Pins in dentistry: installation, reviews, prices

Pins in dentistry: installation, reviews, prices
Pins in dentistry: installation, reviews, prices

Today, problems with teeth are found in almost every second person. In some people, they are very pronounced and are characterized by the destruction of the crowns. However, there are special tools that help save the tooth and restore its function. Pins have been used in dentistry for a very long time. Let us consider in more detail their advantages, indications for use, materials for manufacturing, as well as features of installation and care for them.

What is a pin?

This element is a support structure that allows you to install any type of prosthesis (removable or non-removable). Pins in dentistry (you can see the photo in the article) are rods with which the doctor has the opportunity to strengthen the destroyed crown. An element is fixed in the dental canal, from which the nerve is previously removed.

Most often, the construction is used in cases where it is impossible to correct the situation in another way. That is, when the only possible option for treating a tooth is to build up on a pin.

What are the benefits of design?

pins in dentistry
pins in dentistry

Modern dentistry uses all possible methods thatprovide fast and high-quality correction of problems with teeth. Note that the pins have some advantages compared to other treatment methods. For example:

1. Duration of use. Some designs can last more than ten years.

2. Using a pin, you can restore not only the integrity of the crown, but also its functionality.

3. The presented element allows not to remove the tooth.

4. Some types of pins (elastic) make it possible to distribute the load on damaged crowns evenly, so they are worn out and destroyed much more slowly.

5. The most modern elements allow you to avoid fracture of the roots of the crowns.

6. Fiberglass structures can be used to restore and strengthen anterior teeth.

Disadvantages of presented elements

Oddly enough, but they also exist. Pins in dentistry (reviews about them in most cases are positive) have the following disadvantages:

- Design can be quite expensive (depending on the material used to make it).

- Incorrectly installed elements sometimes provoke the destruction of the crown and caries.

- Metal products do not have the necessary flexibility, which contributes to the correct distribution of the load on the jaw. In addition, they can rust when exposed to saliva.

- In some cases, complete tooth extraction is required to remove the post.

- Possible allergic reaction to the materialwhich the item was made.

- Pins are a very effective treatment in dentistry, but there are cases where they cannot be used to rebuild a tooth.

Indications for use

pins in dentistry photo
pins in dentistry photo

Now you should figure out in which cases the installation of the structure is possible:

1. If it is necessary to make a support for the subsequent fixation of the prosthesis.

2. In the event that the tooth is completely missing.

3. When the crown is broken more than half of its height.

When is it impossible to install an element?

Pins in dentistry (the price depends on the material and ranges from $ 20-100 per item) can not always be used. For example, you should not install the construct in the following cases:

- The patient has circulatory problems or blood disorders.

- Periodontal damage observed.

- Root walls are thin (less than 2mm).

- Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, cysts and granulomas on the gums develop.

- There are problems with the nervous system.

In addition, experts note the impossibility of installing the product due to the lack of a crown or a small root length.

What materials are used in the manufacture of the presented items? Product classification

titanium pins
titanium pins

It must be said that pins in dentistry can be made from different raw materials. For example, the following materials are used:


- Brass.

- Palladium.

- Stainless steel.

- Precious metal alloys.

Dental pins can also be made from fiberglass, ceramic and carbon fiber. Each type of material has its own advantages and disadvantages.

As for the classification, the pins in dentistry are as follows:

1. Metal. They are used only if the doctor has to restore a badly damaged crown.

2. Fiberglass. Such an elastic element takes root very well and provides optimal load distribution.

3. Anchor. Made from titanium alloy.

4. Carbon fiber. They are very durable. These elements are expensive, as they provide the highest possible effectiveness of treatment.

Titanium pins: advantages, disadvantages

They are made from very durable material. Titanium posts in dentistry are used very often. It has high strength, can serve for a long time, have a not too high cost. They are used even if more than half of the tooth is missing. Titanium pins can have different lengths and shapes. It all depends on the root of the tooth.

However, such products also have certain disadvantages. For example, a metal can contribute to the development of an allergic reaction. In addition, it is able to corrode due to the action of liquids or saliva. And titanium pins are not elastic, so they distribute the load on the tooth a little worse.row.

Anchor products: advantages and features

anchor pin in dentistry
anchor pin in dentistry

They are also used quite often. The anchor pin is used in dentistry due to the following advantages:

1. Stronger and stronger attachment.

2. Possibility of using a root if overdentures are needed.

Naturally, such products have all the disadvantages of metal. It should also be noted that the anchor pin in dentistry can be passive and active. In the first case, cement is used for fastening, and in the second case, the product is threaded and screwed into the root canal. The disadvantage of this element is that it does not have a very attractive appearance. In addition, it is quite difficult to remove it. In some cases, a tooth has to be pulled out.

Fiberglass constructions: the benefits

fiberglass posts in dentistry
fiberglass posts in dentistry

Modern dentistry is trying to use all the latest methods and raw materials in the fight against dental diseases. Fiberglass is one of the best materials with many advantages:

- Same high elasticity as dentine.

- Good biocompatibility.

- Highly adhesive with fixing material.

- Does not corrode or rust, as it practically does not interact with saliva or other liquids.

- Due to the lightness of the product during its installation, the doctor practically does not risk breaking the root of the tooth.

- Uniform distribution of the load on the bits.

Of course, fiberglass posts in dentistry are not very cheap. For example, the price of such a product may be $30 or more.

What should I consider when choosing pins?

pins in dentistry price
pins in dentistry price

Modern dentistry can offer a large number of solutions in the treatment of a particular dental disease. Pin placement continues to be one of the most common methods for repairing crown failures. However, before you mount them, you must correctly select the presented elements. Dentistry services provide advice from a doctor in choosing a pin. In the process of treatment, the specialist should consider the following factors:

1. The thickness of the root of the tooth. If it is less than 2 mm, then this method of treatment is considered unacceptable, since a thin pin can quickly break, and its fixation strength in the canal will be low.

2. The degree of destruction of the crown.

3. root depth. If it is smaller than the top of the tooth, then the pin will not fit in this case, as it can turn out under the influence of chewing load.

4. The load on the crown after its processing. An important factor is also the position of the tooth: it stands alone or it is planned to install a prosthesis.

5. Manufacturing material. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and his biocompatibility with dentin.

6. The financial side of the issue. It must be said that modern dentistry (prices for dental treatment canbe really high) provides quite a lot of services. They cost differently. Therefore, the doctor pays attention to whether the patient will be able to pay for the chosen treatment, and selects the best option for him.

In addition, you need to take into account the features of the pins themselves. For example, the cylindrical shape of the product is more preferred. Threaded fixation of the product is stronger. The most optimal is the elastic version of the pin, as it most closely matches the root of the tooth and does not break it during loading.

Installation features

Modern dentistry (service prices start at fifteen dollars for tooth extraction) will help eliminate almost any pathology associated with tooth decay. Installation of pins should be carried out only by an experienced specialist and provides for a certain sequence of work:

1. Depulpation of the crown. That is, the root channels are freed from content and expanded.

2. Pin introduction. This should be done so that it is fixed in the jaw bone. At the same time, the root of the tooth is significantly strengthened.

3. Use of filling material for installation. Naturally, you should choose high-quality cement that will not crumble and fix the rod well.

4. Actually prosthetics. It is much better if the crown is integrally connected to the post. If the bridge or artificial tooth will not be mounted, then the hole will be sealed after the pin is installed.

5. A day later, the doctor must check whether the rod is firmlyanchored in the root canal. The conclusion is formed on the basis of the specialist's examination and the patient's comments.

What to do after installing the pin?

pins in dentistry reviews
pins in dentistry reviews

In order for the restoration of the tooth to be successful and without problems after the operation, you need to follow the doctor's recommendations:

1. Check the condition of the crowns every six months.

2. Avoid chewing on solid foods, cracking nuts, or opening bottles with your teeth.

3. If the crown is restored, refrain from using toothpicks. It is best to use special hygienic thread.

4. Take responsibility for brushing your teeth. Try to use special antibacterial rinses that help get rid of harmful germs and plaque.

5. If the doctor has prescribed any medication, then do not neglect his advice.

6. At first, try to eat only soft foods.

What complications can occur? And how to deal with them?

Dentistry services include not only dental treatment, but also constant monitoring of their condition. I must say that after installing the pin, the patient may experience certain complications: periodontitis, inflammation of the tissues, swelling of the gums and pain.

Naturally, if such signs occur, then you should definitely contact the doctor who mounted the rod. Of course, every person who has been given a pin can feel pain. However, this is often associated with the recovery process, because in the processoperations affect soft tissues, which contain a huge number of nerve endings.

However, if the pain is getting stronger, you should immediately consult a doctor. He must not only perform an external examination, but also send you for an X-ray examination.

The appearance of signs of allergy may be due to the incompatibility of your body with the material of the rod that was chosen. If the condition worsens, other negative signs appear, most likely the pin will have to be removed.

That's all the features of the installation and selection of the presented products. May your smile be beautiful!
