Intact tooth: description, feature, preparation for prosthetics, dentists' advice

Intact tooth: description, feature, preparation for prosthetics, dentists' advice
Intact tooth: description, feature, preparation for prosthetics, dentists' advice

What is an intact tooth? What features does it have? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. The process of chewing food has depended on intact teeth since ancient times. Keeping them intact and he althy with the current variety of foods and drinks containing chemical substances is the most important task for any person. Find out what intact teeth are.


Don't worry if your doctor says you have intact teeth. Moreover, you should be happy about it. The fact is that this term refers to he althy, normal teeth.

intact tooth
intact tooth

The word "intact" comes from the Latin intactus, which means intact, untouched, not involved in any process. And this means that such teeth are not affected by periodontal disease, caries, pulpitis and other ailments that affect the oral cavity.

Needless to say, an individual with a whole intact dentition is justlucky. Although it's not about luck at all.

Dental he alth

Everyone knows from childhood that there is nothing more important than their he alth. It's one of those things that money can't buy. After all, they can only help a little to correct the undermined well-being. But many people take their he alth for granted until it's too late. This also applies to dental he alth.

Everyone knows that for prevention you need to visit the dentist at least once every six months, but only a few do it. As a rule, a person has no desire or time for such seemingly useless trips.

Oral hygiene
Oral hygiene

From going to the doctor, people are usually stopped by the groundless fear of dentists. This fear is unfounded, since even the most insignificant operations are performed under anesthesia, which drowns out the pain completely, even a couple of hours after the medical procedure.

Most often, the patient goes to the doctor when the gums and cheeks swell, and the toothache becomes unbearable. And therefore, many with such a negligent attitude towards their he alth do not know elementary medical terms.

Preventive measures

Many people ask: "Intact tooth - what does it mean?" If a person has such a tooth, that's great. And you need to understand that strong and he althy is not a luxury at all. Many people have absolutely he althy and even teeth since childhood. All that is required of a person is to keep the perfect condition of the oral cavity for as long as possible.

In theory, an individual's ownTeeth can last a lifetime, of course, if they are properly cared for. Dentistry is such a medical branch in which many ailments can be prevented thanks to simple preventive measures. Such a fence does not require you to spend a lot of money or time, nor impressive efforts.

Teeth setting
Teeth setting

Each kid is taught that oral hygiene is the basic preventive measure for dental ailments. This complex is understood as the elimination of various harmful deposits and food residues from the surface of the gums, cheeks and teeth. A great helper in this are the well-known dental floss, paste and brush. It is impossible to clean the mouth of all deposits with one brush. If you want to protect your oral cavity at 100%, visit the dentist's office occasionally for a complete medical preventive cleaning.

Do not abuse too cold or hot, sweet or sour foods and drinks. This can adversely affect the integrity of the enamel. Also, you can not expose your jaw to very strong mechanical stress. And don't forget your calcium and vitamins.

Reason for removal

But not everyone is lucky with he althy teeth. Sometimes they grow crooked, uneven, and sometimes you can lose a tooth due to some kind of accident. To prevent various inconveniences associated with eating, as well as restore an externally attractive appearance, the dentist may decide to remove and prosthetic the tooth.

It is known that prosthetics are veryis a complex and delicate operation, so adjacent, intact (he althy) teeth may be involved to effectively secure the denture. Most often they are cut off, then turned and covered with crowns. Sometimes they have to be removed completely if, for example, during the operation their roots were very exposed.

Preparation for prosthetics
Preparation for prosthetics

When prosthetics, you must be prepared to make impressive sacrifices, especially if you need to install a prosthesis on the entire dentition. Here, regrettably, it may be necessary to remove several he althy teeth at once.

So, if only one or two whole teeth remain on one jaw, the doctor can remove them and then install a complete prosthesis covering the entire dentition. There is no need to be scared, because the current dentures are identical to your natural teeth and you will not feel any difference. It should be noted that the setting of teeth along the intact dentition during such an operation plays an important role.

Removal of he althy teeth in babies

Milk teeth are intact in almost all babies. Dairy he althy and cured incisors in childhood are removed to form a bite, regulate the growth of the jaw system. The fact is that the size and number of teeth, their nature of change, correlation with the type of face affect the harmony of the appearance. Intact milk fangs and incisors are eliminated by the time of their natural replacement.

The dates change taking into account the personal characteristics of the body, so the indication for the removal of a he althy tooth is its stability later than the physiological average timemobility ahead of the shift.

To find out why a he althy tooth has become mobile, the doctor takes an x-ray. An intact incisor can be torn out due to tightness in a row, to prevent malocclusion. The orthodontist establishes the presence of indications for the removal of he althy milk teeth based on the results of testing.

As a rule, teeth are removed symmetrically so that the bite is formed correctly and the pressure is distributed evenly. With a permanent and removable bite, the doctor can pull out intact permanent teeth if they grow outside the row. To make room for a misplaced tooth, a decayed or less valuable tooth may be removed.

Prevention of bite problems

An effective way to correct the growth of the jaw bones, to form a correct bite is the removal of a permanent tooth. This leads to the fact that the nearby rudiments move and will immediately erupt correctly.

This procedure prevents the aggravation of bite problems, speeds up orthodontic treatment. Usually, symmetrical elimination of the rudiments of the third molars, premolars on one or both jaws is prescribed.

What is an intact tooth?
What is an intact tooth?

Trepanation of the tooth cavity

Let's touch on the topic of trepanation of intact teeth. Opening the cavity of the tooth - the creation of a point connection between the carious depression and the cavity of the tooth, or the formation of access to the sinus of the tooth at one point. Cavity opening - removal of the roof of the tooth to create access to the root canals.

In this case, the tooth cavity cannot be deformed and expanded, but its bottom andwalls should be visible. Disclosure and opening of the dental cavity of each group have their own characteristics. Most often, these actions are performed through the carious cavity.

But sometimes the doctor needs to perform a trepanation of the crowns of intact teeth. In this case, he prepares the carious cavity according to all requirements. The tooth cavity is opened with a thin tip of the probe or a spherical bur No. 1. Trepanation of the tooth crown is carried out with a turbine drill with a carbide or diamond bur.

Trepanation, for example, of crowns of intact incisors of the lateral upper jaw is performed from the palatal surface in the area of the blind fossa. In order not to resort to such a procedure, take care of your he alth from childhood and use high-quality hygiene products.
