The order and pattern of teething in a child

The order and pattern of teething in a child
The order and pattern of teething in a child

Teeth play a big role in a person's life, because with their help he is able to grind food. The process of their growth is especially important for children, it is a new stage in the development of the child. Teething in babies, the pattern of their appearance, is of interest to all young parents.

Diagram of teething in a child
Diagram of teething in a child

When milk teeth form

In the first months of pregnancy, the baby's future teeth begin to form. Around the 6th week, the dental plate is formed. After that (until the 10th week), a set of milk teeth and even the enamel that covers them are finally modeled. At the 5th month, permanent teeth begin to form. This process continues until the age of five. During the second and third trimester, the process of mineralization takes place, so a pregnant woman needs to carefully monitor her diet. It is important that the menu contains calcium, fluorine. It is better to limit sweets, as the teeth will not be in the best condition from it. Treating teeth during pregnancy is not only possible, but also necessary, you just need to warn about your situationDr.

Scheme of teething in infants

Scheme of eruption of milk teeth
Scheme of eruption of milk teeth

Usually the first tooth is shown at the age of 6 months. By this time, the child's diet has changed somewhat, the first complementary foods are introduced.

But still, other terms of appearance are possible, since the pattern of teething in a child is as individual as the indicators of growth and weight. But if this process has not started after 1 year, it is worth consulting with a specialist. The lower incisors (central) break through first. The top ones follow. Next, the upper second incisors are cut through. After some time, the growth of the lower ones is also observed. The pattern of eruption of milk teeth in children in the following stages is as follows: upper molars (they are also called first molars), lower ones, canines (in the same sequence), and, finally, second molars (in this case, the lower ones should appear first).

Tooth Growth Symptoms

First of all, mothers note the fact that the child becomes capricious, restless. Salivation becomes profuse. Appetite is often disturbed, immunity weakens somewhat, so during this period the child becomes vulnerable to many viruses. Subsequently, there is a runny nose, cough, fever. You may also experience diarrhea. As a rule, all symptoms disappear with the appearance of a tooth. Teething in babies (the scheme was described above) can proceed without all these unpleasant moments.


Diagram of teething in infants
Diagram of teething in infants

If the process of newteeth have so far been relatively uncomplicated, the eruption of the incisors can bring serious pain.

The pattern of teething in a child suggests their appearance after 1.5 years. Their main feature is the location. Firstly, they sit quite deeply in the gum, and the path of their advancement, respectively, is longer. Also, the facial nerve is located near them, and its irritation inevitably leads to excruciating pain that radiates to the head and eyes. More incisors are characterized by the presence of a massive crown. In addition, the upper ones are slightly larger in incisal parameters than the lower ones. All these features lead to the fact that children have poor sleep, appetite, they are irritable and restless.

How to help a child during this period

To somehow relieve itching and pain, you can offer your baby special teethers. They are chilled in the refrigerator. This will help relieve inflammation and itching for a while. But you should pay special attention to the quality of the product: it is better to choose such devices without filler.

Scheme of eruption of milk teeth in children
Scheme of eruption of milk teeth in children

You can replace these toys with vegetables. A cold apple or carrot will do the job just fine. The main thing that a mother should know is that the child does not understand what a temporary state is. He is discouraged and confused. Therefore, the baby needs increased attention. During the day you need to try to distract him with games, a new book. In rare cases (before going to bed), you can use a special gel. It will relieve pain for a while (20-30 minutes). However, it should not be used often, since lidocaine is usually present in the composition. It is important to wipe saliva in time, as it can irritate delicate skin. The baby's bowel movements are usually acidic during this period, so an untimely diaper change can lead to profuse irritation in the anus. Moms need to keep it under control. If the trouble still happened, then sea buckthorn oil will help. Runny nose, fever, cough also need treatment.

Baby Teeth Care

The pattern of teething in a child implies the presence of 16 pieces at the age of two years. By the age of three, a complete set of 20 teeth should grow. But you need to start caring for them as soon as the first one appears.

Teething in infants. Scheme
Teething in infants. Scheme

First, you can wipe your teeth with gauze wrapped around your finger. Now special nozzles are sold for these purposes. After a year, you should buy a special toothbrush and teach your child to use such a device. After two years, dentists recommend using children's toothpaste. It is also important to give a feasible load on the teeth. Food should be gradually presented with small pieces so that the child learns to chew it, and after 3 years it is completely worth refusing to grind food. Sugar is the main enemy of children's teeth. Therefore, sweets and other sweets should be limited, it is better to offer the baby dried fruits. Raw vegetables and fruits have a beneficial effect on the condition of milk teeth. They additionally clean the surface of food debris, train chewing skills.

Replacing milk teeth with permanent teeth

Scheme of eruption of permanent teeth
Scheme of eruption of permanent teeth

This process occurs around the age of six. The permanent teeth seem to push out the milk teeth and at the same time take their place. The first to grow are the so-called "sixes" - the first molar. By this time, milk teeth may not fall out. The further pattern of teething in a child is similar to that in the case of milk teeth: the incisors change first (central, and then lateral), then the first premolars (“fours”) grow. And in this case, fangs appear almost the last. In place of the second milk molars, the second premolars grow, and then the second molars appear. The pattern of eruption of permanent teeth also includes third molars (or wisdom teeth), but they may never appear. In general, the process of changing teeth takes a considerable amount of time and is completed at about 15 years of age. Often a situation arises when a milk tooth has not yet fallen out, and a permanent one is already growing behind it. In this case, it is necessary to consult a dentist to avoid incorrect bite formation.
