Is it possible to smear stomatitis with brilliant green: doctor's advice

Is it possible to smear stomatitis with brilliant green: doctor's advice
Is it possible to smear stomatitis with brilliant green: doctor's advice

Stomatitis is a disease in which the mucous membrane of the oral cavity is damaged. For the treatment of the disease, both medications and traditional medicine are used. Very often, patients are interested in: "Is it possible to smear stomatitis with brilliant green in the absence of other means?" Dentists consider this drug not entirely suitable for the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, but, nevertheless, taking into account all the recommendations and rules for use, you can use brilliant green.

Stomatitis symptoms

symptoms of stomatitis
symptoms of stomatitis

This disease is characterized by painful swelling and redness of the oral mucosa. Sometimes the patient has a whitish coating that completely covers the tongue, gums and even tonsils. The patient develops bad breath, and the teeth begin to bleed. Another symptom of stomatitis is increased salivation.

Cause of disease

is it possible to cauterize stomatitis with brilliant green
is it possible to cauterize stomatitis with brilliant green

Usually share several types of stomatitis: ulcerative, catarrhal, allergic and aphthous. The most common causes of this disease are viruses, mycoplasma and bacteria. As well as diseases of the oral cavity can occur as a result of insufficient hygiene, iron deficiency anemia and mechanical damage. It is extremely important to start treatment on time and not let the disease lead to complications. Otherwise, the infection may spread to other organs.

Treatment of mucosal inflammation

Depending on the nature of the disease, stomatitis will also be treated. For example, if it is caused by bacteria, then antibacterial drugs will be needed. As an additional treatment, wound healing agents are necessarily used, which contain vitamins A and E. Most often, sea buckthorn, chamomile or wild rose oil is used. Propolis and honey also proved to be excellent.

Doctors advise doing a rinse with decoctions of chamomile, oak bark, St. John's wort or calendula. Herbs are brewed at the rate of two tablespoons per 0.5 liters of hot water. As soon as the broth is infused, it is filtered and used throughout the day. As a rule, a half-liter jar is enough for one day.

Oak bark is brewed only in a water bath or over an open slow fire. If desired, you can prepare a decoction for 2 days, provided that it is stored only in the refrigerator. Before use, the product is heated.

Brilliant green

Brilliant green solution
Brilliant green solution

Zelenka is an old proven antiseptic that has been used by more than one generation. Almost to meet her abroadimpossible, since in the treatment of patients in Europe and the United States, it is customary to pay attention to the aesthetic side of treatment. Patients with green dots, according to Western doctors, look scary, and the patients themselves are not enthusiastic about such a drug.

Zelenka has a number of advantages over other antiseptics. It has a milder action, which is ideal for the treatment of young children. It does not leave scars or dry out the skin.

The preparation contains two components: brilliant green and ethanol. The solution does not contain contraindications for use, however, if it gets on the mucous membrane of the eye, it can cause a burn.

Treatment of stomatitis with brilliant green

Can this drug be used to treat such a disease? A lot of people doubt whether it is possible to smear stomatitis with brilliant green. Doctors assure that this remedy is no worse than other antiseptics. According to doctors, in the treatment of stomatitis, it is extremely important to remove pathogenic microbes and dry the wounds. This remedy works especially well if the skin on the inside of the mouth is affected.

Reliable and proven antiseptic can also be used to treat children. Unfortunately, among patients with stomatitis very often they are. In them, this disease most often appears as a result of dirt getting into the mouth. Parents are often guilty, because they did not look after the baby and did not take away a dirty toy or pacifier in time.

How to use

One percent brilliant green
One percent brilliant green

To treat the affected surface, you will need cotton swabs,which are applied to the ears, or cotton swabs. They are dipped in a solution of brilliant green and gently smeared on the affected skin. Zelenka should be only one percent. The procedure, as a rule, is carried out twice, that is, after one application of the solution, the second immediately follows. After treatment, the mouth is not closed for some time, but kept open to dry the wounds.

One of the side effects of this treatment is a burning or tingling sensation. Sometimes children can hardly tolerate this procedure. Because of this, adults begin to doubt whether it is possible to cauterize stomatitis with brilliant green. Parents should be patient and calm the baby. The bad feeling goes away fairly quickly. Re-applying the drug to children is most often not required.

The course of treatment can be from one to two weeks for an adult and about five days for a child. Reviews of Zelenka for stomatitis in children are always very positive.

Contraindicated for use

Doctors do not advise using this remedy for the treatment of infants. They constantly eat or drink, which means that the mucous membrane irritated due to greenery will hurt. With herpes, brilliant green only increases pain and does not bring the desired effect. In this disease, other drugs should be used. In addition, the solution contains alcohol, which is also not recommended for use in the treatment of children.

It should be borne in mind that the remedy is by no means a panacea for this disease. Therefore, the question is: "Is it possible to smear stomatitisbrilliant green?" is quite appropriate. Despite all its qualities and rather high efficiency in the treatment of any wounds, brilliant green is used only as an additional drug to the main therapy. If the body reacts badly enough to this remedy, then they try not to use it in the future, but switching to other antiseptics.

Treatment of stomatitis "Cholisalom"

brilliant green for stomatitis in children reviews
brilliant green for stomatitis in children reviews

This drug is often used in the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity. Especially for children in the instructions for the use of "Cholisala" there are recommendations from doctors. It is a clear gel with anise flavor. In addition to stomatitis, it is used for periodontitis, thrush, as well as for lichen and mechanical injuries of the oral mucosa. Like brilliant green, it can cause a burning sensation, which passes fairly quickly.

The gel is applied up to three times a day, and the last one is just before bedtime. Holisal is produced by the Polish pharmaceutical company Elfa. Instructions for use "Cholisal" for children recommends using it from a very early age. For example, when teething the first teeth, the child experiences excruciating pain. Often, pediatricians advise parents to use this tool to lubricate the gums. As a rule, the gel is applied with a finger and rubbed in with light massaging movements.

Processing technique

oral treatment technique for stomatitis
oral treatment technique for stomatitis

The oral cavity with stomatitis in a child is usually processed as follows: the baby is planted in such a way thatso that there is some kind of lighting nearby. Then one adult holds his legs, and the second fixes the body, grabbing the child with one hand. Place a hand on the baby's forehead and ask him to open his mouth wider. If the procedure is performed on an infant, the parent opens the mouth using a teaspoon.

The hands of the person who will carry out the procedure must be wearing gloves. The cotton stick is held like a pen for writing. First, it is carried out along the oral cavity to the teeth, and then turned over and led along the lateral surface of the gums. Be sure to apply a small amount of the product on the tongue.

green stomatitis treatment
green stomatitis treatment

The child's mouth is treated with such simple manipulations. An adult calmly smears the mucosa with an antiseptic on his own, using cotton swabs. With stomatitis in adults, Zelenka, as a rule, does not cause such side effects. They endure the procedures throughout the course.

Patients are much more confused by the aesthetic side of such treatment. After all, going to work or school with a green mouth is not the most pleasant experience. For those who doubt whether it is possible to smear stomatitis with brilliant green, you can use any other means.
