucleosis, a gastrointestinal disease. A combined course of infection is also possible.process.
Having learned what a cytomegalovirus infection is, you need to familiarize yourself with the methods of treatment in children. This is taking interferon preparations that stimulate the body's defenses and prevent the activation of a viral infection. The choice of antiviral drugs creates some difficulties, because. many of them have a toxic effect on the children's body. Considering that the disease can proceed in an acute and severe form, treatment may include a set of measures aimed at relieving symptoms from the affected organ, eliminating intoxication, as well as speedy recovery of the body.