Some children can tolerate the process of teething quite calmly and painlessly, but for someone it becomes a real problem. In this case, every parent wants to alleviate their children's discomfort. To eliminate the exacerbation of unpleasant symptoms, you need to know what medications can be used and how to use them correctly.
To choose a remedy for teething in children, you should definitely consult a doctor, as well as carefully study the instructions and reviews about each drug.
Features of symptoms during teething
The period of teething never goes unnoticed. Only a few babies tolerate such a process relatively calmly. Most children become restless and irritable and show signs such as:
- increase in the amount of saliva;
- insomnia;
- swelling and redness of the gums;
- loss of appetite or complete refusal to eat;
- temperature increase.

In addition, the child tries to gnaw on various objects all the time. To help the baby cope with this problem, it is recommended to use the remedy for teething in children. The drugs used eliminate itching in the gums and reduce painful manifestations.
Pros and cons of drugs
Each remedy designed to relieve pain during teething has certain advantages and disadvantages that must be taken into account when choosing a medicine. The main advantages include the possibility of using them from a very early age, as well as a quick result.
However, there are certain disadvantages, among which it is necessary to highlight the fact that these funds can provoke an allergy, which is why their choice must be approached with all responsibility. If the medicine contains lidocaine, then it can cause certain difficulties when sucking, as the baby's tongue may become numb.
Classification of drugs
Before using teething products in children, you need to consult a pediatrician, look at the ratings and reviews of each of them. All medicines used during the appearance of the chewing apparatus are conventionally divided according to such criteria as:
- local impact;
- homeopathy;
- for internal use.
Topical remedies are represented by various gels that help eliminate pain. Often, the composition of this remedy includes an analgesic, which causestemporary relief of nerve endings. Its action begins almost instantly and lasts for half an hour. Sometimes a combination of anti-inflammatory and analgesic components is possible.
Homeopathic remedies are usually made from natural ingredients that have healing qualities. They have a complex effect, eliminating pain and discomfort.
Means for internal use are recommended to be used only as directed by a doctor. Basically, they are prescribed when the temperature rises above the permissible level. Such drugs systemically affect the internal organs and nervous system.
Answering the question of what remedies help with teething, we can definitely say that painkillers are very popular. Their action is provided by the anesthetic included in the composition, often it is lidocaine hydrochloride. This substance provides an almost instant pain relief and cooling effect.
Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and homeopathic components are added to many products, thereby achieving a combined effect. However, they also have their own certain disadvantages, because despite the fact that the effect comes very quickly, it does not last long. You can apply the drug no more than 3-5 times a day.
It is also worth noting that lidocaine provokes numbness of the tongue and impaired swallowing. That is why the product is recommended to be used only after the baby eats.
Picking upan anesthetic for children during teething, you should pay attention to special gels. They eliminate pathogens and disinfect the oral cavity. These funds act only in the area of application and do not allow the development of pathogenic microflora. To select the required drug, you first need to study the rating of teething agents that are used most often. It includes the following gels:
- 1st place - Kamistad;
- 2nd place - Holisal;
- 3rd place - Kalgel;
- 4th place - Dentinox.
The drug "Kamistad" in its composition contains lidocaine and chamomile extract, which is why it has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. To eliminate soreness, you need to rub 5 mm of gel into the inflamed gum. You can use it no more than 3 times a day. Before using the drug, be sure to read the instructions.

Widely used for teething "Calgel" for gums, which contains lidocaine and cetylpyridinium chloride. It has an analgesic and antiseptic effect. It can be used for children from 5 months of age. To eliminate soreness, apply 7.5 mm of gel to the gums and rub in with massaging movements. You can use it no more than 6 times a day.

According to the reviews of "Holisal" when teething in children, it helps to quickly and effectively get rid of soreness and alleviate thisunpleasant process. The composition of this tool includes salicylate and cetalkonium chloride. The gel provides an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Children under 12 months should be used very carefully. For anesthesia, you need to rub 5 mm of gel into the inflamed gum 2-3 times a day.
When choosing a remedy that facilitates teething in children, you need to pay attention to the Dentinox gel, which contains analgesic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory components in its composition. It can be used for children under 1 year old, but after prior consultation with the doctor. You need to apply 1 drop of gel, which is applied to the gums 2-3 times a day.
Gel "Dentol baby" can be used from a very young age. It contains benzocaine in its composition, therefore, it has a very fast action. The gel begins to act a minute after application and its action lasts for 2 hours. It is recommended to apply this remedy up to 4 times a day. Do not use it for more than 1 week. It differs in that it does not irritate the gums, has low toxicity, and is also quite easy to apply. However, it is worth remembering that if the baby has damaged gums or has serious inflammatory processes, then you should not use it, as this can provoke severe allergies. In case of severe swelling and itching in the area of application of the gel, its use should be stopped immediately.
Baby Doctor gel consists exclusively of herbal ingredients and does not contain anesthetics. It quickly eliminates irritation of the oral mucosa andgums, and also eliminates soreness. It can be used in children who are allergic to lidocaine or have very sensitive gums. The drug is used starting from 3 months of life. It has no taste or smell. Its big plus is naturalness, as it does not cause intoxication.
One of the most popular painkillers is the Pansoral gel. First teeth. It contains saffron flowers, chamomile extract, and marshmallow root. These components have a soothing, analgesic and softening effect on the gum mucosa. It is worth noting that this tool has no contraindications for use. However, it should not be used in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the gel.

Widely used against teething pain "Carmolis phytogel", which has a cooling and softening effect, and quickly eliminates irritation. This remedy contains herbal ingredients, therefore, it belongs to homeopathic. The medicine begins to act very quickly and effectively eliminates soreness. It should be used no more than 3 times a day. Since the drug contains plant extracts, it must be used very carefully, because it can provoke allergies.
Ointments for teething
Compared to gels, ointments are much worse kept on the gums and are quickly washed off with saliva. However, despite this, doctors sometimes prescribe Traumeel C ointment. At the heart of this remedy there are various herbs, namely:
- chamomile;
- marigold medicinal (calendula);
- yarrow;
- arnica;
- daisy;
- echinacea.
Doctors often prescribe this remedy for teething pain. However, it is worth noting that it has certain contraindications, in particular, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as children under 3 years of age, since studies have not yet been conducted.
Using ointments and gels
Take a close look at our overview of baby teething products that help with severe pain and discomfort and choose the right one for your baby. There are special gels and ointments that are used for babies. They contain a small amount of anesthetic that acts locally and helps to normalize well-being. All these drugs freeze the baby's gums a little.
Apply the product very carefully with massaging movements on the inflamed area. The drugs act very quickly, anesthetize and soothe within a few minutes. For babies, it is best to choose drugs with natural ingredients in the composition, as they are as safe as possible for the baby.
Painkiller drops
Received good reviews "Dantinorm Baby", when teething, this tool helps to quickly and effectively eliminate soreness and discomfort. This is a homeopathic remedy that is made on the basis of natural herbs. According to the instructions, you need to use the contents of 2-3 capsules 3 times a day. Apply this toolquite simple, just open the capsule and press it so that the contents get into the child's mouth.

It is worth noting that the contraindication to the use of this remedy is only individual intolerance to the constituent components. The medicine works very quickly. It is the best remedy for teething babies as it is very helpful in preventing the risk of overdose.
Using this tool is quite simple, you just need to slightly open the capsule and press it so that the contents get into the child's mouth.
Fenistil drops help well. The medicine is used to eliminate swelling in the oral cavity in children. It is also used in case of difficulty breathing, nasal congestion and runny nose, which accompany the process of teething. It is worth remembering that during the day the drops should be applied no more than 3 times a day.
When choosing a remedy for teething in children, you should pay attention to Parlazin drops. This is a complex drug that suppresses histamine receptors. Assign it to children older than 12 months. The drug helps eliminate swelling of the gums and nose, as well as reduce irritability.
Candles for teething
The best teething medicines are rectal suppositories as they are very easy to use. The drug "Viburkol" has proven itself well. It is produced in the form of candles and belongs to homeopathic remedies. The drug is used for some viral diseases, as well as forteething. Also, "Viburkol" is intended for use at elevated temperature in a child.
The drug has many useful qualities that have a complex effect, namely:
- pain reliever;
- eliminates inflammation;
- has an antispasmodic and calming effect.
The medicine enables the body to effectively deal with irritation of the oral cavity, restoring tissues. This tool does not have a negative effect on the internal organs of the child, therefore, it can be used from a very early age. Children under 6 months are prescribed 1 rectal suppository 2 times a day, and after this age, 1 suppository 4-6 times a day.
Cefekon D candles have proven themselves well. The main active ingredient of this remedy is paracetamol. It has an antipyretic and analgesic effect. It can be used to treat children from 1 month. According to the instructions for use, 10-15 mg of the drug is calculated per 1 kg of the child's weight. It is necessary to apply rectal suppositories 2-3 times a day. If you are allergic to these products, it is strictly forbidden to use them.
Other remedies
In some cases, antihistamines are used, in particular, syrups, gels, drops. They help eliminate swelling of the gums, as well as reduce itching. You can use them in combination with anti-inflammatory and painkillers.
In addition, doctors often prescribe antipyretic drugs, in particular, such as Ibuprofen or Panadol. They don't helpnot only reduce the temperature, but also eliminate soreness.

Dentokind is recommended for gum pain relief. Instructions for use for children says that children under one year old should use 1 tablet 6 times a day. The drug must first be dissolved in water. It is not recommended to use the product without consulting a doctor.
According to the instructions for use "Dentokind" for children is contraindicated in the presence of allergies to the components of the drug. It acts in a complex way, eliminating soreness, nervousness, and also normalizing sleep.
Doctor's advice
After studying the rating of teething remedies that help relieve unpleasant symptoms, you can choose the best medicine for your baby. It is advisable to consult a doctor first, since the safety of the drug is not a guarantee that the baby will not be allergic.

It is important to keep in mind that the medicine containing lidocaine is not applied before meals, as this can significantly impede the process of sucking milk. When choosing a drug, you need to consider the age at which it can be used. In order to avoid the occurrence of disorders and deterioration of well-being, do not exceed the dosage and frequency of use of the drug. Also, it can become addictive and stop working.
Doctors recommend using such remedies only for very severe discomfort. In addition, their use is recommended during the eruption of the first two pairs of teeth, as well as those that appear in the second year of a baby's life, since they are the most painful. It is not recommended to use such products in the presence of scratches, sores and other injuries in the child's mouth.
According to the parents' feedback, "Dentinox" helps very well with teething. It has a quick analgesic effect and makes the baby feel better. As parents say, if the child's condition becomes very difficult, then the best way to cope with the problem of candles is "Viburkol". It is worth additionally using special teethers and coolants.
According to reviews, "Dantinorm baby" during teething helps to quickly and for a long time eliminate discomfort. Doctors recommend using this remedy for pain relief, as it is completely safe and does not cause any side effects.
Now there are many different teething products that have a disinfecting, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. For each child, the remedy is selected strictly separately, it all depends on how severe the inflammation is, and also, it is important to take into account the contraindications of the drugs. Before using any of the products, be sure to carefully study the instructions, as well as consult a pediatrician.