Toothache is the most unbearable because it does not give rest day or night. It is impossible to get rid of it with folk remedies, and the only way out is medications. Today, there are a huge number of products on the market that promise fast and effective relief from toothache. "Pentalgin" is one of them. Let's see if he is really able to save people from suffering, and also clarify after what period of time the pills begin to act.
General information

According to many dentists, one of the best drugs for toothache that exists today is Pentalgin. Compared to its counterparts, it has a higher efficiency, which is achieved due to the unique composition. The named analgesic is available in the form of capsules coated with an instant coating. A drugavailable in pharmacies without a prescription, so you can buy it without any problems.
Pharmacological actions
Next, we will look at them in more detail. Toothache tablets "Pentalgin" belong to the group of combined drugs with a wide spectrum of action.
They contribute to:
- quickly relieve pain;
- reduce the temperature;
- relieve inflammation;
- improve blood flow;
- relieve cough;
- normalize the work of psychomotor centers and the respiratory system;
- tone up;
- enhance physical and mental abilities.
Due to the excellent pharmacological action of "Pentalgin" can be taken for colds and flu. It relieves symptoms well and improves the patient's well-being.
Composition of the drug

Many are interested in the question of whether Pentalgin helps with toothache. And most qualified specialists prescribe it to their patients instead of other analgesics, since it has a unique composition, almost never causes side effects and quickly begins to fight pain.
Pills contain the following ingredients:
- naproxen;
- drotaverine;
- paracetamol;
- caffeine;
- pheniramine.
All components are selected in ideal proportions, so that the pills have a fast-acting and long-lasting effect.
Indications for use

It is important to know that the described drug helps not only with toothache. "Pentalgin" is used to combat the following problems:
- pain syndromes of various etiology and localization;
- colds accompanied by fever;
- various smooth muscle pathologies;
- renal or liver dysfunction.
The tool is also used in the rehabilitation of patients during post-traumatic and postoperative recovery. But, despite the wide spectrum of action, this analgesic is most often prescribed for toothache and headache.
This aspect should be familiarized with in the very first place. "Pentalgin" is released without a prescription, but it is recommended to take it only as directed by a doctor. In addition, you must first carefully study the instructions for use, since it has a number of serious contraindications.
Among the main ones are the following:
- lesions of the gastrointestinal tract of various etiologies, occurring in an acute form;
- kidney failure;
- bronchial asthma;
- individual intolerance to any of the components that make up the tablets;
- benign neoplasms in the paranasal sinuses;
- recovery after coronary bypass surgery of the heart and blood vessels;
- arterial hypertension,proceeding in a chronic form;
- various forms of tachycardia;
- disturbances in the functioning of the hematopoietic system;
- ventricular extrasystole;
- bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
- any disease of the heart or circulatory system;
- myocardial infarction;
- high blood glucose;
- pregnancy and lactation.
We have listed the main contraindications. Remember that taking Pentalgin for toothache should be done with extreme caution in the elderly, as well as people with the following problems:
- impaired blood flow through the arteries;
- pathological changes in the cerebral vessels of the brain;
- liver damage caused by alcohol abuse;
- epilepsy;
- diabetes;
- various forms of hepatitis C;
- uncontrollable convulsions;
- Rotor syndrome.
Given all the symptoms listed above, you need to be very careful when taking Pentalgin, since the drug, despite its effectiveness, can cause serious complications.
Side effects

So, what to expect after taking the medicine? Like any other drug, analgesics can cause side effects. The most common side effects include:
- redness and skin rashes;
- development of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
- malfunctions in the hematopoietic and hemostasis system;
- decrease in intestinal motility and impaired excretion of potassium masses;
- loss of appetite;
- nausea and gagging;
- liquid stool;
- dry mouth;
- dizziness;
- drowsiness or insomnia;
- migraine;
- convulsions;
- increased anxiety;
- chest discomfort;
- disturbed heart rate;
- hypotension;
- visual impairment;
- lower blood glucose levels.
If you have a toothache, "Pentalgin" (instructions for use for children and adults will be given later) can provoke all of the above side effects. If you notice any of them, you must immediately stop taking the pills and go to the hospital.
Instructions for use

How to take "Pentalgin" for toothache so that it works as efficiently as possible and does not cause any side effects? First of all, you should carefully read the instructions for the drug. It says that an adult with pain syndrome of various etiologies should take one tablet 30 minutes after eating. As a rule, this dosage is enough, but in some cases it can be increased. It should be selected by a specialized specialist based on the clinical picture and the individual characteristics of each patient. This takes into account the patient's body weight, age,symptoms and many other factors. The daily allowance is 3 tablets, and the duration of administration should not exceed one week.
Use in children
The drug is not recommended for persons under 18 years of age, so babies should be given it with extreme caution and only under the supervision of a specialist. The dosage of "Pentalgin" for toothache for children differs from that for adults, since the drug is a potent analgesic, and it is also excreted from the body for a very long time. The duration of admission and the daily rate is calculated by the pediatrician individually.
It is worth noting that Pentalgin is prescribed to children in rare cases, since it can cause a huge number of he alth problems for babies. As a rule, pediatricians prefer safer pain medications.
When do the pills take effect?
Many patients are interested in how much "Pentalgin" from toothache begins to act. The tablets have a quick-dissolving shell, so getting rid of torment will not take long. As a rule, the effect becomes noticeable after only 15-20 minutes after taking the drug. However, it is important to understand here that everything depends on the individual characteristics of the body of each person and his body weight. But one thing can be said with great certainty: the analgesic has a long-lasting effect that lasts for a long period.
The time of action of "Pentalgin" with toothache is on average 5-6 hours, so if you take it at night, then up toin the morning, the pain syndrome will not bother you, and you will be able to sleep normally.

Take "Pentalgin" should be in compliance with all doctor's prescriptions and recommendations of the instructions. If you independently increase the dosage of the drug, then the following side effects may develop:
- dizziness;
- blue epidermis;
- excessive sweating;
- nausea and gagging;
- sleep disorder;
- palpitations;
- impaired functioning of the cardiovascular system;
- accumulation of excess heat in the body;
- fainting;
- lower blood pressure;
- convulsions;
- sleep disorder.
Since the drug is quickly absorbed, it is pointless to do a gastric lavage in case of an overdose. Moreover, it is forbidden to take any medications on your own, as this can lead to even more problems and very dire consequences. The only correct solution for an overdose of "Pentalgin" is to call emergency help.
Special Instructions
If the doctor has prescribed "Pentalgin", then throughout the course of therapy the patient must constantly monitor his blood pressure. This is especially true for people suffering from hypertension, which occurs in an acute or chronic form.
In the case of using an analgesic to relieve pain for the period of rehabilitation after surgeryoperation, you need to monitor the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Some of the components that make up the drug can lead to its decrease, resulting in a high likelihood of developing oxygen starvation. Such a condition can be very dangerous, since all internal organs begin to experience a deficiency of vitamins, minerals and nutrients, which affects the state of the whole organism.
When taking Pentalgin, diabetics should be especially careful, since one of the side effects of the drug is an increase in blood sugar levels.
What consumers say about analgesics

One of the best remedies for toothache is "Pentalgin". Reviews of patients taking this drug fully confirm this. The positive effect becomes noticeable after a short period of time and persists for a long time. As for side effects, with strict adherence to the dosage and instructions for using the drug, they appear in very rare cases, so you can safely take Pentalgin for pain syndromes of various origins and localizations.