Dental gel "Solcoseryl": composition, indications, instructions for use, contraindications, reviews

Dental gel "Solcoseryl": composition, indications, instructions for use, contraindications, reviews
Dental gel "Solcoseryl": composition, indications, instructions for use, contraindications, reviews

Thanks to the dental gel "Solcoseryl" it is possible to restore processes in tissues and normalize metabolism. The drug is produced in different forms, but regardless of this, each drug contains dialysate. This substance is made from the blood of dairy calves (up to the age of 3 months). The drug is based on crushed particles of the active substance, which can activate cell metabolism.

The drug does not cause side effects in the form of an allergic reaction. Ointment "Solcoseryl" is used in the form of therapeutic dressings, which create a protective layer on the affected area of the mucous membranes. At the same time, the product protects against mechanical and chemical damage during the entire period of validity.

Issue Forms

The medicine comes in several forms. Namely:

  1. Gel - in synthetic ormetal tube weighing 19 g. You should be aware that it is allowed to store no more than 5 years, out of the reach of children. It is forbidden to use the medicine after the expiration date, as unpredictable chemical reactions may occur in the preparation.
  2. As an eye gel.
  3. Ointments for external use.
  4. As a solution for injection.
  5. Coated tablets.
Gel "Solcoseryl"
Gel "Solcoseryl"

Depending on the general he alth of the patient and the severity of the pathology, the doctor prescribes a specific form of medicine. An injection solution is used if it is necessary that the substance enters the bloodstream as quickly as possible and begins to act.

Product properties

Dental gel "Solcoseryl" has a dense structure and is almost colorless. Slightly smells like beef broth.

How does the remedy work?

The doctor's consultation
The doctor's consultation

Gel effectively restores tissue. In addition, it is able to normalize anaerobic metabolism. Also:

  • provides complete nutrition of cells with essential substances;
  • restores damaged tissue after chemical and oxygen starvation;
  • reduces the risk of pathological changes;
  • activates active fibroblast production process;
  • positively affects collagen synthesis.

Thanks to the preservatives E 218 and E 216, calcium lactate, distilled water, carboxymethyl cellulose, propylene glycol, the effect of the active substance is improved,eliminating soreness in soft tissues.

When should the drug be used?

Dental gel "Solcoseryl" is used to treat fresh and weeping wounds even before they heal. Due to the high concentration of dialysate and its ability to form protective layers on damaged areas, the process of tissue repair can be accelerated. The drug removes the protruding lymphatic substance, thereby accelerating the formation of granulation connective tissue.

Dentists often prescribe Solcoseryl dental gel in the process of treating diseases of the mucous membranes of the mouth and gums. They can be processed:

  • ulcer and erosion of the oral cavity;
  • bedsore under full or partial dentures;
  • weeping wound on the skin;
  • postoperative wound;
  • damaged mucosa;
  • injury, which was formed from the contact of the tissue with the denture and filling.

Before using "Solcoseryl" dental, you should definitely consult a doctor, since self-medication can harm and cause complications.

How to apply the product correctly?

The gel must be applied to the damaged area in a small amount. Before using the drug, it is necessary to clean the skin of dead cells with a swab moistened with an antiseptic. With the use of "Miramistin" it is desirable to carry out this manipulation. After the patient has treated the wounds, it is advisable to blot the skin with dry swabs,because the product fits better on dry skin.

It is necessary to use "Solcoseryl" dental after meals and at night, several times a day. The duration of the course of treatment and dosage should be determined strictly by the doctor. During therapy, it is important to observe the basic rules of oral hygiene. In the process of treating a bedsore, it is important to disinfect the mouth and removable dentures.

After the hygiene procedure, the product is applied to the place where pressure and friction are carried out. The false jaw should be left until the next meal. If bedsores appear, it is important to visit an orthopedic dentist and carry out a correction. If weeping wounds appear on the skin of the face or lips, it is recommended to use the gel. When the lesions are dry, you can use the ointment. Thanks to the fats that form a protective film on the wound, healing is accelerated. The instructions for use of the Solcoseryl dental gel say that the product is absolutely safe for humans. But still, many are wondering if there could be an overdose?

Is it possible to overdose?

Doctor's recommendations
Doctor's recommendations

Until now, there have been no overdoses in patients in the process of using any dosage form of the drug. But still it is better not to take risks and use the remedy strictly according to the recommendations of the attending physician. The duration of the course of treatment will be determined by the specialist depending on the severity and nature of the damage.

When is it not recommended to use the drug?

Allergic reaction
Allergic reaction

If an allergic reaction occurson one of the components of the composition, it is important to stop using the drug. If redness or other rashes appear, it is important to consult a doctor immediately. Doctors say that the Solcoseryl dental gel does not contain substances hazardous to human he alth. If there is a burning sensation after using the remedy, do not worry - this is a normal physiological reaction of the body to the active components of the drug. If there are prolonged discomfort, then it is necessary to replace the drug with another remedy. An analogue should be selected by the attending physician, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism and the presence of other serious diseases.

Can be used by pregnant women?

Pregnant woman
Pregnant woman

The period of bearing a baby is not a direct contraindication to the use of the remedy. Based on scientific research, it can be concluded that in the process of using the ointment, the substances that make up the drug do not affect the development of the fetus. In this case, you should know that during pregnancy it is strictly forbidden to use any medicines on your own. Sometimes even the most harmless of them can cause the development of complications. If you feel unwell after using the remedy, it is important to inform your doctor immediately. Self-medication at home often complicates the course of many diseases.

Doctors' recommendations

Doctor's recommendations
Doctor's recommendations

Since the medicine does not contain antibacterial and antiviral components, it does not need to be applied to contaminatedor infected wounds dental gel "Solcoseryl". Indications for use are as follows:

  • ulcer,
  • skin wound,
  • soft tissue injury.

If there is purulent discharge from the wound, it is necessary to remove the focus of the infectious disease by surgical treatment. If there is pain, inflammation, redness near the wound, while the body temperature has increased significantly and the general state of he alth has worsened, it is important to immediately visit a doctor. Feeling better within 12 days, if this does not happen, and there is no positive effect of treatment, it is important to consult a doctor, since ulcers and wounds on mucous surfaces often indicate that a serious illness is developing. As medical practice shows, with the development of oncological diseases, wounds in the mouth often form. In the process of treating damaged tissue in the oral cavity, it is important not to eat hot or cold food.

Reviews about the drug

Many people use Solcoseryl dental gel. Patient reviews indicate that after using the remedy, the ulcers healed quickly, so many people constantly keep this gel in their home medicine cabinet, which helps with many diseases.

People who have used the gel claim that it is possible to become disabled after using it. Since there was a case when a man scalded his leg with boiling water and smeared the wound with a remedy for several weeks. As a result, the blisters burst and infection got there. As a result, the patient was sent tohospital and amputated a leg due to the fact that an infectious disease provoked the development of gangrene.

When a child developed Staphylococcus aureus, the consumer of this drug claims, small sores appeared on the baby's face, from which an incomprehensible substance in the form of water flowed. None of the drugs had the desired effect. The child was moody and restless. Only after the pediatrician prescribed Solcoseryl gel did the wounds begin to heal literally after a few days of using the remedy.

Based on the reviews, we can conclude that self-medication is dangerous even if the medicine seems harmless at first glance. Only after a thorough medical examination, the doctor should prescribe the drug, based on the individual and physiological characteristics of the patient. The drug is effective under the condition:

  • correct application;
  • no allergic reaction to the drug;
  • systematic use;
  • passing a medical examination before starting treatment.

Use dental gel "Solcoseryl" for ulcers in the mouth must be prescribed by a doctor. Sometimes skin wounds appear due to advanced disease.

Is there an analogue of the drug?

Medicine "Levomekol"
Medicine "Levomekol"

Are there effective analogues of the dental gel "Solcoseryl"? With the help of Actovegin, Apilak, Bepanten, Levomekol, Curiosincarry out the treatment of ulcers and other soft tissue injuries in the event that there is a contraindication to the use of Solcoseryl gel. These drugs have only a similar therapeutic effect, while they lack the active ingredient that is in the gel.

Only a specialist can choose a suitable analogue, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, the severity of the disease, the presence of other pathologies. Doctors do not recommend going to a pharmacy and buying Solcoseryl dental gel without a doctor's prescription. There are practically no contraindications, but this should not be a reason for self-treatment at home. It is not recommended to use the product if there is an allergy to one of the components of the drug, which is extremely rare.
