Toothbrushes for children: how to make the right choice?

Toothbrushes for children: how to make the right choice?
Toothbrushes for children: how to make the right choice?

Oral hygiene is the key to overall human he alth. That is why it is important to start caring for a child's teeth from the moment they erupt, or even earlier. This is necessary in order to prevent the formation of infections in the oral cavity and associated diseases associated with improper dental care.

Toothbrushes for children are essential helpers in the process of cleansing the mouth. But how to choose them for the crumbs, what to look for when buying such a hygiene product? We will answer these and other questions in our article.

Toothbrushes for children
Toothbrushes for children

When should I start brushing my teeth?

There is an erroneous opinion that due to the inconstancy of milk teeth, it is not very important to take care of their he alth, because they will fall out soon anyway. In fact, this is completely false. Infection-damaged milk teeth can lead to the spread of the disease to molars, and also contribute to the curvature of permanent teeth. It also increases the risk of developing diseases such as caries,stomatitis and pulpitis. Such he alth problems are often very painful for the child and negatively affect the laying of molars. Diction also suffers with diseased teeth, and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract also appear.

Given the above factors, we can conclude that it is necessary to carry out hygienic oral care literally from the birth of the baby, and the first toothbrush for a child should be purchased no later than the first tooth erupts.

Toothbrush for children up to a year
Toothbrush for children up to a year

Bristle material

When choosing toothbrushes for children, it is important to pay attention to the type of bristles. Those parents who prefer all natural will have to be frustrated, since such bristles are difficult to clean from bacteria. This means that the natural material in the toothbrush will not only not cope with the task, but can also do harm, spreading pathogenic flora.

Therefore, synthetic bristles are the best choice. But here it is also important to pay attention to stiffness, since coarse bristles can damage thin enamel and even gums. It should be moderately soft, in three or four rows. This toothbrush is suitable for children of all ages, with the exception of infants. The first toothbrushes for children are made of soft and safe silicone. They are described in more detail below.

Head diameter

When choosing the size of the head of a toothbrush, you should be guided by this rule: the smaller the child, the smaller the diameter of the head. Only under this condition does it become possibleclean your teeth from all sides. The most optimal indicator is 10-12 mm.

If we talk about the shape of the head, then they are round, rectangular, triangular. It is better to choose a round brush head - it is the safest for the child. It is especially important to take this factor into account when purchasing a toothbrush for children under one year old - the shape with edges can damage the delicate gum mucosa.

Toothbrushes for children from 3 years
Toothbrushes for children from 3 years


The baby still does not know how to hold the toothbrush firmly and correctly. But any wrong movement can lead to injury to the oral cavity. Therefore, it is important when choosing a toothbrush to pay attention to its handle. It should be moderately wide so that the child can confidently, without making special physical efforts, comfortably hold the product.

It is important that the handle is rubberized or has special silicone inserts. Such simple devices will help the baby not to lose the brush from his hands. Similar recommendations apply if you choose an electric toothbrush for children.

Toothbrush for children from 1 year
Toothbrush for children from 1 year


In order for the child to brush their teeth with pleasure, you should choose a brush with a bright original design that matches the age of the baby. This is not difficult to do, as the market offers a wide range of a wide variety of models. They are decorated with drawings of cartoon characters, made in the form of figurines, with built-in light and even music. You can offer the crumbs to choose a toothbrush on their own, but at the same timeparents should not forget about the necessary important characteristics of the device.

Conventional or electric?

The electric toothbrush for children is gaining popularity. Parents believe that with the help of such a device, the baby's teeth are cleaned better. But are they really comfortable, practical and safe for a child? In fact, if the choice is between an electric and a conventional toothbrush, then it is better for children to choose the latter. An automated device often leads to minor injuries of the oral cavity and damage to the thin enamel of children's teeth. In addition, given the rather high cost of electric brushes, parents buy them for their kids, as they say, “for a year”, which is absolutely impossible! Since for hygiene reasons, it is recommended to change the children's toothbrush at least once every 3-4 months.

Toothbrush for a child 7 years old
Toothbrush for a child 7 years old

Ionic toothbrush: what's special?

Japanese development is the ionic toothbrush. This is a completely unique device for cleaning teeth. The principle of operation lies in the differently charged poles. The fact is that scientists have found out why plaque occurs on the teeth. It appears due to the fact that microbes have a positive charge, and tooth enamel is negative. And, as you know from the school physics curriculum, differently charged particles attract.

The ionic brush is designed in such a way that its bristles have a negative charge. Thus, when in contact with the surface of the tooth, microbes are attracted to the brush.

This kind of toothbrushis increasingly in demand among parents of children up to a year. Since you can use the product without toothpaste (which is important for babies who have not yet learned to rinse their mouths). This type of toothbrush does not require mechanical hard friction, which means it is safe for the baby.

Electric toothbrush for children
Electric toothbrush for children

Ionic toothbrush: user opinions

Consumer feedback on this novelty for oral hygiene varied. Some consider the tool to be effective and safe, while others are inclined to believe that such a brush does not cope with high-quality cleaning of the teeth, and also worry about the negative effect of magnetism on the child's body. In some cases, such a novelty is purchased for newborns, in others it is used as a toothbrush for a child of 7 years and older - it is suitable for children of all ages.

First toothbrush

Separate attention requires the choice of the first toothbrush. Especially for the smallest, products have been developed, popularly called "fingertips". They are made from silicone. You can use them even before the eruption of the first tooth to massage the gums and cleanse the oral cavity. To do this, the mother needs to put the brush on the index finger and carefully massage the gums of the crumbs.

For one year olds

Children who have already erupted a few teeth can be offered to learn how to clean them on their own using a silicone brush with a limiter. Such a toothbrush is most safe for children from 1 year old, since the bristle material is soft, it is difficult for them todamage the gum or enamel, and the protective ring prevents the product from deep penetration into the oral cavity.

Silicone toothbrush reviews

Both "finger pads" and silicone brushes for older children are becoming increasingly popular with parents. Reviews speak of the high safety of using such devices, even when used independently by their children. In addition, they can be used as "teethers" to reduce pain, itching and swelling when the first teeth appear.

But silicone toothbrushes are not suitable for children from 3 years old, because due to anatomical changes, older babies require a hygiene assistant with soft bristles to effectively clean the oral cavity.

In addition, silicone toothbrushes need careful care, as accumulations of pathogenic microflora can form between the villi. After each brushing, such a brush must be boiled.

The first toothbrushes for children
The first toothbrushes for children

How often to change?

In order for the baby's teeth to be he althy, you need to take care not only about choosing the right toothbrush, but also about caring for it, as well as storage:

  • Toothbrush needs to be changed every 3-4 months;
  • Rinse and dry thoroughly after each use;
  • Store upright with bristle head up;
  • when stored in a case, it is important to regularly monitor its cleanliness, do not put it on other brushes.

Where to buy?

Purchase dentalbrushes for children are preferably in pharmacies. In stores, you can often encounter a fake or low-quality product. It is also worth noting that one should not save too much - the subsequent treatment of teeth destroyed by the disease will cost much more. But it also makes no sense to overpay - the child may become overly attached to the toothbrush he likes and does not want to part with it when the time comes to change it to a new one.

Choose quality, hygienic, comfortable toothbrushes for kids. And then the teeth of your kids will respond with he alth and beauty.
